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Everything posted by Lunamor

  1. Confused, but mostly placated, Jenny wolfed down the remainder of the fries. She then wound up Timothy and let him walk around the table for a bit. Gift wrapped around him and gave him a metal shell. It made the toy move smoothly and look more realistic. Jenny beamed at it. ”Ed’s really great, I promise.”
  2. “Um… is that a compliment or an insult?” Normally people called Jenny crazy when they were trying to be mean, but Kasa seemed like a nice person. Nice people weren’t mean to regular people like Ed.
  3. Jenny hungrily ate exactly half of the fries. ”It is!” She held up Gift proudly, and it transformed into a tiny statuette of Kasa. The fine details were rather impressive. She pulled out Timothy, her little wind-up dog toy constructed out of rubble, and set it down on the table. ”And this is Timothy. Ed made him!” She loved the opportunity to show off one of her most prized possessions.
  4. The milkshake disappeared at an alarming rate as Jenny drank it. She made sure to leave exactly half for Kasa. She then started at Kasa’s food for a moment. ”…can I have some of your fries?” She felt pretty sheepish. But the fries looked really good.
  5. “Hopefully not long.” Jenny glanced over at Ares briefly, hoping he hadn’t heard Kasa’s comment. ”We need to get away from this area soon. The police are bound to catch up with us if we stay any longer.” Gift turned into a fidget spinner. She smiled, then started playing with it.
  6. Jenny followed Kasa again. She was smiling, so Jenny smiled too. That probably meant she was happy. She wasn’t bothered by Jenny being there. She’d have to tell Ed about this when he sent an Iris message.
  7. Jenny followed Kasa, then handed the worker a ten dollar bill. Luckily she didn’t have to do all of the math on her own. She then stood there awkwardly, not knowing if she was supposed to do anything more. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d actually paid for something like this.
  8. “Alright.” Jenny sounded a bit reluctant at the idea of sharing, but Kasa was right. Having that much by herself would probably slow her down. She looked down at the money in her hand, then back at the menu prices. She slowly began to work out the math, visibly struggling with it.
  9. “Do you think a jumbo milkshake would be a terrible idea?” Jenny wasn’t sure if she could physically fit that in her stomach, but she really wanted it. Demigods probably had extra strong stomachs or something, right?
  10. “Ok!” Jenny took the money, smiling. This could mean that Kasa wanted to be friends too.
  11. Jenny’s stomach rumbled. Somehow, despite the fact that she’d just eaten a very large meal, she was starving. ”I’m pretty hungry.”
  12. “Hmm…” Jenny thought for a moment, then shrugged sheepishly. ”I was hoping you’d have some ideas.” She tried to cracking her knuckles too to see if that would help. It was uncomfortably loud.
  13. Jenny squinted at Kasa. She didn’t look very dead. Maybe she wore a lot of makeup or something. ”I think I may-or-may-not be dead. Like, dead, dead. I don’t produce body heat, I’m really tired, and super pale. It must stink feeling like that every morning! It’s at least a relief knowing I’m not the only one.” She was being completely sincere.
  14. “Not really?” Jenny glanced out of the window. The grass was still dead. She looked back to Kasa. For a brief moment, she looked to be nothing more than bones. ”I’m not sure how to fix me. I’d ask Jace, but…” She gestured at his heated conversation with Terrance. ”Have you ever felt dead before? Maybe it’s a big three thing?” Something in her knew it wasn’t, but she might as well ask.
  15. “He shouldn’t draw much attention by himself.” Jenny looked at Gift wrapped around her arm and felt sick. She shouldn’t have let Ed give it to her. He was defenseless without it. ”He… he can take care of himself. He’ll be ok.” Jenny sounded more like she was trying to convince herself than she was Kasa.
  16. “I’m… ok. I’m not dead yet, which is good. I feel like I’m dead, though, so that’s not good. Ed’s gone too, which also isn’t good.” Jenny fiddled with her gloves to make sure they covered her skin completely. She didn’t want to accidentally bump into Kasa and drain her life. That wouldn’t help her attempt at a friendship with her.
  17. Jenny slowly realized that she probably should quit participating in the conversation between Terrance and Jace. It seemed to be getting pretty personal. She glanced around and spotted Kasa. Jenny hadn’t spoken to her very much; now might be a good opportunity. It’d distract her from Ed’s absence. She walked over to her. ”Hi Kasa! How are you?”
  18. “Eh. Horneaters, we can handle drinks that lowlanders cannot.”
  19. How do we get this lion to stop chasing us?! Goose!
  20. Beautiful purple pandas die never.
  21. unravel to a surprising length.
  22. Doesn’t it seem like a hassle to talk this way?
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