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Status Updates posted by AonEne

  1. I do enjoy bouncing

    Hi @Tesh and @The Awakened Salad

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chinkoln


      Please, tell us how to do this amazing thing

    3. Chasmgoat


      is it because you are a mod and have html powers or something?


    4. AonEne


      Yeah, it's source code magic 

  2. Happy birthday to the time traveler

  3. Lol did you see what I was viewing and go there too

    1. Frustration


      Yes, I do keep track of what staff is viewing Let's me know they aren't on my tail It's nothing sinister, I just look into what you do sometimes.

    2. AonEne


      Oh it’s all good, I didn’t think it was sinister, just noted it :P 

  4. Lol okay so, I get on, one of the first things I do is check for spambots, and I find one. In the about me she says "to meet and storm her" and I went ?????? for a good 10-20 seconds trying to figure out if this was an innuendo I was missing before remembering our swear filter :lol: 


    There are tons of different bitcoin robots out there that claim to be the best bang for your buck. However, a good amount of them are scams and will not make you any money on your investments. Bitcoin Storm appears to be a legitimate bot claims to bring in money on what you provide to the platform. 

    You're not even sure about your own product, I think you MIGHT JUST be a scam too :P

    I'm dying, this is legit just a shutter ad. I thought it was a weird nickname but they're genuinely selling something they call the Ultimate Shutter. Why is this so hilarious https://www.17thshard.com/forum/profile/41834-ultimate-shutter/


    You truly can’t deeply inhale natural air anyplace. You simply stay there and take in and out, hurting yourself. 

    *deadpan voice* oh no 

    Man, we had a lot of spammers today... 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Ene, I want you to post daily spambot updates. I absolutely love every last one of them.

    3. theTruthshaper


      I second the above statement.

    4. AonEne


      hehehe, might have to be weekly, we don't always get them (or funny ones)

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY, ily fren :lol: 

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. theTruthshaper


      hehe (You can't open discord right now?)

    3. AonEne


      Nope, sorry, school computer. I'll be back when you wake up ^_^ 

    4. Doomstick


      I like non't youn't or unyesn't youn't

  6. 100 days won! Thank you all very much ^_^ 

    1. JesterLavorre


      Congrats! You deserve it.

    2. Chinkoln


      Congrats, but I think I may have stolen the day from you… sorry

    3. AonEne


      mmm so you did. welp :P

  7. Adding onto my fourth-wall-breaking story ideas ~ 

    The core characters, working under the theory that they’re in a story, go Okay, so the protagonists always survive the big battles, right? And they figure out ways to win partway through. If we just trust in ourselves or whatever our powers will evolve and we’ll find some new ability that saves the day. 

    They head into some plot-important fight with almost no preparation, assuming they’ll win just because the protagonists always win. 

    They lose. They lose so hard. The antagonists utterly destroy any semblance of a plan they did have, no new power manifests to save them, there is no dues ex machina person swooping in, and someone dies. Maybe more than one someone. 

    They barely make it out, and it’s not because of their Special Status, it’s because one of the minor characters had an escape plan and through sheer luck. 

    They don’t ever bank on winning again. They learn that being the main characters doesn’t mean they automatically get what they want. They know, after this, that they have to actually earn victory. 

    Next time, they make a real plan. 


    Honestly I'm too happy and relieved that it's over to feel bad that it took me so long. :wacko: No more school unless I choose to go to college, and then I have more control over what I take...and a smartphone now :o:lol: 

    So I'm very happy (though feeling mildly physically unwell, maybe because I didn't eat much today, and very cold, but that's normal. I live to worship the heat vents in our house). How're all of you? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ed Venture

      Ed Venture


    3. Wyndlerunner


      Congrats my friend!

    4. AonEne


      Thank you alllll 

      I know Silva, I did eat at the end of the day, it just took me a while :P 

  9. All I remember from the loopy half-dreams I was gonna tell you guys about is an imagined conversation that went something like 

    "I'm sitting here eating popcorn hehe" 

    "I have caramel popcorn, does anyone wanna trade" 


    "how do you have five buckets of kettlecorn" 

    "It was my payment for an assassination!" 

    "Why'd they pay you with that??" 

    "They were all out of the normal kind of popcorn" 

    and then weird things idk 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. theTruthshaper


      ooooh, makes sense, yeah. Those are weird, it feels like the thoughts are completely logically connected but they really aren't

    3. Chinkoln


      Alright, once I have your school’s address, I will be on my way.

      See you in about 3~4 days

    4. Vapor


      If I could drive I would, Ene, I would.

  10. All you need to do is post once more...then you'll be at a thousand! MWAHAHAHA

    Why did I start evilly laughing?

  11. And out of nowhere...

    I'm a Sentient Awakened Object. B) On your level now, Clearcut!

    Thanks, everyone who gave me upvotes. I'm saving a giant mushy you-all-rock-and-the-Shard-has-changed-my-life for my one year anniversary (I haven't even been here a year yet? Wow, feels like so long and yet so little at the same time...), but again, thanks.


    1. Show previous comments  1303 more
    2. Doomstick


      new site update is weird

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Yeah... can't see reputation as easily.

    4. AonEne


      I mostly like it but some of it's gonna take a while to get used to

  12. Ap says to let you guys know he's alive, just traveling through the Cognitive Realm right now, and it sounds like he'll probably come back when things have calmed down more for him.

    1. Doomstick



      This is what I get for not reading my notifications.

      we will celebrate his return!

  13. Apparently there were two somethings of yours I hadn't upvoted yet. So I did.

    Congrats on becoming an Ardent! :ph34r:

    1. Ink


      Why are you not very active on the forums, Potency? I'm just curious.

    2. Lunar Blessing

      Lunar Blessing

      I just haven't gotten into it, I'm mostly here to RP...

    3. AonEne


      Luckily, the wedding is both RP and on the forums.

  14. As I wasn’t on yesterday, I was unable to make good on my choice to change my pfp every day of Ookla season, but I should be able to do it from here on out! 

    A more important status update might be coming soon. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AonEne


      I keep missing it, very sorry. My internet was out yesterday. 

    3. little wheel

      little wheel

      sure put me in the pm

    4. AonEne


      Amendment: I'm just changing it every few days I guess 

  15. Aw man, the dream I was having about Rysn and I protecting Hoid from Odium so he could read RoW memes wasn't real life...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies


      Hoid reading RoW memes sounds hilarious, though.

      Especially because every single meme that every was involves Hoid. :P


      Wow Ene that sounds like a great dream! :)

    3. Mat


      Makes my dream about waking up my family playing piano at 5 am downright basic :P 

    4. Rosharan A.C.

      Rosharan A.C.

      That is an awesome dream.

  16. AYYYYY, at last!

    I am the Rambleman.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. AonEne


      I tried and really didn't like it. I assume it gets better, but the stuff I read was so bad, even when I forced myself forward.

    3. Wyndlerunner


      Well, that's a perfectly fine reason.

      To be honest, EotW is not the best. I usually recommend reading the first 2 books in WoT. (personally, I had To try 3 times to get through EotW)

    4. Doomstick


      14,13,12,6,4,5 are my top six

  17. But...Aon Ehe is fire. You were Stick.


  18. Can somebody tell me what the Insanity Clinic for the Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted actually is? At first glance it doesn't seem to be a RP; what's going on there? 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Come to the clinic, you probably won't be disappointed there.

    3. AonEne


      Interesting, thanks for the answers. (And no worries about derailing, it's all on-topic.) 

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      It's kind of like tlt, but like way more plot and is one of the best things ever. I totally didn't have a chicken kill wizard *cough*


    And unfortunately, all too likely... 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doomstick
    3. Elend  Venture

      Elend Venture

      Blue Spear made me laugh. But yeah, this is exactly what our hospitals would do if they had access to feruchemy .

    4. AonEne


      Don’t ask why I’m rereading old status updates at three in the morning, but weren’t there more posts on this? I could’ve sworn Wyn and I had a quick exchange. Am I hallucinating? :wacko: 

  20. December! Merry Christmas what do you mean it's in a month and to all you upside-down folks, happy summer and no school? 

    I FORGOT TO TELL MY ROW STORY. When I went to the bookstore, being me, I instantly asked everyone waiting outside for it to open if they were there for ROW. Most were. One was on the Shard but super inactive, and another was in the Facebook groups. I chatted with them and we converted another guy, got him to buy TWOK :D 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      What? How did I forget to rep Ene? Well, here ya go. 

    3. AonEne



      I wish, but we could totally have one of us dress up as a radiant and the other a Reacher, because I’m a Willshaper too. :P

      Time to learn cosplaying! 


      Did it require the tactical gear or just some mild persuading? :P

      Yes. :ph34r: (Just persuading) 


    4. Scout_Fox


      Oh ofc, "persuading" :ph34r::P

  21. Did you do your profile picture?! It’s amazing! 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. revelryintheart


      ah Idk just enjoy it!!

    3. AonEne


      Okay! Would you do one for me? (Sorry if I’m beating around the bush too much :P

    4. revelryintheart


      yeah I can! I'm working on one for channelknight fadran (hope i spelled that right lol) so it may take me a while before I start but yeah PM me with your request!

  22. DM: "there's a sign that says do not disturb [...] what do you do" 

    Me: "I disturb" 

    1. Nathrangking


      Silly DM what do you think?

    2. Lunar Blessing

      Lunar Blessing

      I expected them to disturb

    3. Lunar Blessing

      Lunar Blessing

      In fact, it took surprisingly long for them to disturb.

  23. DND With Ene and @Blessing of Potency: (and @Ninjacraig721 and @VolatileMagnesium, but they're never on) 

    "For all we know non-exploding kobolds are a government rumor!" 
    "Look I'm just saying we've never seen an exploding kobold and a non-exploding kobold in the same room" 

    "Are you the sane tiefling or the insane tiefling?" 
    "I'm not a tiefling..." 

    Me: I need water 
    Friend: I have eight water bottles! 
    Me: ??? nah I'm good - 
    Friend: no like new plastic ones. I wouldn't just offer you my hydroflask 
    *friend proceeds to pull eight water bottles out of his backpack and chuck one at me* 

    "You don't have to look or act like a femboy to get me to see you as a femboy" 

    I tried to say "I don't think I can physically do that" 
    What came out: "I don't think I'm physically possible" 

    "Let me demonstrate my ability to lethally throw this. Luna, cover your face" 
    "don't throw it at my face, throw it over there" 
    "but that makes noise. you absorb sound.

    *throws a candy at someone* 
    "What was that for?" 
    "He was being mean" 
    "So you gave him candy?" 
    "I gave him ATTEMPTED PAIN." 

    "You were over there and the wolf just went nom on your back" 
    "uh oh you gonna get chomped again" 
    "noooooo i dont wanna get chomped" 

    The one thing you never want to hear the DM say: Oh goody, I just rolled max damage! 

    1: "I'm getting as much meat from these wolf carcasses as I can" 
    2: "Okay where are you storing it, this is perishable meat" 
    1: "I'll figure that out later" 
    2: "...it'll be rotten by then. okay." 
    3: "Your perished meat is perishable" 

    "I was going to say I can't make a fire cause I don't have the equipment for it. Then I remembered I'm a wildfire druid. Fire's kinda my thing..." - Ene 

    "I do that thing you do when there's multiple people moving really slow in the hallway and they take up the hall and you can't get past them so you just tiny-steps speedwalk behind them really annoyed, you know like that *makes little arm motions*" 

    "I can't even move!...wait, I can if I treat someone as Difficult Terrain!" "new rule we treat walls as difficult terrain and I can phase through them" 

    "Hey Ene have you seen my rulerstick?" 
    *looks down at it on the ground right next to him* "...no." 

    *discussion of how you'd throw said ruler stick as a weapon* 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Doomstick


      yeah! on Soup! you... didn't know?

    3. AonEne


      Oh heck that requires time though...

    4. Ninjacraig721
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