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  2. *Looks at large stuffed tiger sitting next to me I got at Ikea when I was six* Nope. What's your favorite Disney character?
  3. When Navani bonded the Sibling, and before when she was studying them, she noticed that a lot of the fabrials were primitive, or of lesser quality than the current ones used. Do we think, with her bond, Navani is able to magically remake the fabrials to be more modern? that, or do it manually throughout the entire tower. If that’s possible, what sort of new things could be added to the tower to make it more useful? We know it won’t be a spaceship, but it could become the beating heart of civilisation again, or at least the beating heart of the Radiant Orders.
  4. "Goodbye, Aventine. Maybe if we meet again, you won't try to disintegrate me."
  5. I visit a lot on my phone, but I can't view any of the forums on my phone, so I just check my notifs until I get home and get on my Chromebook. Also, it doesn't help that the Shard is blocked on all computers at school.
  6. As a continuation of this, if someone theoretically burned a large amount of pure god-metal while also burning Duralumin, would they be Invested enough in that instant to become a Sliver? Edit: I just realized Elend did this at the end of HoA, but if he had consumed more, would this affect be achievable.
  7. you are normal. and also a nerd. the two are not mutually exclusive
  8. She opened her hand and looked at the pill that sat in her palm. “Farewell, Quinn.”
  9. Have a real, live, man-eating, 10-foot tall bird. I have a skeleton.
  10. Oooh awesome! Have a triple-decker bed (that isn’t super cramped)! I have a statue of a small bird
  11. “Did I interrupt something? Sorry.” Jenny was now sitting with her feet on the table. Hopefully Lucid and Ashton wouldn’t take too long. She hadn’t realized how much Ed had kept things from being boring.
  12. Today
  13. I am officially out of sheep puns.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kajsa


      that’s okay, briecause you can always switch to cheese puns

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      You gotta cheese the puns when you see em, otherwise they’ll feta way.

    4. Experience


      xD y'all are awesome

  14. He stopped, pulling his hand away and trying to hide the blood.
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