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Everything posted by Lunamor

  1. Have some carbonated water that once sat next to a lemon. I have a porcupine quill.
  2. Granted. You starve to death. I wish for a fish on a dish.
  3. I ate a cricket three days ago. It was pretty good. WYR be a cat or a dog?
  4. Cause I said so. What’s your favorite Pokémon?
  5. It’s oddly warm right now. Too warm to leave the window open, actually, since that would let out the air conditioning. TPBM wears a hairband on their wrist.
  6. Polly finds this stereotype offensive
  7. Man, this thread used to be godmod central Meanwhile, Lunamor snuck into the room and drank the rest of the “juice”.
  8. https://youtu.be/mYkHQkCZUTo?si=696cyG6rszyHVbtt
  9. Writing. Gimme a love story involving a ninja and a confused stalker.
  10. Here’s an unripe blueberry. I have a macadamia nut cookie that looks deceptively like a white chocolate cookie.
  11. Oh my gosh, we totally are! I take the sandwich while proclaiming that Teen Titans Go is overhated and actually really funny.
  12. The Mandalorian. How good are you at ice skating?
  13. Nope, although I didn’t take any classes at my high school my senior year and went to a community college instead. So maybe yes on a technicality? TPBM uses the Shard on their phone more than on their computer.
  14. Gets a piece of paper with the number for the Poison Control Center. Inserts a replica of the Statue of Liberty.
  15. The intro music from Elf is stuck in my head. I am not pleased.
  16. Why was his hand red? It kinda looked like blood. ”Are you ok? It looks like you’re bleeding.” Maybe he’d accidentally sliced his hand on a steak knife or something. He felt like the type of person not to mention something like that, even if he needed help with it. Jenny happily hugged Timothy.
  17. “Hmm. Ok.” Jenny wasn’t sure if she believed him, but it wasn’t like she was going to get an actual answer if she continued to ask. She stared at a few stains on the ceiling.
  18. “Did I interrupt something? Sorry.” Jenny was now sitting with her feet on the table. Hopefully Lucid and Ashton wouldn’t take too long. She hadn’t realized how much Ed had kept things from being boring.
  19. “Watcha doing?” Jenny peered over at him, trying to see what he was doing. There was a solid chance he’d just refuse to tell her.
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