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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Hey guys!! Sorry for the double post, but guess what?! Soon after i posted this, Nightvale stopped working on my phone!! Now i'm probably being paranoid, but dad, if you are reading these and you decided to block nightvale, could you please unblock it? i promise i'll do all my home work before i listen to anymore, pretty please??? Also can you, uh, tell me why you did it? Anyway, bye guys! Have a great rest of your Wednesday!!! edit: Update! He said nothing, but nightvale is working again, so..... ????
  2. yesyesyes!!! It's like toned down tma mixed with Gravity Falls but also it's own thing entirely and it is so wacky and adorable and i love it very very much and episode 25 made me cry. (i listened to that like an hour ago lol I'm on ep 27 now. i should be doing homework but i am listening to nightvale instead ;-;)
  3. I find you a bit intimidating sometimes because you're just so darn sensible lol. Like a lot of us on here are just totally wacky little gremlins (affectionate, not excluding myself) and you're just very good-natured and nice and serious. I don't think you're scary or anything though. I just think you're awesome. But maybe one day...... (please take all of that as a compliment because it 100% is <3)
  4. I just finished 25 (One Year Later). I was crying at the end lol. This podcast makes me so happy, it's like toned-down Magnus Archives mixed with Gravity Falls and also it's entirely its own thing and I love it so much omg
  5. :OOOOOO GOO ELF!! THAT"S AMAZING!!! Good job!! Flute is such a pretty instrument.
  6. Telrao- your pfp- *dies from fluff overdose*

    (it is perfection)

    1. Telrao


      Thank youuuu!!

      *throws muffin*

  7. Woahhhhhh i started playing that song just to realize i knew every lyric... i literally do not remember listening to this ever but somehow i know the whole thing???? this is absolutely wack. i mean i had an imagine dragons phase in 2017 and somehow these lyrics must have completely lodged in my brain?? seriously clicking on that song and somehow hearing myself sing all the words was one of the weirdest things i've ever experienced. it's a certified banger tho Also does anyone here listen the the podcast Welcome to Nightvale? Edit: robin, i've been scrolling through here and you have a totally epic music taste. IMMORTALS HECK YEAH
  8. That is completely true. I still totally wish he was focusing on the Rithmatists instead of Skyward though lol. But all the things you said are very fair. I realize I must remember that Sanderson is a person and not a book-writing robot (though it does feel like it sometimes doesn't it lmao)
  9. :0000 i just finished episode 19b (kinda spoilers) sorry... that was barely coherent, wasn't it. i just haven't found anyone who likes nightvale yet (let alone nightvale and tma, which is why you get the weird tma rant as well ;-; i apologize.) thank you!! and yeah going through my book and remembering what was going on while i was doodling is fun.
  10. Thank you guys so much for the kindness :DD anyway art block has been a thing. i'm trying really hard to draw a picture of Marsh for an art trade but it's so hard for some reason ;-; here are school notebook doodles: Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy luv you guys i'll have some real art soon byeeeeee
  11. that picture gave me full body chills and i physically flinched from my computer lmao. How did you get it?? has he pmd you???
  12. i hadn't really thought about this before. (spoilers)
  13. *angery screming* HE PUSHED THE DATE FORWARD BECAUSE OF DEFIANT!!! *more angwery screming* sorry sorry i know people really like that series it's just tainted for me because it's not nearly as good as anything cosmere (skyward was pretty great but starsight and cytonic are kind of not) and it's taking his time away from my bois kaladin and navani and adolin and renarin. i would say that all cosmere series are more deserving of his time, and if he's focusing on a non-csomere series it should be THE RITHMATISTS because it's so frickng cool and it's been 10 YEARS and no sequel ahhhhh edit: oh lord i'm really sorry eluvianii ii did not mean to dump that on you ;-;
  14. This pfp madness had been quite fun, but I am done lol.

    In other news, has anyone here read the locked tomb series, and if so, do they want to be best friends?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Yeah, I only did mine for a day, too.

      Was still fun though.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Everyone changed theirs back so I changed mine back. 

    4. Lament on the Wind

      Lament on the Wind

      Yeah,it was really fun,but i'm also changing mine back :)

  15. Oh, curious! I thought nina'd was a term unique to the shard, but I guess not lol.
  16. Your writing is so good!! i will admit, i am not keeping up with the story so i can't remark on the plot, but you write excellently.
  17. HAppY BirthDAy!!!!

    here is a cake




    1. Medium


      hey she made me a doomslug cake for my bday last year :D

  18. Wow. You as someone who has never been ninja'd understand it much better than I (who has been ninja'd many times). Welcome to the shard!!
  19. Hmmmmm i only made it halfway through season 2 But i love this show!! I will finish it this summer, probably, when i don't have homework. Sorry there's no point to me replying to this lol
  20. bfhlosifvblsifbgvlaaaaaashuiejdfgbiialuvbkiiuvjbkhjljjjbjkdtfdklshf parents sry had to get it out of my system anyway here are my new favorite peoples (Gideon Nav and Harrowhark Nonagesimus) from my new favorite books (The Locked Tomb series by Tamyson Muir. jk Raven Cycle has my heart forever and always but oh my lordy lord. Gideon the Ninth. what a book) I did not draw the hand. i was having much trouble with it so a friend who is good at hands assisted :D i was gonna draw her pants more but then i didn't want to so i did not lol (also just for the record Harrow is wearing facepaint, she doesn't have a weird skull face. peeps who've read the book would know Gideon should have it too but she only starts wearing it like to or three chapters in or whatever and i just wanted to draw her normal face lol.)
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