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Green Hoodie Mistborn

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Everything posted by Green Hoodie Mistborn

  1. Hmm, interesting perspective. I'd assumed that WoB * was related to the breaking of the Oathpact. So for instance, I fully expect Taln (if it really is Taln) when he re-summons his Honorblade and gets back to sanity to have access to his full powered Honorblade abilities, etc. I anticipate this happening in a very dramatic/dire moment in the coming battles with the voidbringers in the new Desolation. it might couple with someone taking up Honor again somehow, but I really hope that doesn't become a repetitive thing in the Cosmere (people picking up dropped Shards that is). I can see your perspective on the stuff, but as far as I know, the blades were bonded to the Heralds individually, not to Honor. In my mind, this means that Taln's blade is fully powered since he never broke the Oathpact, and the other Heralds have a chance to redeem their Blades/Oaths still since Brandon has said that the Oathpact isn't as broken as the other Heralds think.
  2. I think a Herald using an Honorblade would still have that Direct Access as the Cognitive Shadow. Much like a Returned has a Fifth Heightening Breath, or a Lerasium Mistborn is much more powerful than a standard era 1 mistborn. I think the Herald themselves are the key which unlocks the direct access of the Honorblades, so I'm not 100% sure that Brandon's statement needed corrected as it shows in the WoB. The power of Honor is still out there and present in Roshar as much as it would have been when Honor was still alive after all. It's not like the Heralds tapped into the Stormfather or the Highstorm to get their direct connection, it just was. Therefore I think they are that connection. They are also stronger/faster/immortal like the Returned of Warbreaker (see Denth's speed and Vasher's endurance, etc. not the "modern" gods).
  3. The basements not on Roshar? It's a new theory to me… Please expound upon that.
  4. For now... but that may change as we get further into the 2 arcs of the SA. Kaladin may end up as the leader of the re-founded Knights Radiant by the end of the first arc as Dalinar does some huge sacrifice or something to stop the big bad end of arc 1.
  5. Dragonsteel has a long wait list, and I have heard of people on the right Interlibrary loan systems being able to check it out through ILL as well, but I've had no luck myself with that.
  6. We do know that it's possible to bond more than one spren though it is very hard... maybe he'll get an Edgedancer spren for all the healing and remembering of those forgotten that he does to go with Syl.
  7. That is how I've always understood it as well. There may be something to the you can't use mixed pairs without issues. So one of your own and one of another's must have issues. Unsure if you just had two of someone else's what that would do.
  8. The three characters (Gavilar/Dalinar/unnamed death rattle victim) who have had the highstorm visions were all older adults, so age/experience might have something on the Bindsmitg side. I bet it is order to order though.
  9. The article doesn't say that Kaladin is more honorable than Dalinar. It actually says that Dalinar is "not more honorable": That just means that he's not more honorable than Kaladin, but it also doesn't mean they were trying to say he's less honorable either.
  10. They don't have to be, but I feel like these are all valid answers. If you can afford aluminum bones... why wouldn't you have them?? They are lighter and stronger than most non-metal materials, they are allomantically inert, so no worries about pushing/pulling or blue lines, they could be used as cash in a pinch, or even a weapon if she pulls out a femur, they are very hard to break... the list probably keeps going...
  11. @NefariousNautil @neiljosten @aminyarhd @kaz_inej Read the update to his post, not just what people posted here. https://t.co/AYHQ75z7Fa

  12. You also presume that they only recruit those who "have something to offer". it could be the let people join who discover them. Maybe Galladon found other 17th Sharders on Sel, or maybe he was the explorer sent to investigate the Cognitive realm after a long time had passed on Sel and though he struggled through the chaos of the Dor, he couldn't find a way back. Stranded, maybe he came across Silverlight and the 17th Shard? I agree with Calderis too that he does have something to offer the group, and would be worth recruiting... I just don't know how they or Hoid got through the danger of the Dor to transit the perpendicularity.
  13. I always assumed that the house Galladon occupied was his father's house. Maybe that is just weird head canon of mine
  14. No, I tried to ILL it once, but I don't think my local libraries are part of the ILL group that has BYU as I was told it's unavailable a couple times
  15. You could try to get into the BYU library and read Dragonsteel
  16. I thought that was Soulstone from Sel?
  17. I thought he was more protected even than full form since he already has a bond and would have to want to Change like Eshonai
  18. I'm hoping that the leather-bound edition coloring is consistent by planet of the main story/characers. So all Sel stories would be that blue from the Elantris, all Scadrial would be the maroon from tFE...even the Era 4 since they are primarily Scadrians traveling the stars. Mixed editions like AU could be some neutral color like a white (unless Whitesand is eventually done leatherbound). That seems nice and organized and then they don't have to worry too much about coloration per book... eventually we'll have 35/6 of these if they continue through all 10th anniversary's! (I hope they do!). I'd love to see a Hemalurgy chart somewhere in one of the Scadrial editions, though I think WoA may be too soon. Probably HoA or even Era 2
  19. I wish I could up vote this more than once. I love the reading of the text here and your attention to detail. I wonder if there are anymore side instances like this that have repeated "subconscious" references to other orders/essences/stones that could be found on a deep re-read? It might give us some insight into future developments!
  20. I've assumed the same as @CaptainRyan on this one. You also can't reclaim the breath you give a lifeless, it is sticky. I assumed that would prevent draining by Nightblood somehow.
  21. I agree that his schedule seems wide open for a secret surprise for the next few years, and I'm sure he'll slip us something in there because he has proven incorrigible over the last few years! But at the same time... I don't want to get to the point where I expect him to produce like has has in the past and complain if we "only" get 2 books a year (what I say to myself often when I start to feel this way: "are you kidding me 2 books a year?? that is like 4000% more productive still than other authors out there!") We are lucky that he has spoiled us so much in the past! I'd rather learn to be content with 2 really high quality publications a year than 5 that might suffer from attentions being spread too thin for him and his staff.
  22. Per the 2016 State of the Sanderson Lost Metal will be his next non-YA project and he plans to put a progress bar up this fall (2017), shooting for a 2018 publishing. Here was the proposed timeline just 6 months ago: February 2017: SnapshotNovember 2017: Stormlight 3Spring 2018: Apocalypse Guard 1Fall 2018: Wax and Wayne 4 (final book)Sometime 2019: Apocalypse Guard 2Sometime 2019: Undecided. (There will likely be a second novel this year. It’s possible that I’m still working on Stormlight 4 though, and will have a lean year as a result.)Sometime 2020: Stormlight 4Sometime 2020: Apocalypse Guard 3 (final book)
  23. I'm willing to bet that Szeth would not willingly fight Kaladin again... Kaladin might pursue and force the issue, but I dont' see that. happening any time soon, especially after Edgedancer
  24. Well, Scadrial is very metal heavy. Seemingly heavier than other planets so that could be a prime export. I wonder of that phrasing "through Scadrial" though, that seems odd. Not sure how it would be a pit stop, unless it's a more like old school 18th century and earlier trade than more modern trade. To get the goods that were valuable as an import locally, you'd often have to do a multi-pronged trade sweep/swing. Local export to point A, trade for point A's goods, take them to point B trade for their goods, then back to your home with point B's goods which are what is valuable in your location. So Scadrial could have been a prong of a system like that, which would have disrupted the whole thing and ruined some merchants!
  25. Not sure if there is newer info on it that I've missed, but this is the last discussion on the topic that I remember/can find: There is also this one from just in December:
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