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Status Updates posted by Frustration

  1. Congrats on top 100 in rep

    1. Condensation


      Yeah... just noticed that.


  2. 2nd most posts. congrats

    1. Condensation


      Me when I saw this:


      *checks leaderboard*

      *sighs in relief*

      Yes... I have second most posts. Thank you.

  3. I don't have a theory to work on right now, so what topic would you like a theory on?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frustration


      @HoidWasTaken that's rather vauge, anything more specific in mind?

    3. LukeWasTaken


      I don't know, its a topic. I can't think of anything.

    4. Vessel of Theory

      Vessel of Theory

      Frustration you should dm me about a super exciting theory I'm about to hatch :)

  4. Second fifty memes posted.

    that's two hundred total

    1. Condensation


      Wait - huh? Which pages on Sanderson Memes? I only have the first one bookmarked.

    2. Frustration
    3. Condensation


      Okay. I'm going now. :)

  5. I'm like three memes away from completing it, but I need someone to remind me in about 3 hours to get it done

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      I am reminding you that you probably forgot. 

    3. Frustration


      I am remembering everyone that I didn't forget

    4. Vessel of Theory

      Vessel of Theory

      Thank you for remembering us that useful fact :)

  6. You have the fourth most content on the entire shard congrats.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frustration
    3. Condensation


      I'll get there whether or not I try. I'm going to get there slowly.

    4. Frustration


      you're already top 3 in posts

  7. I have been invited to join an occult 3 times now

    1. Condensation
    2. LukeWasTaken


      Should I be concerned?

    3. Frustration


      @HoidWasTaken no, they've been throwaway acounts

  8. Congrats on top ten most popular sharders of all time.

  9. First ever Theory Thursday winner has been posted

    congrats to @CogitoErgoArclo for winning

    The Theory can be found at the Theory Thursday Thread note RoW spoilers proceed with caution


    1. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Ah, the first of many. I will note you misspelled 'thier'. 

  10. *sadly*

    My champion.

    Where are you.

  11. Guys!!

    Brandon got Cookies during the livestream and I'm scared.

    Also he might do a Meme review and I hope he looks at the shards

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frustration


      @Ookla the RōninRōnin he basically ignores us(I was surprised he mentioned the site) it's likely just going to be reddit.

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Love how he ignores his own fansite.

    4. Tesh


      Ah, true.

      I often forget about Reddit. 

      The Shard and random Google searches about birds or swords are generally the only reasons I use the internet at all, which I'll admit is a little weird.

      I say he pay us some more attention.

      But, then again, if he posted something on here the site would likely explode.

      They should do something with this place, though...

  12. 50 Cosmere memes posted

    1. Condensation


      Where? Tag me, please!

    2. Frustration


      Sorry for the delay

    3. Condensation


      You're all right, thank you!

  13. I am now Twinborn, Who wants to be my twin?

  14. Only 6%?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aspiring Writer
    3. Frustration


      I was more surprised you could stop at only 6% and find time to update,

      yes 20% is much better

    4. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      You realize 6% is 80 pages, right?

  15. I'm bugging you to write your story

  16. I'm going to be inactive on the Shard for a week, so goodbye until then.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Frustration


      I had a grand total of 21(I checked out the first 15 Sunday so I cheated.) but I have seen all of them

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      including the meme?


    4. Experience


      Maybe I follow too many things lol. Only 21 notifs?!

  17. Meme update 4

    I have 50 memes

    1/2 done!!!!


    1. Turtle
    2. Condensation
    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      also congrats, i thought i said that already. whoops

  18. 37 memes!

    1. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      But are any of them video memes?

    2. Condensation


      Nice! Getting closer!

  19. 100 memes update 2 25 memes complete 1/4 of the way there

  20. Alright 100 memes update currently at 16 memes.

  21. Why you worshiping dead trees?

  22. To everyone waiting I am now done with 90 memes, the rest soon to follow, and then I have to divide them by book, and will post

    1. Frustration


      All 100 memes done




    2. Chinkoln


      I can’t wait for the 100 memes!:P

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