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Everything posted by AerionBFII

  1. I've been here for years and a still get a....... 'Should I really post my nutty theory here(?)' feeling haha
  2. There is a link in Brandons most recent youtube video
  3. I don't know if this has been discussed but Shallans redheaded mother..... Did she die around the time of say.... Gavilars feast?
  4. This is what immediately sprung to mind for me.
  5. Sigzil claims that Hoid did this to him, and Hoid doesn't deny it so I'd hazard a guess that Hoid had some form of access to the Dawnshard to give to Sigzil but that he can no longer use it himself therefore he facilitated Sigzil to use it. I think When Sigzil suggests once the Dust Brigade gets hold of him they can trace the dawnshard back to Hoid it is more due due to the fact that they are Connected and that the Dust Brigade can somehow trace that connection.
  6. I think there is definite potential for this, I think before Kaladin swears any oaths he could (in the small scale) manipulate surges on bridge runs so maybe Connection has a similar role to play. But I do think it is more likely they could just sort of resonate with each other, there have been multiple comparisons on how similar they are as people. But more than just two people who meet and like each other but they can sort of sense that the other is a knight Radiant material or are on their way.
  7. Welcome to the 17th shard! Be careful of spoilers for the series you have not read and try not to drown from all the WOB's
  8. Yeah I agree with you wholeheartedly. Perhaps instead of lazy I should have wrote sluggish, the mental and emotional strain placed on him would have been incredible even without Ruin twisting his mind and whispering to him for over a thousand years. He seems to have been rather complacent in the Final Empire as a solution to the problem in a 'if it aint broke' kinda way. He seems oblivious to how far he'd fallen from his origional goals. As you said he'd given up completely on figuring out a way to combat Ruin and had decided to ransom the world for another thousand years. In his position I honestly couldn't think of a permanent solution to the Ruin issue. This is maybe the most succinct description of Rashek I have read by the way haha. As he aged he became more complex individual. He mellowed a little with age and had some good intentions but I am not sure that things would have gone so smoothly as he suggests (I am sure there is a WOB on this somewhere) He would have simply taken up the power of the well of ascension and used it's power tried to tweak and solidify the empire to secure himself (and the empire) for another 1000 years. The most interesting thing we know is that he knew Ruin would be working against him and expected some kind of development but was unable to foresee it was Ruin backing Vin and Kelsier.
  9. I have to side with this. TLR was complacent, arrogant and lazy. He held incredible power but only used a fraction of it in the confrontation. I think it’s also reasonable to say he wasn’t in full control of his faculties since he was being twisted by Ruin for over a thousand years. it’s a combination of everything people have said on this thread.
  10. Nice try Kelsier, I am not helping the Ghostbloods
  11. I honestly have no idea. When Aux helped to connect Sig and Hoid, he appeared to mistake Hoid as Kal. I am unsure whether Hoid did this intentionally to grab sigzils intention or if Sigzil was just desperate to see Kaladin. The fact Hoid was wearing the uniform was probably Hoid being a showman or playing into nostalgia. So I'd agree with you that he seems to have a little wiggle room to project himself how he wants I’d love for Kaladin to play a larger role within the Cosmere but I don’t think Brandon will go that route. I think Sigzil was so shocked to see Kal was because of how much time he spent in the run and never expected to see him again.
  12. I have just blitzed the spoiler stream and I am honestly shocked and amazed how much Brandon gave away, there is so much here to work with and speculate on and I am curious about what caught the attention of you guys. Apologies if this seems rushed. What was the WOB that most resonated with you or opened your eyes the most? For me personally the revelations/confirmations that:
  13. I am starting to hate this man. I can’t even keep up with announcements. Never mind how the hell he accomplishes all this.
  14. There is an event going on on Reddit to ask questions about SP4!! if you guys want to ask questions you can ask or upvote questions there! if you want answers I’d try there guys
  15. 4- This seems so cosmere aware and involves a lot of exploration into different worlds and secret groups. Nomad is a badass and I look forward to the hints it gives in Stormlights future 3- This seems a pretty cool book, interesting worlds/magic, Design gets a chance to shine (unintentional rhyme there) 1- I’ve always been a sucker for a good Hoid story 2- Meh. I’m a native of England so the title was a surprise but I’m more interested in Cosmere antics I won’t be skipping it though
  16. You should check Brandon’s Youtube channel, he has writing lectures on there you may find helpful!
  17. I think Aux is Sigzils deadeye Windspren power up by A dawnshard
  18. Well considering the last time we left him he hadn’t been off world it must have been a while. He recognises Scadrian technology, threnadite names and a bunch of other Cosmere knowledge of places and investiture. If I had to take a stab I am leaning towards his dead spren being affected by a dawnshard. We know he has a spren and I assume we’ll find out the name in the next SA book. This is by far the best Secret Novel project.
  19. I may have become homicidal if he had
  20. I was holding my breath that Brandon was going to say, “and that’s where we’ll leave it” when Hoid and Sigzil meet lmao. It’s glad to get In world confirmation on a few of these though it’s been haunting me for years.
  21. May have just been the inflection in Brandon’s voice but the ‘Kal’ seemed so forlorn makes me think he’s gone. The guys an actor.
  22. Hard disagree, I think it’s down to personal preference but it’s made me ravenous for more
  23. I feel like Aux is a dead spren revamped by the Dawnshard. The Kaladin reference almost killed me btw.
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