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Everything posted by Khyrindor

  1. They don't really do anything, from what I've been able to deduce. They're just a cool quirk of reputation on the Shard. When your post are upvoted, your total rep goes up, and after a given number of votes, you move up in titles. For more information on specific titles, visit this thread: Scroll down to the fourth post for a complete list. Welcome to the Shard EDIT: ninja'd by @Ookla the Heraldic
  2. Voidbringers be like: In all seriousness, I'm interested to see where it goes. Hopefully, it goes with him being Odium's tool, until Odium grows tired of him and tries to have him disposed. Then Moash slinks back to Kaladin, and Kaladin kills him. I'll have to reevaluate my opinion on a reread, but I didn't really like Moash's chapters. I see why they were in there, but they were the only ones in the whole book I was uninterested in and tempted to skip. I do hope Brandon puts a little more feeling into him in the next book, just to make it a bit more believable. It wasn't handled 100% to my satisfaction. But again, I'm interested in seeing where it goes. Maybe it's redeemable (the plot, not Moash, he's crem).
  3. Haven’t read all the replies, but I just want to add one thing. I think that at the level in Oathbringer, being Cosmere Aware isn’t extremely important. But, Brandon is putting those more obvious elements in to push the average reader to think that there are other worlds, if they didn’t know it before. In other words, I think he’s making it a bit more obvious so that it isn’t a surprise to casual fans when these things actually do become important. I’m personally excited about that.
  4. Personally I think it's common enough knowledge. But in spoiler tags: But other than that, I really like that thought. I'll have to think on it some more.
  5. I like your thinking... ...however, did you notice Rock says "chef" and not "cheif"?
  6. Is this what you're referring to? It's something out of Oathbringer, we aren't sure what.
  7. Yes, I believe Pagerunner got confirmation at an Arcanum Unbounded signing last year.
  8. Yeah, my recent question about whether or not Adonalsium had a Cognitive Shadow left behind was RAFO'd, and this would blow that out of the water.
  9. This would bring a nice answer to the WoB that says "Once there was a plot to destroy Adonalsium. It failed." Fascinating also because in the Spiritual Realm, nothing is really bound by time, so Adonalsium's Spirit Web should technically still be around with an imprint of the original in it. Also, Hoid's chat with Dalinar about "cutting someone up and putting them back together" has always seemed to me like a talk about Adonalsium, especially since Hoid name dropped Adonalsium just before. Upvote for you, sir! I'm not totally sure I agree yet but it's good food for thought and is certainly possible and would explain things.
  10. Relevant WoB: So according to this, Jasnah had to exit Shadesmar by using a Perpendicularity. Yet, there was no Highstorm. I think Honor's Perpendicularity has to do with something else. I do like the general idea of the Storms being something, but I don't think it's a typical Perpendicularity.
  11. If that were possible, our cast in their adventure would have been able to use the Highstorms to cross over, rather than having to trek hundreds of miles to the Oathgate, so I doubt they function as a perpendicularity. It may be that the Highstorms are only an access to the Spiritual Realm's power, as they do recharge spheres.
  12. @DocHoliday@Ookla, the Incalculable, thanks, good points. May run off the Dor in any case, or be a similar mechanic, or maybe perfect gems made into fabrials (if indeed it is a perfect gem) don't run out of Stormlight even with use (unlikely). Either way I doubt it's a Perfect Gem, even if it is an early Warning Fabrial; I doubt they'd keep something so valuable and use if for something arbitrary if they have another way to detect people.
  13. I don't know if I ever full on bawled, but I know I teared up at several parts: Kaladin's brother. Rock's family, I think there was sniffling when I read his daughter doesn't remember him, and it broke his heart. I swear Rock is the only thing that holds Bridge Four together. Hobber healing his legs. Bridge Four's last time carrying the bridge. Elhokar's untimely demise and Kaladin's freezing in battle had me take a break from the book for a whole day--I was shaking. When baby Adolin is born, and then Dalinar doesn't see him for years. Adolin helping both Kaladin and Shallan through their problems. Kaladin failing to swear the Fourth Ideal. Dalinar defying Odium, and Evi forgiving him from the Spiritual Realm. Dalinar did not deserve her. Teft swearing his Third Ideal. Jasnah sparing Renarin. Probably others.
  14. Mistborn is only 350 years (or so) before Stormlight. In my reread I'll have to see if they mention warning fabrials being a recent invention or not.
  15. I'm pretty sure (But I didn't reread) that the gem we see the Ire use was a topaz, and was used not as an anti-Shade device, but a warning fabrial. We see many of its kind in Stormlight.
  16. re: Kaladin: Each book can't end with Kaladin swearing an Ideal and saving the day; that would get repetitive, and would be shallow writing. I'm glad Sanderson went another way and it's fitting that Kaladin is so far unable to swear an Ideal relating to accepting that he can't save everyone. Don't get me wrong, I'm sad for Kaladin that he couldn't, but I'm glad (objectively) that he didn't, as it makes the story better. Kaladin did a lot of growing up this book, but it's not quite over. Also, on freezing, he wouldn't have frozen in a normal battle, but when your friends are brutally killing each other, and Kaladin has not yet accepted that not everyone can be saved, it's very understandable. Death is one thing; death of people you care for is another story. Adolin actually seems further along than Kaladin, forcing himself to "grieve later". re: Shardplate: It was strongly hinted that Dalinar could now (perhaps) summon plate. There was a paragraph when he swore some Ideals and noticed a shimmering of lines going around his body. re: Recreance Yeah it seems underwhelming and I hope we get a bit more on it later on as well. I like the theory that someone posted saying that perhaps the Old Radiants acted as ours did, until something happened that made it 'sink in', such as, perhaps, the Surges destroying the Plains, leading them to become the "Shattered" Plains. I agree with Steeldancer (too lazy to look at his Ookla name) that if you look at it objectively, it makes sense that what happened happened, when God is saying the Surges will destroy the world. I do hope it's more of a point of contention later in the story, as it was foreshadowed to be a huge problem.
  17. If you reread the Prologue of Oathbringer, in one of the first paragraphs, Eshonai says she expected humans to be dark formless monsters, as the old songs indicated. This foreshadows the reveal that humans were really the original Voidbringers.
  18. That's how they pronounced it in the audiobook, IIRC, though perhaps with a bit more of an 's' sound preceding the 'zh' sound. My reactions to your reactions: (OB Spoilers) Don't know why they're bolded, and it won't let me fix it.
  19. A good point, perhaps plausible. Though to avoid any confusion on this stuff they should have added a line or two to make it clear.
  20. I wasn't at the event personally, but my book was. Courtesy to @CaptainRyan . Thank you very much! I asked if Adonalsium left behind a Cognitive Shadow; sadly I was RAFO'd.
  21. May want to tag this with Oathbringer spoilers. Nice work! Have an upvote. It makes a lot of sense this way, and I'm formulating a theory that deserves more thought. May post it tonight.
  22. You remember this: Now get ready for the sequel! Now with Oathbringer spoilers!
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