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Everything posted by Soulbinder

  1. I was ranting about this draft I wrote and then couldn’t convince very many people to read. Sorry.
  2. Sure, I could send you a link. It’s not too long (at least compared to Sanderson books).
  3. I did, but I haven’t got many people to actually read it. Last count was six. Five of which are family members.
  4. Granted, but every time he does, he shocks himself unconscious. I wish someone would actually care I wrote a book enough to try it.
  5. Ooh, I need that for my series finale! (the series I can’t get anyone to read. But the ending in my head involves fireworks, so...) I have some enchiladas, homemade. Probably at least worth a silver spoon.
  6. So I saw your avatar and was curious: do you also like the Dragon Prince? (Seriously underrated show in my opinion. Really good.) Also scrolling through this, I may be wrong, but did you mention Wings of Fire?
  7. Ooh! I’ll switch someone’s suitcase for that one in an airport if I need a distraction! For some reason, people find blood a tad distracting... I’ve got the head of a chull. Don’t ask me why it was in that suitcase...
  8. Um... so I don’t know if this is the right place to ask this, but I have a question. I would really love to join the Alleyverse, and I have a character, but is there a place that I could start RPing? (And do you guys WANT random newbies just jumping in? I don’t want to be a nuisance)
  9. If you were a Misting, which ability would you want?
  10. I’ll take it! Anyone want a Hemalurgic spike of dubious origins?
  11. Oh, I would love to be a Windrunner! I think I may end up there if we’re basing it off personality
  12. My talent would be losing papers. Not great for homework. It’s like Atticus’ talent, just less useful. Papers can only be found AFTER they cease to be relevant.
  13. Hmm... I like the first idea! Thank you!
  14. Just because I didn't have a better idea
  15. No, it's fine. Just being a Coinshot works best anyways. And true, the more I think of that, the less sense it makes about the informant thing. Any alternate suggestions for a background? (Sorry, it's my first time doing anything like this)
  16. Also, I did check the index just now, and I see your point. I guess I'll remove the Steelrunner bit; it didn't really fit anyways
  17. Yes, it technically is, but she was never caught, and was only used by the more... shady police.
  18. Um... a Brandon Sanderson book? I join the group that hates Moash, and Sadeas was downright annoying. I don't have a least favorite book that's Sanderson. Actually, I'm not sure I have a least favorite book period.
  19. Um... ok... I'd like to join? Name: Zephyr Physical Characteristics: Small eighteen year old girl, with long curly hair such a pale brown it's almost white, blue-violet eyes. Investiture: Coinshot, Steelrunner Skills: Can play flute, is an acrobat. Makes a living as a street performer. Equipment: A pair of daggers, wooden flute, 50 muffin pack to-go Weakness: Cannot resist the allure of muffins no matter what, addicted to danger and sugar. Turns into a useless blob if daily sugar requirement is not met. Family: Was orphaned at a very young age. No known family members. Home Planet: Prefers to wander, but native to Scadrial. Backstory: Left her orphanage at age six. Worked as an informant for the police using somewhat illegal methods to gather evidence (like for example breaking and entering, and stealing all the baked goods in the house). Got bored and started working as a stunts person at age fifteen. Guild: As of yet unaffiliated, but open to options. Psyche: Spunky and bright, but occasionally goes into a sugar zombie mode in which nothing but sugar holds value. Personality: Friendly and warm, and an absolutely loyal friend, unless it's you or the muffins. Fighting Style: Refuses to fight unless snacks are provided, but will generally attack with exaggerated moves and flair. Hazard of her profession. However, it does mean she is rather unpredictable.
  20. A person 48 years old, 37 days, 39 minutes,38 seconds.
  21. I do some buildings, a few people, some landscapes. It really depends.
  22. Not even for Stormlight? Yeesh. Well, I guess I need something to cook my rice... I have instant noodles.
  23. Ooh, cool! Food storage! I've got a stick, but it refuses to be fire.
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