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Everything posted by Lunamor

  1. Granted. You become allergic to being allergic. I wish to never get itchy.
  2. Gets 16 mistings. Inserts a filled coppermind.
  3. i use the pwr of lzy typing 2 nock u out n take the sandwich 4 me
  4. Is that another human kidney? Remember what we talked about... Abracadabra!
  5. I figured I should do something special for my 8,000th post, and I conveniently just finished a school writing project. It's extremely niche, but I'm posting it anyways for the heck of it. I wrote a (fake) excerpt from the (real) ancient Roman novel Metamorphoses by Apuleius, probably written some time during the 100s. It's fascinating to read something like that and it's surprisingly funny, although I'll note that I'd give it a heavy content warning. It's about a guy named Lucius who gets turned into a donkey and has to go on a journey to change back. A significant portion of it is vignettes Lucius hears from other people. The one I wrote is told by a woman who seems to be enslaved by bandits, and she just finished telling a kidnapped girl, Charite, a story to try to cheer her up. Lucius is listening in donkey form nearby. (Spoilered for length and bookended by the real text from the novel)
  6. Jenny, quickly forgetting about Roy’s weirdness, joined Aaron in the skipping. Her enthusiasm continued to heighten as she got closer to the colorful lights. She thought that she could maybe see some flowers through the windows, although it was still hard to tell. She knew that there was definitely something she wanted inside, though. She grinned, but it was wide enough to look creepy.
  7. Jenny glared at Roy, the temperature around her lowering a few degrees. ”I only want to look at the flowers. I don’t think drinking is a good idea.” Roy was being weird, and he was too excited about this place. That couldn’t be a good sign. She wasn’t as enthusiastic about entering the casino, now. But something in her still wanted to see it. Even though she was looking away, the bright lights still flashed in the corners of her eyes. There had to be something really cool in there.
  8. “…oh.” She quieted for a moment, embarrassed. “That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go inside, though.” Jenny turned to face the other demigods, making her best puppy dog eyes. ”Please?”
  9. “We can just take a look inside really quickly. We don’t need to buy anything. The signs say they’ve got lotus flowers!” Jenny pointed to a pair of giggling women stumbling out of the casino, oblivious to the fact that they were both quite clearly drunk. ”See, they look happy! That means it must be really cool inside!”
  10. Jenny, meanwhile, was very interested in the casino. She wasn’t used to seeing buildings with flashy lights and neon signs before. She only vaguely knew what a casino was. She squinted at the largest sign, eventually deciphering the word lotus. Lotuses were pretty. Maybe the casino had lots of flowers. Cities didn’t seem to have enough flowers. ”I wanna see what it looks like inside!”
  11. Jenny narrowed her eyes at Roy, thinking for a moment. She was probably the worst person on earth for guessing if someone was faking being asleep or not. Eventually, she decided that sleeping was worth the risk. They were stuck on a crowded train; Roy was likely smart enough not to kill her when everyone else was right there. She closed her eyes, then immediately passed out. @Scars of Hathsin
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