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Emeralis00 last won the day on March 6 2012

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About Emeralis00

  • Birthday June 20

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    Shaving of Adonalsium
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  1. Happy birthday to the time traveler

  2. If anyone is looking for me, god knows why, check SufficientVelocity for emeralis00.

  3. Glad Someone asked some questions. I wasn't sure what to say.We play on Thursdays, starting around 9 PM (though we were still discussing a good time to start, and thinking about 7:30 to 8, because it tended to end at 3 AM). For the ages of the players, two are 18, I'm 18, and the third is 24 (the third came back, the fourth won't be coming back and is 18). The game is divided into episodes, so far we have had 4. Episode 1: The introductory episode. It started with three PCs uncontracted (fourth wasn't around yet), they each were traveling to various destinations when they were caught in the Nightmare of a creature called a youma. In this case, a giant piked tree monster based off of the sandbox tree. They were saved by a small blue cat-like creature, that called itself a tsukaima. The creature told them that by making a contract with it they can become magical girls and fight such monsters. They all agreed. The remainder of the episode was the fight with the youma. After said fight, all the characters realize that they could have died and that this is serious business. One on One event: (I also do one on one events if requested, for role playing purposes) One PC had a confrontation between her and her parents about the existence of magic. Application of magic was required to prevent the parents from freaking out too much and endangering themselves. Episode 2: The episode started with the introduction of the fourth PC (already contracted by a different tsukaima). All four PCs were attending a school. One PC's magic went out of control and ended up blasting out all the windows in a classroom. The teacher believed it was a bomb and the school was evacuated. Eventually the PCs were released and they went looking for another youma. They found one...after it had killed a squad of military personnel. After a minor freak-out, they did battle. Heavy use of magic was required to defeat the Painted Wall themed monster. It was here that the PCs discovered the overcharge mechanic and their powers went out of control and caused minor physical and mental changes. (the ending of this episode was delayed due to time constraints, the plot continued though) Episode 3: This episode did not have a youma, and strictly dealt with the human side of things. Mainly dealing with the social effect of trying to hide a pair of wings and acid green eyes from the public. One PC had a bad interaction with bullies, and a good interaction with one of her social links. The tsukaima ended up being crushed to death when a PC fell on it. A new one came to replace it. One PC was on a class trip for the entire day. (There were many oneshots in between here due to finals, one player said they had to leave permanently and requested his character die by exploding into rainbows, the request was done by having a light-themed youma chestburst out of her) Episode 4: originally intended to be a plot-starter episode, but ended up being the PCs hunting the youma that killed their comrade. The new tsukaima left to go recruit a new magical girl. One PC encountered the remnants of a spell of another magical girl, the spell being a form of mind control on an ordinary girl. The PC tried to fix things but failed and turned the girl into a yandere(think axemurder crazy stalker) for the PC. The episode ended with the PCs killing the youma. My plan for episode 5 is for the PCs to react to episode 4 (they were kinda busy not dying). If I do get another player by next thursday (or whenever we set up the next session) they would be introduced here.
  4. Hello RP forum! I have been running a game of Magical Burst for several weeks, but recently lost two players (out of four) because one could not play at that time anymore, and the other had some issues to take care of IRL. Magical Burst is a game based off of the magical girl genre of anime, so it is kinda niche, but I find it fun. I run the game on Skype, timezone GMT -6. If anyone is interested, please email me at [email protected], I can answer further questions.
  5. Oh and don't flare your powers. Ok? That's a big one. Make sure you note it down.

  6. RP Night! Maybe I can advance the plot now? Please? Don't make me kill another character...

  7. Approval given, sats is controlling the story right now so talk to him about integrating into the story. I'll poke my head in later when I catch up with other obligations.
  8. Messing with players head. Do the tsukaima have a contract with the incubators? Or am I just a mean GM?

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