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Szeth's Facepalm

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Everything posted by Szeth's Facepalm

  1. Cinnamon no You've fallen into the hot elias trap
  2. Hiya!!!! Streak is only four days, unfortunately. Languages are Spanish and Korean, and i technically have reached unit four on the French tree and unit five on the Italian tree, but i took the skip tests and used only my Spanish knowledge as i know not a lick of either lol. i have many memes
  3. I have my first debate ever today guys

    Wish me luck

    *is very nervous*

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Morningtide


      THAT'S AMAZING! Good job!!!! 

    3. Robin Sedai
    4. Flaming Coinshot

      Flaming Coinshot

      What format? 

      Also good job

      Debate is nerve wracking. 

  4. *gesp* no slander for my book gf jk, it's cool if you didn't like her. i just think she's neat lol
  5. I personally think Morningtide is the owner of the braincell, but I am flattered.
  6. The Mitchells vs The Machines is literally the best movie I've ever seen in my entire life. I am crying uncontrollably rn. Move over Marasi, Katie Mitchell is my favorite fictional person of all time and also is me. I have not had these feelz for a movie since... since Shrek 2

    1. Wittles


      Oh my gosh that movie is amazing! I love it so much!

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      It’s a great movie. 

      AH SHREK!!!! FHEICHWICIWOFUEUFYWUZOQOXBEICHWOZJDIWJSISIS sorry I played Fiona once and now even thinking about shrek scares me.

    3. Morningtide


      I will have to see this movie then!

  7. Sharders: I have no fear! *[mod] sent you a message* Sharders: Correction: I have one fear.
  8. Woah I didn't realize people had such strong Jasnahoid feelings This is peculiar
  9. I love all the ones with Chaotic Elf™ so much omg :3 Also, I am a mermaid.
  10. Hiya guys!! @Witless of Shinovar's latest SU inspired me to generate some quotes for sharders, and... they're pretty funny. CalanoCorvus: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold? Szeth's Facepalm: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house. Elf: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million. Szeth's Facepalm: Good thinking. CalanoCorvus: Everyone, synchronize your watches. Szeth's Facepalm: I don’t know how to do that. Morningtide: I don’t wear a watch. Elf: Time is a construct. *Szeth's Facepalm is cooking* Mornintide: Any chance that’s for me? Szeth's Facepalm: It’s for CalanoCorvus. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need them on my side. Elf: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment. ^^^^^^^^^ me whenever i accidentally offer him things with gluten ;-;-;-; Cinnamon: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do? Szeth's Facepalm: Have everyone stand. Morningtide: Bring three more chairs! CalanoCorvus: The most important ones can sit down. Elf: Kill three. ^^^^^^ Elf i love this one sm Cinnamon: Szeth's Facepalm and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Witless: *Sighing* What did Szeth's Facepalm do? Cinnamon: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and... Szeth's Facepalm: Who wants a steering wheel? ^^^^ that one is just so... so... i don't understand it but i laughed for like 2 minutes Cinnamon: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Szeth's Facepalm: The cow??? Cinnamon: What? Morningtide: Facepalm, W H Y? Cinnamon, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Szeth's Facepalm: You did WHAT– Witless: William Snakepeare ANYWAYYYYYY These are pretty fun and everyone should make them. Please keep them not weird and clean :D Here are a couple of generators: https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/ https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator tagging everyone i used in the quotes: @CalanoCorvus @Elf @Morningtide @Cinnamon (aannnnd i already tagged Witless.)
  11. Hi elf :D my device still has trouble with the downloads, but i really wanna read it..... do you think you could copy and paste it into a pm? :3
  12. Question: Do we choose the characters we want to be our contenders? also @CalanoCorvus @Morningtide @Cinnamon @Elf any of you guys wanna do this and be a team :3
  13. you quoted, didn't spoiler box it lol. and (spoilers)
  14. fandom-wide acceptance :) only trait we ever get for any of the characters is when Basira refers to Tim as "the hot one" which is the best thing ever.
  15. :O thanks for 2000 rep, guys!!!

    To celebrate, I'm gonna do what I usually do, which is a vibe check SU. Usually they have a theme (oddly specific, book, music, etc) but I can't really think of anything, so... you can choose! Here's a list:

    1. characters 2. books 3. music 4. instruments 5. oddly specific.

    Or maybe come up with a new thing :D

    As always, if i don't know you well, i'll do my best, but it might just be from looking at your profile lol.

    Luv you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  43 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      Who did you murder?


    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      It's all good, Facepalm. No problem.

    4. Cinnamon


      @Szeth's Facepalm I'm giving you a vibe check


       Oddly specific: You are frog eating a pink Arnotts Tic Toc biscuit with sprinkles while spinning around on a record player that is playing TMA main theme on repeat


  16. hmmm you sort of draw a line for the arm and then you draw another line for the forearm and you adjust it till it seems realistic. his arm is actuzlly bending back to much but it's ok cause you don't really notice so much. edit: oh wait @Cinnamon you mean how i drew the hand itself? ermmm... it took a lot of tries... i... i don't remember exactly how i did it ...... just kinda... don't press down too hard with the pencil? i don't know... be loose, i guess? i don't rly know how i did it either lol
  17. Guys i colored in the Jon boi wip!! I'll probably add a background and a big eye or something to finish it. But i'm pretty proud of how he turned out :DDD anyway expect more Jon and tma in the future because i. i just love them very very much *cries in the corner for a couple minutes*
  18. *posts here twice in a row about the same thing* My teacher said i was really good at composing and that i really have an ear for it which like omg yesssss. Especially because with cello i am great at the theory and pretty good at the rhythms, and i can take in and understand info well, it's just that i struggle with putting it into play when i'm actually playing. but apparently i have no such problems with composing!! I'm finishing up the harmony of my duet and i'm working on a piano/cello piece and it feels so cool!!!!
  19. Me say Cello > Bass > Viola > Violin Also dude i practiced a ton today and my fingers are so sore ;-; Edit: oh shoot oh shoot my right hand is acting weird, it's hard to bend my pinkie and it part just below my fingers feels kinda sore ;-; ahhhh i hope it isn't anything bad. hopefully i just practiced too much and it will be fine tomorrow. gah. at least it's my bow hand and not my string hand. pls be ok pls be ok ;-;-;-;-;
  20. Eeps. I offer warm hugs and a bunch of black forrest gummy bears? Or if you don't like that brand, Albanese?
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