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Everything posted by FiveLate

  1. Yup and 99% have 0 idea of the difference between sapience and sentience.
  2. @Toaster Retribution So do the Iri....
  3. Ok well time to learn a new word! Facetious : the act of treating something that is serious in a non respectful way. That is a $10 word....half of English speakers do not know what it means.... If I may ask, what is you native language?
  4. You tell um....finish the series...no more steampunk till done! (I did like it, just want DreSden more)
  5. @Calderis @Toaster Retribution@kimni Well to put in semi modern perspective. On average now...in most nations approximately 0.5% of the population is in the military. During WWII 12% of the U.S. population was in the military. That was industrial times though, so not the best equivalence. Ok if we go back to the 30year war of the 1600s armies ranged from 10,000 to 50,000 and foraged off the land. No soulcasters. I know they had muskets, but most formations were pikemen so it is close enough for equivalency. Adding in soulcasters should bring you close to the 12%. This should lead to armies 3 to 4 fold larger than we saw in the 30year war.... so up to 200,000. As to the population issues...well look at what has happened after every major war in history....soldiers come home and ......well you get a baby boom. Edit: oh wow nice link Kimi, I missed it on my first read.
  6. @robardin Meh Ill be 43...and I refuse to die before Brandon does...time to start living healthy.
  7. Actually, there is an area called The Frostlands and it is not to far from the Shattered Plains.
  8. The SKA mutual appreciation almost wanna be love triangle.
  9. FiveLate


    Why oh why does the search function suck soon much.. You tell it to find only things with 4 words all in it and it still pulls up stuff with none of those words...This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules? And autocorrect This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules is up with it....
  10. I read a theory a while ago about how the bondsmiths and truthwatchers powers were more based in the SR vs CR that made a lot of sense regarding this chart....let me see if I can find it.
  11. Well this is not exactly true. There is some factor in Highstorms that we just don't know. If the storm simply cycled around the planet it should come at some regular period. But since Stonewards use some mysterious calculations, we know that there have to be other factors involved. The Weeping points to this as well. The changing of seasons at random intervals also probably has or is influenced by the same factors. Since 1 Rosharan year is determined by the Weeping, not by the seasons, there is something crazy going on with either the axial tilt, the elliptic orbit, or solar output. Highstorms come "regularly" but not consistently. Will the Everstorm be consistent? We don't know.
  12. All the Radiants will head out to Pure Lake to search for the mythical Wish Fish. Once found they will debate how to phrase the request correctly to stop the desolation without any adverse consequences. While they are debating..Lift eats it and becomes Super Awesome for a bit...then the Unmade kick their buts bc this is the middle story of the arc and we all know it has to be like The Empire Strike Back.
  13. Wait....does it say "sun and moon" or "sun and moons".....that could be important since Roshar has 3 moons....do they worship a specific one? Because of their orbits, they are believed to be artificial....
  14. Actually I would put the numbers even higher. Those were the Alethi equivalent to HighPrinces. The shattered plains are a long way from Alethi, and each of the HighPrinces there had to leave significant amounts of troops home to protect their borders. If you are going to war to kill everyone and become king, you do not leave anyone home. You either win, or die and your borders no longer matter bc whoever wins is going to ensure that there are no dissenters. They will either kill all dissenters, or take hostages Theon Greyjoy style. Using this logic, if each sarcasm has up to 10k troops, I would think each of these armies would be 25k to 30k, giving you a war of around 200,000 troops. Not one single battle, but multiple repeated battles over a short period.
  15. Literally true, but not totally true. They can act through proxies...Jansah talks about the knowledge she gained from the highspren. Providing specific information, whether it is true or false, to someone ore something that can interact with the physical realm can force a result they want via proxy.
  16. Well Brandon said the mists would pull away from Nightblood, I would think that stormlight would perform some sort of evasion as well.
  17. @Flash We also don't know if all of the 10 deaths were part of the fight initially, the first desolation might not have had any Unmade yet...Aimians seem quite capable as well. And soulcasters...just soulcast that Thunderclast to smoke....it seems like the only reason to make a 3 smokestone soulcaster to me.
  18. Bubble sizes have some flex to them already. I just read a WOB the other day that said something about this. I'll try to find it after I post and edit it in. The reason I remember it was because the wording made me think that it was like energy states in electrons. Ie there were different sizes, but gaps between them that a normal Allomancer could not reach and I immediately though...hmm I wonder if a savant could.... Brandon has also said that copper clouds and seekers would probably never realise that they were savants, ie. The they would seem really really good, but you wouldn't get an extreme noticeable effect like tin. At the same time, since then, he has been reevaluating what exactly savants is because of Wax. This thread covers Argents discussions with Brandon. WOB's to be edited in.
  19. I just started a reread with a focus to find her.....it is driving me nuts.
  20. I am pretty sure that you have to be from that "region" to even be considered.
  21. By your definition (which I don't agree with, but you know that) a catalyst is used up in the reaction. On Nalthis this would be the pigments, not the EMR.
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