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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Time for Season 2!

Channelknight Fadran

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8 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

“I do not know the word sibling. I am sure it is not important, you may keep going.”

Glena raised an eyebrow at that, but continued on.

"It went on like that for a while. We had our wars and alliances, and used mortals as pawns. It was too late that we realized how unsustainable that relationship was."

"Eventually, a group of mortals got sick of this. They hid from us, plotting, preening, warping my threads of magic and twisting them against us. By the time we realized this, they had stolen much of our power. We raised champions from the faithful. During the battle, I was forced to cut the threads of magic to prevent our loss. Naturally, this hurt me. That is why I cannot control my own form."

"We agreed, all of us, to meddle less in the affairs of mortals. As our influence lessened, the mortals that we presided over grew and changed. We provided a nudge here, a whispered suggestion there, but eventually we decided to leave. We said our farewells to our priests and headed beyond. Every century or so, we check back to see how our world is doing. I suppose that you'd call their nations 'Cyberpunk."

Glena smiled. "The time has almost come for my pilgrimage. I will return to my people, remind them of my presence and select the next magi of my world. If you'd like to come, feel free. I'd be happy to show some visitors around."


This is gonna be a plotline!


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On 16/02/2023 at 6:12 AM, AltonicKeys said:

Keys notices the absurdly large building and walks towards it with confusion. 

Eliira stood outside of the Inn, holding her sides and breathing deeply. Too many people, she thought, trying to contain her panic. She turned her small sculpture of Zirn'rii in her hands, remembering her oaths. She sighed and thumped her head on the wall. Why can't I just be normal? She had left the kitchen after gathering her tools and stuffing them into her satchel. She had then made her way out, and was now standing with her back to the wall, relatively close to the entryway. She glanced at the door and trembled. No... I can't go back. She thought. I will not go back to those people.

But her oaths whispered that she needed to. Or else... she closed her eyes and breathed deeply again. I could go somewhere else...

Just then she spotted Keys stumbling towards the Inn. Her mind split, one half wanting to guide, the other run. No... stay here. 

Zirn'rii zipped over to Eliira and landed on her shoulder, looking reserved. "Hey," She said, "Are you all right?"

Zirn'rii merely hummed a soft tone and shook his head. Your oaths, Eliira. Respect them. Eliira sighed and turned her head towards Keys, controlling her emotions. "Fine." She said.

"Hey!" She shouted to Keys. "Do you need any help?"


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oh yeah i forgot about this

Keys turned around to the shouting person. "Hm? Oh, hello. I would love to have any assistance of any kind right now."

Keys jogged over and held out his slightly bruised hand. "I'm Keys, by the way."
He withheld the part where he had no idea what that meant.

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1 hour ago, AltonicKeys said:

"Kinda weird inn, but I'm not compl-"

"...Hello flying spirit... rope. I don't really have an opinion on daggers, sorry." Keys turns to Fadran. "I'm assuming this is normal?"

Eliira grimaced. "Sorry about my spren, uh, Keys. He's very... excitable."

People say it's endearing! Ooo Eliira! Am I endearing? He formed into his tiny dragon form and perched on Eliira's head, flapping excitedly, oh, am I? Am I?

"Zirn'rii also talks... a lot. Er, sorry."

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Eliira smiled weakly. "My name is Eliira, of Roshar. Eh, nice to meet you?" She took a step towards the Inn. "Would you like to go inside?" She asked, despite her own voice screaming in fear within her head. "There's food..."

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You're welcome! Zirn'rii said as he zipped ahead, again in his ribbon-like form. 

"Uh, you're welcome, I guess." stuttered Eliira. She called to Zirn'rii. "Could you check if there's any soup left?" Zirn'rii twirled an affirmative and zipped away, before coming back almost a quickly.

There's still some in the pot! I dunno if it's hot, though! You humans and temperatures. So strange!

Eliira sighed as Zirn'rii once again zipped away, humming happily.

"So uhm, what brought you here?" Eliira asked Keys as she led him to the mess room. "I came here by accident."

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