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2 minutes ago, Lemonelon said:

The Lemon was rolling her way to the pancakes when she spotted a shadow moving in the corner. She stopped, trembling. It was Hoid. Oh dear, honest Hoid. He was the sweet to her sour, the light of her life. He picked her up gently, careful not to squeeze too hard. 

"Oh, Hoid. Will you marry me?"

@winter devotion romantic enough?

Oh, I'd changed to roleplaying Cleo (and also Hoid on the side). 

And no, not romantic enough! :)

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Hoid/Cleo set The Lemon gently next to the pancakes. He hadn't said yes. She began to weep. Her sour juices spilling across the pancakes. What could she do? She was just a bitter Lemon. And this sweet man wanted romance. She went to fridge, and withdrew a bottle of wine and placed it on the blanket in front of the fire. Hoid/Cleo followed her with the pancakes. Perhaps now his romance fixation would be sated? For she was at her wits end.

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3 minutes ago, Lemonelon said:

Hoid/Cleo set The Lemon gently next to the pancakes. He hadn't said yes. She began to weep. Her sour juices spilling across the pancakes. What could she do? She was just a bitter Lemon. And this sweet man wanted romance. She went to fridge, and withdrew a bottle of wine and placed it on the blanket in front of the fire. Hoid/Cleo followed her with the pancakes. Perhaps now his romance fixation would be sated? For she was at her wits end.

(This is an alternate timeline version of cleo who's my consistent character). 

Cleo leaned in and smiled. She pulled the cork on the wine and poured a cup for her and her sweetest Lemon. She ran her fingers through her Lemon's hair and dimmed the lights with her Steel.  

"My Lemon, my light of my eyes, I will always follow you."

She sipped the wine. The orange wine tasted sweet. 

"I'll marry you, m'lady, of course I shall." 

She kissed the Lemon's hand and pulled out a ring of her own with the hand not in Lemon's hair. "Dearest Lemon, will you make the ultimate devotion to your love? Will you promise to love me forever, until the stars we're about to create die? Will you marry me?" 

Cleo slipped the ring onto Lemon's fingers, eyes filled with longing. 

"That's how you propose, my sweetest." 

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Just imagine a Morgan Freeman, or David Attenborough voice every time I RP, ok? That's how I'm writing it right now. 

Now what, you ask, is the Storms goal? I will tell you. 

It wants... to party. A real party. A party with lightning and speed and fun and storm cake. A party like no speed storm had ever had before in the universe. 

Problem was, no one wanted to party with the Storm. The last guy had tried to stuff it in a hammer for his son. It had shocked him. 

So the Speed Storm wafted through space, imagining the thundering party it would have one day. 

*quick note: I based this idea on the new origin of Thors Hammer, the Speed Force, and the Storms from The Engines of God. No, I do not just destroy right angles. No, I will not grant you speed powers. And nobody will be sticking me in a hammer. 

Excuse my nerdiness. :P

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Kintas blinked in the new sky. 


He was standing in nothingness, with the fledgling cosmere spread it before him. It was a disconcerting experience, though improved somehow by the fact that he also seemed to have no body.

Oh, you’ll get that back later.

He blinked. Or, well, tried to, but a lack of eyes and eyelids stopped him in his tracks. His mind still skipped a moment in time.

Yeah, I’m talking to you. 

Kintas /*I was Quintus once, wasn’t I*/ tried to find the source of the voice, but it quickly became clear that whoever it was didn’t have a body either, or at least he couldn’t see it from his current vantage point. 

“Who are you?” His voice sounded odd, but he could hear it, so he hoped the disembodied voice could as well.

Oh, I’m no one, really. Or rather, I’m no one important enough to worry about. I do have a friend that suggested I try to do something incredibly improbable, and so I decided to find out what happened at the beginning of this section of the universe. It appears I picked you up as a hitchhiker, or maybe a parasite of sorts. No worries, I’ll get you back where you belong once I’m done, but I want to see what happens here.

Oh yes, and I suppose if we’re going to keep talking, you’ll want a name to use for me. The name’s Dent, Arthur Dent.

Kintas didn’t answer. He wasn’t sure there was a point in talking to a hallucination in the middle of the weirdest dream he’d ever had.

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2 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Also, since we should have a lynch (though I think no one will die during the day turn, since we all have two lives), I’ll vote to roleblock Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half simply because that’s entirely too long of a name to deal with, and lynch HH, since he seems to be hoping for a lot of chaos, and is likely an Agent of Chaos.

Wait a second, Jond. I was only anxious to see my rule in action. Wouldn't you, if it were your rule?

Besides, the rule switch would probably mess up the Agents' win con, making it counter intuitive to hope for it. You seem to be very much not an Agent, since you are trying to eliminate excess craziness, such as Saeanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half's name, and are lynching me because I seem like an Agent myself.

I am not an Agent, by the way. I'm not going to retaliate-vote against you, instead, I'll join your orangeness on Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half.

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So what happens if we don't refer to Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half exactly as Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half?

Does anything that targets Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half fail if not used correctly?

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To start with, Drake shall not be boring. No-sir-ee. Never gonna happen, ever.

Next, I agree that Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half is far too long a name to have to deal with, but I'll one-up all ye orange voters, since we can cast multiple votes.

For variety's sake, I'll also throw AliasSheep in the red, because I don't recall there being an active rule against voting against the GMs.

6 hours ago, randuir said:

So, I've taken a long hard look at the rules, roles and other useful things, and I've reached several conclusions.

  1. This game will be absolutely bonkers.
  2. The Worldsmiths are effectively an eliminator faction.
  3. All the faction-less are effectively one-man eliminator factions.

1 and 2 are fine, but might I suggest that the rules we submit this cycle will be geared towards changing the third point? Maybe splitting the faction-less up into a number of new factions with unique win-conditions, or something like that.

I've submitted a rule to create a new faction. It should be a relatively small faction, but it is designed to conflict with the worldsmiths... I won't spoil the specifics, but you'll probably know which one is mine tomorrow.

2 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Oh yes, and I suppose if we’re going to keep talking, you’ll want a name to use for me. The name’s Dent, Arthur Dent.

Dent. Arthur Dent.

You're a jerk. A complete kneebiter.

      ~Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged


Ati surveyed the beginnings of creation.

It was... Well, it was a work in progress.

It was time to make something new.

The storming committee of divinity oversaw all new creations, so he'd have to file the appropriate paperwork first, and then it would pass to the floor of the pantheon.

But he couldn't imagine that they would reject a creation as awesome as this one.

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Changing my name to Dagger. You can call her Dag (a very intentionally picked nickname) for short.

When you get married, do you lose your current abilities or do you gain both?


Dag saw two girls swooning over each other. She scowled and resisted the urge to punch both of them. Never was the romantic type.

She had never tolerated any of that chocolate-and-roses thing. Everyone knew the more you liked a guy, the more you insulted them. And if she didn't like them - well, there was a reason nobody had tried to persue her for longer than a week. Had to live up to your reputation. 


Anybody cool want to marry/adopt her? She is open to proposals - especially if you have cool abilities ;) 


Sami is totally up for being boring

Edited by Sami
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Amarthion hammered the last of his posters into the wall. Each of them was emblazoned with a large title--"Lonely Gentleman Seeking Loving Bride"--a picture of him in his best suit, and a small block of fine print--"Must be female. Flirting RP preferred but not required. Adoptions at wife's choice." He stepped back and looked over the poster. It almost sounded too formal, but Amarthion hadn't done something like this before. It would have been strange if he had, after all.

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I for one, would like to marry a Potato Master, I like potatoes, will you be my master?

10 hours ago, AliasSheep said:


For everyone wondering about pancakes, I'll deal with it tomorrow.  I ain't got the spoons to do it rn.

For batter or worse, I think you mean the spatulas.



this game is going to be insane.

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