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11 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

People always say that we are more likely to hit a villager C1 but I swear in the last 10-15 games an elim has died C1 more often than a villager has. Or at least been awfully close to dying. Now I want to go back and check to see if elims say that more often than villagers :P.

I wasn’t talking about the exe :P I meant the freelance kill, statistically. 

11 hours ago, Archer said:

Steel finding the rules on his own seems villagey to me. If I were evil, I'd worry that that edit looks like I got help from the elim doc. Or if I knew where the rules were the whole time, that'd be an interaction prompt and I wouldn't be so quick to end it. 

Yeah, that was my line of thought more or less. I’m not putting too much stock into it, so it’s only a slight village lean. Additionally, Steel’s post recent post reminds me of LG83!Steel.

5 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I also don't agree with the village read on Steel.

What’s your current read on Steel? 

4 hours ago, JNV said:

The Unknown Novels bit does seem kinda hm but not really evil hm just normal hm claiming roleless is just bad for keeping important roles alive Archer not explaining vote is grrrrr but not really hmm Steeldancer finding the rules is just eh not really either way I think Matrim went a little tough on Stick for what is just factually true but understandable and thats like it I think ok night night have fun

TUN never really claimed roleless so curious how you got that, plus this game is role madness so all roles are important roles. Also this entire paragraph reads entirely noncommittal to me. Like “this person did this suspicious thing but also not”. I’m starting to see a pattern in my JNV reads lately :P Nevertheless JNV do you have some actual reads? A vote?

I also don’t fully understand why people are village reading TUN - what I’m struggling to see is the purpose of a villager posing that question to the thread. Claiming roleless is the same as claiming a role because it narrows down the pool, like people have pointed out. I guess I can buy that they didn’t know the game was rolemadness (I was unsure too, though the way Fifth’s game advert on discord was phrased did imply role madness so I asked Kas to confirm).

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Alv, I will make the appropriate sacrifices of animal crackers to the Gods of Luck and Chance in acknowledgement of my mistake of calling them fickle. 

Steel is Steel and I get the rule thing. That's not really AI, though, because if he was that lazy in reading the rule post, he could be that lazy reading any doc he's involved with if they're trying to provide answers. (Been there, done that. Laziness reigns.)

Stick, I'm not sure it's a village read of TUN, as much as it is a NAI read from that particular suggestion. I haven't played with them much, but I think that sort of thing lines up with how they've played in the past regardless of alignment. 

Illwei, best chart. 10/10 accuracy. 

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Stick, Jeral stands corrected :P

My read of Steel is NAI, as I’ve mentioned. I would say evil only because I disagree with people v reading him but that’s not how reads work so just NAI

My read of TUN is less that what they did is villagery by itself and more that it fits with their v meta, imo

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Bucket Time. (Shard, no eating my post this time. >:( )

Good Bucket









Bad Bucket







As for Copper storage... it's all well and good to say they can just fake it this cycle, but that only works for so long. You can bet your buckets that the elims will have a list of possible Copper candidates, and given the general tendency to quote, that list might not be very long. Ideally, we give our power roles as much cover as possible.

That means voting also. Three roles result in a cancellation of one's own vote - copper, zinc, and tin. Any of those roles would be a good target for elims.

Current VC:
JNV (1): Stick
Araris (1): Archer
Steel (1): Araris
Striker (1): Xino
I will vote Striker- I am suspicious of the stance that we should avoid discussion of fillcons. It is almost certain that the elims will have their own discussion in their doc, so avoiding such discussion in the thread is useless. Of course people should not claim, but discussion is not claiming.

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7 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

I also don’t fully understand why people are village reading TUN - what I’m struggling to see is the purpose of a villager posing that question to the thread. Claiming roleless is the same as claiming a role because it narrows down the pool, like people have pointed out. I guess I can buy that they didn’t know the game was rolemadness (I was unsure too, though the way Fifth’s game advert on discord was phrased did imply role madness so I asked Kas to confirm).

They honestly aren't reading me as well as they should since I haven't made a rule analysis post, and I only make rule analysis posts when I'm elim according to Mat. Even though I've disproven that.

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Man, I was about to join that Stick vote. not sure what to do now.

TUN is only a suspicion for me because of the striker vote- people who vote striker on D1s are usually either new to him or an Elim- he phrases things in ways that makes him sound suspicious 9/10 village games. People looking at specific striker theories or whatnot to use that as base to push him always ping me a little. Striker isn't very good with TMI in my opinion, and that's the easiest way to find him usually.

If Striker is actually an Elim here then ignore everything I'm saying and rip my striker read accuracy but I'll hold it for now

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Why yes, yes i do.

I meant Xino. TUN just simply had a post that existed.

Wow. just read TUN's post and it was /almost/ villagery. but then it wasn't. Why do you guys have to be like that. smh.

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Speaking of existing, I will not for several hours because I need to go golf.

Also there’s a lot of vote manip in this game so maybe don’t leave the exe tied for 1 vote… I think there’s a 2 vote minimum but even then Sparkers can be active today.

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*insert offended comment about Illwei's comment saying I'm bad with TMI*

*insert admittance of being bad at TMI*

*insert confirmation that the rules do say that exes are a 2-vote minimum*

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Oh. Yikes.


To drive discussion, stick with my initial RNG, refute the people v reading him, and because he probably has the most discussion about him out of the candidates which is funny :P. 

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I don't feel very pushed to discussion from that vote, Mat.

What I do feel is that TUN's last post feels like TMI in a way. He is way too self-aware about how mat might percieve him in a way that feels completely unnatural.

Mat, Stick, Striker, Araris, Steel all V.

Of everyone so far I am most comfortable voting Xino still, I think.

My village reads on Stick and Steel are probably not the weakest of the lot, but the ones i would most likely vote on if for some reason all my village reads were the only viable candidates.

Archer, Elan, and Alv are all on my radar right now, as is JNV, but of those three? JNV is the only person I would vote on today.

I'd probably stick Elan in a temporary category of village, lower down.

There is definitely bias in me of wanting to suspect people who are using quotes more than I should, which is basically where most of my suspicion on Elandera comes in-though why I don't apply that to stick right now is beyond me.


Now Mat, A JNV vote I can kind of get behind.

Edited by Illwei
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11 hours ago, Kasimir said:

I have heard your cries.

The rules are >>>>HERE<<<<;

The final exam is at 1000hrs SGT tomorrow.

No mercy.

No extensions.

Only death.

squints not sure it's big enough :P

I'm less interested in the discussion whether I'm village or not for reading the rules *sigh*, and more in the actual discussion itself. It almost sets off my pocketing alarm bells. 

For my own sanity, some thought. We have 13 players, so most likely 3 elims. that means about... 4, probably 3 cycles until LYLO? With the weird kill action accounted for. 

I saw some discussion about a Alvron exe earlier, and I'd like to object to that on principal. He's always a dangerous player, but that's what makes him fun! It's like playing with fire, sooner or later you're gonna get burned but it's worth it for the playing. 

I'll reread thread and drop a vote when I get back from work. Hopefully the turn doesn't end by then...

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I agree that Alvron is a talented, witty, and formidable player. And I too am entirely against any attempts at pocketing. 

Mat should know better than to cast a vote like that abomination on Steel. And changing their mind that quickly makes me think they're overly self conscious of it. 

Hey Xino, why am I in the good bucket? Same question about Elandera too. 

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I thought better if it immediately after coming back, it was cast right before leaving for an hour or so and I wanted to do something 

I am overly conscious since it was a dumb vote :P.

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Current suspicion list: (and hopefully with reasons that others can understand what I'm trying to say)

Archer compliments me which feels like a pocketing attempt by targeting my ego, (which works btw) then next sentence says they are against attempted pocketings.  I am suspicious and flattered. :P 

Wei is not being the Wei I remember which is sad.  I liked that Wei.  Due to the fairly drastic change in playstyle since I last played with them, I am a little suspicious of Wei but I know where that suspicion comes from so I'm kinda ignoring it.  Maybe.  A little. Ish.

Still suspicious of Araris because it's Araris.  They fly under peoples radar most of the time, including mine more often than I like to admit, so I tend to try and keep a suspicious eye on them.

TUN is my main suspicion.  Yes their playstyle has changed since I last played with them and I don't know the current style which should by rights place them into the same category as Wei but it's their question about roleless that still raises red flags for me.  It is a question that I have asked myself when I've been evil for the very reason that it seems like a village thing to ask.  I admit that there is likely nothing that will dissuade me from that point of suspicion and it will likely colour my reads further down the line.

Not concerned about those suspicious of me as that's a good thing imo.  Players being suspicious of me means my playstyle hasn't changed too much during my absence.  I always try to look suspicious in order to keep my alignment hidden no matter what side I'm on.  Makes it easier to be set up for a mis-exe but it also helps me hide when I am an elim.

Vote Tally:
Araris (1): Archer
Ash (1): Araris
Striker (1): Xino
Mat (1): Stick
TUN (1): Wei
JNV (1): Mat
Archer (1): Alv

I would like to point out that despite what it says in the rules and what some are saying in thread about there needing 2 votes for a exe, the write up does say that there is no vote minimum for this cycle.  I suspect that is due to the low player count combined with all the vote manipulation roles.  So those with votes on them, you are on the chopping block.

Currently going to vote for Archer as he is the only one I'm currently suspicious of and doesn't have a vote.  Plus I don't dare break a tie. :) 

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