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AonEne last won the day on September 11 2022

AonEne had the most liked content!

About AonEne

  • Birthday 01/06/2003

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    Someone tell me a story from years long gone
  • AIM
    Paint the scene with every detail that you can recall
  • MSN
    Don't skip ahead, I want every part of it - what treasures will we find
  • ICQ
    I will live for now, not live for then
  • Yahoo
    If I forget this moment, I know there will be more
  • Jabber
    I promise you that sometimes you will forget things, but do not let them tell you that "If you do not remember, then did it ever happen? Did you ever change?"
  • Skype
    Who you are and what you'll be has more to do with your next breath

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  • Member Title
    who lives, who dies, who tells your story
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  • Location
    Utah, USA
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, reading, editing, organizing, psychology/sociology, animals, humans, Wings of Fire, The Magnus Archives, The Owl House, Hollow Knight

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Community Answers

  1. I was looking at the “You Know You’re a Sanderfan When…” thread and saw your mention of the Shallan Tax Evasion Magnet. I have 2 questions:

    1. What does it look like?

    2. Where can I get one?

    3. (Bonus question!) How is your day today?

  2. This is intentional on Brandon's part and a mistake on Spensa's, originating in Cytonic:
  3. Read this and my first thought was that Sigzil's pansexual or panromantic XD
  4. Yep, reporting just one will let a mod see the bot and ban it, no matter how many it's got or where
  5. Currently no plans doesn't mean we never will! Just that we haven't talked about anything yet.
  6. We have had general WYR threads before but they're dead, so new one works! No legs, I feel like there are better mobility devices to help with that. (Though if anyone with experience in the area thinks I'm wrong, feel free to teach me more ) Would you rather ride an elephant or a panda?
  7. I do disagree with this - while they're separate attractions (that happen to be in the same direction for many people), that doesn't mean every instance of sexual attraction in a book is devoid of romantic attraction as well. For a lot of us weirdo allos (and some aspec [asexual or aromantic spectrum, for our learners in the thread] folks too!), there are instances where sex or sexual attraction are inherently romantic, or where primarily romantic attraction does have a sensual element to it. In a lot of these spicier books, it is still romance happening. Heck, a lot of pure smut has romance in it, despite it not being the focus of the genre. There's also a marketing element as to what kinds of plots or tropes readers might expect to find in romance books. That's a tangent, sorry, I like talking about this stuff. Ever since I figured out I wasn't ace anymore a few years back I've found it all kind of fascinating. Humans! Your explanation was good
  8. I think it definitely could work, and Brandon might very well do it at some point! I don't think it'll be first or instead of adaptations, though, especially when steps are already being made on that front.
  9. They're ADORABLE, I love them. YKYASW you have spent hundreds of dollars on your Sanderson collection and it's theoretically worth thousands?? (Book collecting is wild, man.) When there has been a magnet of Shallan saying "I am plotting tax evasion" on your whiteboard for like a year. When you met some of the people most dear to you in the world on this website.
  10. I would guess that just not all of his predictions are actually relevant to the story we see, and some were just Brandon having fun. I don't think the Mistborn reference was a prediction that came true either.
  11. Captain they've declared war they've declared war we are DOOMED. On the bright side, the distraction seems to be working?
  12. Published books, though - I'd look more to them for precedent, and at the stuff already on the Coppermind, but then I don't know what's on the Coppermind in this area. I don't know what would be best for the last one...I'd lean more toward a label like General or Multiple than Narrator, myself. Feels more wiki-ish? But I don't know if there's actually preferred terminology XD
  13. There is an R logo: Dunno if there exists a file of it off the shirt, though.
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