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Everything posted by Zenith

  1. Sell, I don't see it happening. We'll get a lot more detail on the backgrounds of the guys from bridge 4 in WoR
  2. I've been dreaming about WoR a lot lately, in addition to other dreams. I...probably should back down on the whole Stormlight Archive stuff but....It's so close!
  3. We have this WoB about gemhearts, though: From here: http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=949 This means there similarities with the spiritual aspect of gemhearts and atium, but I doubt they're exactly the same. I think the idea is very plausible, but on the power aspect, I'm not sure it matters, but it is a point. Anyway, for whatever reason I've never liked how everyone assumes most of the shards have shardpools. It seems off to me; do we have WoB on it, or is Atium enough of a counterargument or...?
  4. I don't think this is possible much for the same reason you can't lash someone wearing shardplate; the investiture inside the object interferes with the soulcasting in the same way that the shardplate's investiture interferes with the lashings, and presumably soulcasting. Of course, this might depend on how much investiture the object has in it...Well, we have WoB that Nightblood is more powerful than a shardblade, and Nightblood took 1000 breaths to forge IIRC. Giving the assumption that Nightblood is roughly three times as powerful as a shardblade (which seems reasonable to me, given nightblood's capabilities), a shardblade has the equivalent investiture of 333ish breaths. I'm guessing that the ability to be lashing proof would extend to about 150ish or more breaths, and soulcasting to 100ish breaths, or roughly 1/3 strength of a shardblade. This is all speculation of course, especially the last part, so take this with a grain of salt. Anyways, I'm also curious as to what happens to an awakened object with a low enough amount of breaths to not interfere with the soulcasting, but I'm reasonably sure that with a high enough amount of breaths you couldn't soulcast the object at all.
  5. Original Quote: End product: "The man has been renovated." I love it, lol. Here's another Original Quote: End product:
  6. Maybe Earth had a shard, which splintered, and the ability we gained seems so comonplace we ignore it. Hmmm....
  7. I never thought about it that way before. If BS is doing that, it's sneaky, and I approve wholeheartedly.
  8. So...people who disappeared...like me? Also, worldhopping's overatted. Stay forever in Hallendren, if you get the chance. (Also, good job re-de-lurking me again. I *might* start posting again...keyword might )
  9. I think it may be that all (current) shardblades act like that; We know that very, very few darkeyes have actually gotten a shardblade, so I can see the eye color change having been misinterpreted as permanent, although it is actually only while the blade is out. To combine that with the fact that I think it's plausible, to be sure. While this is probably not be the case, it's certainly an intesting thought.
  10. Having seen very little disccussion on this, I thought that I might as well make a thread (and also delurk myself. Again.)! I think that we can assume it's in-cosmere, but either way I enjoyed it the most of the steelhunt material. Thoughts on it?
  11. I got snow today > And, no, I would not. I've heard enough about that snow already, I don't need to experience it. On the bright side, school would be canceled....
  12. I've found out that provided that I have a shirt/pants of some sort of soft material, I can usually stuff it in my pockets. It's pretty insane; I once stuffed some shorts into the pockets of a pair of shorts the same size.
  13. Taravangian holds a rock even more powerful than many of those shardblades, lol. Do you know how many sets of plate and blade he could have if he wanted? Don't shardblades have water or mist or whatever around them when they're summoned from (the spiritual realm? Cognitive? The Origin? I think it's the spiritual realm, but IDK). Anyway, they're probably tapping into that same, destructive power. IMO, stormlight has something to do with Odium, mainly because of the way it's described. Fury, destruction, the like. Not all shardblades or shardblade-like things make people into light- wait a minute. Darkeyes were in command, anciently, right? Could it be that the Shin's dislike of fighting came from an old principle where fighting people were of lower class -lighteyed-, and taking a shardblade made you into that class? Anyway, Szeth's only makes him lighteyed whilst he's holding the shardblade, and the herald at the end (Taln?) remains darkeyed with his blade out. Stormlight 2 spoilers (from Brandon's reading): On the Jasnah & Szeth thing: Jasnah: "Szeth, I would like you to meet my uncle." Szeth: "About that..."
  14. Depends on how you want to approach this. Want the reader to know some of what is going on, but not much? Give tantalizingly vague viewpoints from the other two nations. Want the readers to be just as in the dark of this as the first nation is? Still have viewpoints from the other two, just make them come just before/after the first nation realizes what's going on. Keep your tensions focused around the fact that the first nation has no idea what's going on, perhaps an overdose of paranoia, with some events that the other two nations are using to manipulate the first. Care to share a sample of your first stuff? That might help.
  15. The man gaped numbly at the letter on his desk. They were coming. Why was he surprised? He always knew they would come...Knew, but never believed. This, however, was different. There it was; concrete proof that he had been right all along. He read the letter again. It was short and simple, reading the following: "It's over. We know what you have, warned you against it. You won't live the night, Jolen. We're coming." It was unsigned. Their letters always were. After all, in an organization that dealt in high-profile secrets, what would it pay to reveal the greatest one of all? Jolen sighed. He knew what the letter said was true. He looked out the window; it was midmorning. There was time. Jolen took out a sheet of papers and a pencil; this would get out, his life's work would get out, no matter how they wanted it hidden. Resolutely, he started to write, pouring his thoughts out onto the paper. He explained everything, falling into a sort of trance as secret after secret spilled out, dark acts, hidden heroism, his own success, well, failure coming out. They wanted him and his secrets go to the grave...they would not. He read the letter triumphantly, grinning in spite of himself as he read the contents; however, his smile faded as he read the last line. "They're coming. They always are." He frowned. He hadn't written that...had he? The sun was setting. Jolen whirled around, nearly bumping into the masked figure behind him. Jolen's eyes widened with fear. "We came." It said. Everything went black. Another one I wrote: It was there. It was always there, in his peripheral vision. Those eyes...Zack snapped out of his reverie, looking down at the test in front of him. "How much of the brain's capacity is taken up by the sense of vision?" It asked. Vision. Eyes. Those eyes...a stark red against the faded white stone. They inched forward. Zack's eyes widened with horror. They never approached, just...stayed. Slowly-agonizingly slowly- they crept forward, a head starting to appear. It was a long, triangular shape, with slits for a nose and a row of sharp white teeth poking out of its mouth; It was covered in black scales. How could no one else see this? It was right there next to the window. Then, it dawned on Zack. A few kids were looking out the window; they were either all very good actors...or only Zack could see the thing. A body came into view, wickedly barbed claws moving silently on the wall. Zack jumped up, screaming in horror and running out of the room. It was there. The end of a tail slid into Zack's view, and the thing turned its head towards him. Zack stopped on the spot, rooted there in fear. It started to peelitself off the wall, the body eventually floating towards him. He gaped in horror as the thing continued on its course, stopping just in front of Zack's face. "Don't you see?" It hissed cryptically, "I am you." It continued, entering Zack's skull. There was a slight fuzzing, then nothing. Zack looked down, and gasped in horror. Black scales were starting to grow on his arm. An older one: The man groaned, head in his hands. He was sitting at his desk, contemplating. He had failed. Millions would die. Millions more would live. There was a knock on the door. The man sighed, getting up and going to the door and unlocking it. A head peeked into the room. "Are you ready sir?" The man said. The first man glared. "No." He snapped, suddenly angry. "Go get me a glass of water Hobbes." Hobbes bowed, exiting the room. Why had it been him? Why couldn't someone else have taken his place? It had all started on that horrible day five years ago... *** He stood over the body of his wife, holding her cold hand and weeping shamelessly. "I'm sorry, John." The attendant said, "There was nothing we could do." John nodded sadly. The attendant lifted up his clipboard, hesitating for a moment. "We do...however, have an...offer for you. It involves cancer." John looked up sharply. "I'll do it." He said. He would follow through with this, whatever it was. He would change the world. *** John laughed bitterly. How right he had been, just in all the wrong ways. He could hear Hobbes coming back. He strengthened his resolve. He would follow through with this. He was ready. Thanks for reading; I really just wanted to put my short stories that I write (randomly)out on the internet. Constructive criticism is appreciated, feel free to speak your thoughts on it.
  16. Short and simple: which group of people (in the Cosmere, and in their own books, so no Vin/Kaladin/Lightsong, etc. in the same group) is your favorite? Most effective: Kelsier's team. No question about it. Sure, Raoden re-established a society and whatnot, but Kelsier's team dethroned a 1000-year old government that ruled the world, whilst in command of 17(? 18?) hemalurgic super-soldiers, plus a full allomancer(one of the originals/very powerful, as well)/feruchemist. Most fun(ny): Probably Lightsong and those from warbreaker. I'm just gonna lump them because, well, the allegiances change and the groups are so small .-. Most Powerful: Elantrians. At the end, of course. In sheer power, I don't think any one group can match them. Most Epic: Bridge four. No question. Period, end of sentence. Seriously, not only do they charge (at first) unarmored against bowmen, acting as human bait, but then they give away their very freedom, and turn to go rescue another group, running alone against the bowmen, without the 20 other bridges, knowing full well that if they did survive, they would most likely be executed. Seriously. Bridge 4 FTW . Anyway, that's what I think. I would love to hear what you guys think.
  18. An awkward silence followed. Edit: I apologize if I offended anyone. What I meant is that I "kicked myself" after. But, seriously, I don't mean this in a bad way.
  19. This makes sense, however, it appears all the storms are getting more powerful, instead of just one. I also doubt that the stormwardens would be as worried if it had happened before. That, combined with the fact that you can predict highstorms fairly accurately, makes me think there is something not normal about them. Personally, I think the highstorms have been on Roshar from, if not very close to the beginning. There's probably something shardish about them (stormlight...), I just don't quite know what yet. Honor may have something to do with it; Honor's visions came to Dalinar only in highstorms, but the storms go from East to West; West (according to one of the pre-chapter things) is "closest to Honor". I think Cultivation has a valid point with the crem, and Odium probably has something to do with the new power of the storms. Wait. I just thought of something. What if Odium is behind stormlight? IIRC both Kaladin and Szeth describe stormlight (whilst inside of them) as the fury of the storm; not the other parts, the fury... (/random theory)
  20. Syl's Honorspren; it could be that she just didn't like the deaths of honorable creatures, voidbringers or not.
  21. They've probably been going on since before the desolations; Dalinar likely would have commented on the plants in his vision if not.
  22. Finally! I can go around collecting spike vict-I mean handing out candy!
  23. I agree with this. You tend to match the name to the person, not the other way around; your perception changes on the person of that name who you're most familiar with or whatever.
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