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Status Updates posted by Frustration

  1. Congratulations on your marraige!

  2. Top 100 in rep congrats

    1. Condensation


      Oh, really? Huh. Awesome! Thanks!

  3. Chaos I just saw your comment, you got married Congrats!

  4. I don't think I've ever found a song that summed me up so well.

    There is one swear so watch out but, man, it's me.


    1. Experience


      That's actually so true on so many levels. And the music is good so that's a plus

  5. Well, I'm going to have to be off the shard for the rest of the week.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frustration


      Oh don't say that I was feeling so appreciated.:D

    3. Chinkoln


      Well, in the past when people said things like “a few days” or “the rest of the week” it ended up being a couple months

    4. Frustration


      When I say something take it at face value.

      if it ends up not being something is wrong.

  6. If anyone ever needs ideas for a RP character feel free to ask I have more than I know what to do with.

  7. Hello brother!

    The time of the green gem pfp's has come!

  8. I recently learned that the highest possible temperature is called Absolute Hot and have never been so simultaneously amused and disapointed

  9. Huge Shoutout to @Lesser spren over on Sanderson memes for the new format. 

    I would like to personally thank them for progressing memes into the future.

    1. Chinkoln


      I would like to add that they are also an amazing artist, and have contributed a lot of fan works to the Shard.

    2. Lesser spren

      Lesser spren

      I'd like to thank the academy, the shard, and most of all frustration for this pretigous award.

    3. Lesser spren
  10. Hey Dannex from your questions to ask Sanderson I have an answer to one for you.



    So, if Nightblood, unsheathed, killed someone, would their soul still go to the Beyond?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, that's gonna be a matter of-- There's gonna be disagreement in the cosmere about that. Nobody has been able to actively test it, because there are certain things you can see, but there are people who are actively discussing this concept.


    So, no one knows for sure?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Nobody knows for sure. And I'll just leave it at that. It's an astute question that even Vasher has-- Vasher has his thoughts, but he does not have a definitive answer, and others disagree with him.

    Salt Lake City ComicCon 2017 (Sept. 21, 2017)


    1. danex


      I guess that's kinda an answer. I think I'll replace that question with one that might get a more in-depth answer on the same topic. 

  11. Why'd you turn off following?

    1. LewsTherinTelescope


      Idk, it just makes me feel kinda weird.

  12. Congrats on top 100 in rep

    1. Chinkoln


      Thanks! It has been my goal for a while. I noticed it yesterday and texted Anarchy, but didn’t want to make a huge deal about it for other people, because I feel like I do to many status updates already.

  13. See you later

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chinkoln


      Maybe he was testing how much he was valued on the Shard, and we just failed the test.

      I feel bad now.

      We value you and would miss you if you left! Never leave! Please!

    3. Frustration


      It was an April Fools

      Unfortunatly @Chinkoln there will come times when I will have to leave, but fear not, for I shall return when they inevitably come

    4. Chinkoln


      Ya, I get that people have to take a break sometimes. 

  14. I don't usually make Status updates for Rep count, but 2,000 is a milestone, thanks guys!

    1. The Technovore
    2. Frustration


      Thanks @The Technovore this means a lot to me.

    3. Chinkoln


      Ayyy!!! You did it!!! You are officially a Sanderfan now!!!

  15. @Chinkoln did you... get a haircut?

    1. Chinkoln


      It took 6 minutes for someone to notice. 
      I am really bad at art. I have to be deeply Invested in a project to even stick with it for more than 5 minutes. I can count on one hand how many projects I have undertaken voluntarily. One of them was yesterday. I drew a picture of Lift, sent it to some artist friends and @Anarchy, got feedback, edited, and so forth.

      I really liked how it turned out and decided to put it at my profile picture as a trial run/self-promotion for my stuff. I probably won’t keep as my profile picture, but who knows? I’m still working on Lift so if it is REALLY good I may keep it.

  16. "Don't tell anyone. I can't say it I must wisper. I found this." -a particularly small Frustration


    Brandon Sanderson

    Chapter Twenty-Three


    Elantris Annotations (Sept. 2, 2005)

    there was more to the WoB but that's the important part.

    1. Chinkoln


      Why are there WoBs older than I am...

    2. The Technovore

      The Technovore

      Chaos is worldhopper confirmed

      IRL is Cosmere confirmed

      Big news. Very big news.

  17. Help?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Technovore

      The Technovore

      4 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon unsalted butter

      1/4 cup plus 1 teaspoon flour

      tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

      teaspoon baking powder

      1/2 teaspoon salt

      ounces unsweetened chocolate, broken into 1/2-ounce pieces

      ounces semisweet chocolate, broken into 1/2-ounce pieces


      cup sugar

      teaspoon pure vanilla extract

      1/4 cup sour cream

      ounces chocolate chunks


      1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Prepare the chocolate brownie layer. Coat a 9 by 1 1/2-inch cake pan with 1 teaspoon of butter. Flour the pan with 1 teaspoon of flour, shaking out the excess.
      2. Sift together 1/4 cup flour, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt onto waxed paper. Set aside.
      3. Heat 1-inch of water in the bottom half of a double boiler over medium heat. Place 3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, 4 tablespoons butter, and 2 ounces semisweet chocolate in the top half of the double boiler tightly cover top with film wrap. Heat for 4 1/2 to 5 minutes, remove from the heat, and stir until smooth.
      4. Place 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, and 1 teaspoon vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a balloon whip. Whisk on high speed until slightly thickened, about 1 1/2 minutes. Add the melted chocolate mixture into the egg mixture and whisk on medium for 30 seconds. Add the sifted ingredients, whisk on low for 10 seconds, then on medium for 10 seconds. Add the sour cream and whisk on medium for 5 seconds.
      5. Remove the bowl from the mixer and use a rubber spatula to thoroughly combine ( also add and combine 4 ounces chocolate chunks ).
      6. Pour the brownie batter into the prepared cake pan, spreading evenly. Bake the brownie for 30 minutes, until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow to cool in the pan at room temperature for 5 minutes. Turn out onto a cake circle and refrigerate for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the brownie from the refrigerator and cut in half horizontally. Keep the brownie at room temperature until needed.

      Make sure to eat outside--in the sun, if possible.

    3. Frustration


      You guys are the best :wub:

    4. Chinkoln


      I know, I'm amazing:P

      Thanks for being so awesome Frustration!

  18. Congrat's on top 100 in rep

  19. Me: *checks to see when my Shardiversery is*

    Also me: Uhg, still several months away

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doomstick



      why is there no strikethrough here?!

      *raises one eyebrow*

    3. Frustration
    4. Doomstick


      depends on your device

  20. So, we just made Allomancy, Feruchemy and Hemalurgy soft magic systems


  21. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I suppose I'll ask you as you are the people who will benefit from it.

    Should I give you a contact method for me outside of the shard, is that something someone would want/need at some point?

    1. Condensation


      I don't know. Do you feel comfortable with it?

    2. revelryintheart


      if you're comfortable giving it away then sure

    3. Experience


      I mean. The only two things I can think for the use of is if you go inactive unexpectedly or if people are meeting up with you in person. If your ok with it then It's probably fine.

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