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Green Hoodie Mistborn

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Everything posted by Green Hoodie Mistborn

  1. you could do a problem that deals with the elements like potassium, sodium, cesium, and Harmonium that generate exothermic reactions with water... Maybe more of a biology problem, but Sandmastery's use of Water as a focus and the resulting dehydration... Something related to Soulforging... i.e. "if you could apply a stamp to something that converted it from one element to another, what would the energy input required or released in that transformation to add the necessary protons/neutrons/electrons or remove them?"
  2. I don't remember it being only women, but if could be only women were kidnapped for the perceived "weakness" of the fair sex. Northern Scadrial seems to suffer from many of the same sexist stereotypes that America and Europe entertained in the similar time frames. Women allomancers/feruchemists would have been easier to keep/subdue per stereotype.
  3. For a single symbol I'd do harmonuium. As it contains both Preservation and Ruin and the series still has the interplay between those ideas as a theme.
  4. Two thoughts 1. Maybe this is where the "God Beyond" comes into play that we've seen referenced? 2. Night blood should be investiture given sentience. Though he is basically a hacked Soren so it may be redundant to mention him.
  5. doesn't this also mean that the relative amount/power of investiture available doesn't matter? Nightblood just feeds on it? I.e. I saw another thread where someone was saying that if Odium picked up Nightblood he could destroy a planet with the sword because of the power of the Shard funneled through Nightblood. To me this quote says that Nightblood has 1 power level when sheathed, and another when he is unsheathed and feeding on a wielder's Investiture... but it doesn't increase with consumption or availability of investiture per se. Also - would have been nice for Elend to have had Nightblood in that final battle... might have been able to kill even MORE Koloss!
  6. I on the other hand think that Hoid can be incredibly spiteful. He did after all tell Dalinar that he would let Roshar burn if he furthered his goals. I think he would definitely do it just to expose the fact that Kelsier is still running around, if that is something Kelsier wanted to stay hidden.
  7. Is the "they" in the quote "team Sanderson" or "historic Windrunners" I wonder... I like that Adhesion gives Windrunners much more maneuverability in the skies... makes their claim to own the Sky's much more concrete... otherwise Skybreakers would be just as good as them in the air, which would be silly.
  8. Poor Ettmetal mistings... how do you survive testing?
  9. These are what I'm talking about: http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1069#30 http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1069#31 So, these could be interpreted in a couple of ways, but I read them as "historically, Voidspren were only bonded by Parshendi and KR spren by humans, though it is possible for both to happen each way." http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1088#54 It is confusing, so if they are not opposites/equivalents, then they can't be the voidbinding. But if Voidspren historically were only bonded to Parshendi, then they must be the "historic" voidbinders that are spoken of, and not Humans who bond voidspren in some other way. The other interesting piece is Adolin's armor and the lightning flashes at the end of WoR. KR were created to help fight in the desolations against Voidbinders/bringers, etc. The lightning from Stormform is perfectly canceled out by Adolin's armor, indicating to me that it is a form of Voidbinding that the armor was created to help fight/block.
  10. So... We have some confirmation that a parshendi can become a KR. Which should requires a Nahel bond with a specific order's KR spren. If Stormspren are identified by Pattern as Voidspren, and if their taking Void based forms is similar mechanisms to them forming a Nahel bond with a KR spren, wouldn't they then be Voidbinding by taking a voidspren?
  11. *Urk*... thanks @BlackYeti... for some reason I just couldn't figure it out! I think because I was foncused and swapped the void-skybreaker and void-dustbringers in my mind. That is very odd that the void-dustbringer symbol would be attached to a map, unless the symbols still exist in Vorin lands they have just lost true meaning and now are used as pieces of art or decoration? Kind of like how people have shirts or posters or vases, etc with Egyptian Hieroglyphics on them. There is meaning there, but no one now (for the most part) knows what it is, and they are just used as decorative art. If Listener Forms are related to these symbols, then surely we've seen the void-windrunners in Stormform? Or maybe Stormform is more closely related to void-elsecallers as they called a storm to being and can sling lightning (like Jasnah, though not as accurate)?
  12. it is an interesting idea that voidbinding consumes spren and is the other end negative system we've seen. #4 the void dustbringer and the symbols in the corner of the map don't look the same to me... am I missing something stylistically?
  13. man... evil and devious way to kill an allomancer though. Like (spoilers Well of Ascension just in case): Put a thin layer of a normal allomatic metal around ettmetal/Harmonium and pass it/them out to whoever you wanted to eliminate. Let them ingest it, start to burn and *BOOM*
  14. it's also possible that we might find out all of these little details through reading Oathbringer... hopeful!
  15. I don't think anyone is debating whether or not he's drawn in and used it before really. The question is really by what mechanism has he been using Stormlight? And, how long has he been able to do so? Did he have one method and now has switched over to another? Did he start a proto-bond with the Stormfather when he rearranged his life to live by the codes? Did he get a proto-bond with the Stormfather after he started reading/reciting language from the Way of Kings (in world book)? Is the Thrill like a mini-Nahel bond with an unmade that allows the user to draw on Stormlight? Is/was/has he been pulling Stormlight from the spheres embedded in his Shardplate? All of the above perhaps? I like the idea that the Thrill gives some small ability to use stormlight, but that when he rearranged his life, he started a proto-bond with the Stormfather. That bond has allowed him to use unconsciously small amounts of Stormlight, but also is the vehicle by which the Visions were delivered. And now it's a full bond, so he's doing the drawing in of Stormlight consciously.
  16. My first thought was Cesium, talk about reactive with water!
  17. Revelation/Thought - we know he's been reading the way of kings for a long time. There is this: He is hearing a voice speaking the First Ideal to him a little over 1/3rd of the way into WoK, at a point where the killing in a battle is sickening him and he's trying to summon the Thrill My guess is, he has spoken the words well before. Maybe even years ago when Gavilar was "studying tWoK", maybe shortly thereafter, when he changed his ways and started "reading" it for himself. Eitherway, my guess is that potential Bondsmiths when they speak those words, start their bonding of the Stormfather, which is the vehicle that allows them to receive the visions in the first place. Only potential Bondsmiths can receive the visions is my thought right now. Any previous healing... probably from the Thrill, maybe the Thrill also gives access to Stormlight. It's probably a type of Nahel bond with the corrupt Unmade spren. If that is the case, it would explain why the feeling is familiar, even before his staring to form a Nahel bond.
  18. It never says his shoulder is full of scar tissue. Just that there are external scars present all over his shoulder. I'm sure that his underlying shoulder is perfectly healthy, it just has the scar lines on the outer skin layers. His doctor makes the same assumption about underlying scar tissue inhibiting his mobility too in that scene, but given his lack of inhibited motion, the assumption has to be external scarring only based on his Cognitive expectations.
  19. ^ This Dalinar expected there to be scars, so there are. He might be able to get rid of them with proper "mental gymnastics"
  20. But... Honor witnessed the Recreance which was post the Last Desolation...so there couldn't have been desolations after Honor was shattered. Unless I'm missing something? That does lead to an interesting question in timeline for me, if Honor was still alive after the Last Desolation, why did he not seek honor against the Heralds who abandoned the oathpact?
  21. Per Alloy of Law with Wax there are two times, on page 117 and 208 (kindle edition) that he basically puts almost all his weight into his metalmind: Also relevant I think on page 169: And from page 30, basically the same/similar trick that Sazed pulled: Shadows of Self relevant quotes: Couldn't find anything really relevant in Bands of Mourning. There was also this discussion back in Feb
  22. There is a limit to the amount an attribute can be stored though. You can't do 100% unfortunately, you're low end bounded in real Feruchemy WoB here: http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=977#29
  23. When Pattern speaks of lies, he is usually talking about Shallans use of metaphor in speech. They are not literally true, but are descriptive lies that paint a picture. Like a song "blowing up the charts/radio". It does no such thing but that paints a word picture that is useful for a hearer to understand something about that song's success.
  24. I read an interview in August with Rothfuss that talked about him spending basically 30 min per WORD when he was writing the Prologue and Epilogue to Name of the Wind
  25. That is completely not fair to Rothfuss. He loves his fans as much as Brandon, but they have different approaches to writing. Sanderson is more of the anomaly than Rothfuss in the way he approaches writing. and we have been spoiled by it.
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