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Bean Delphiki

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About Bean Delphiki

  • Birthday July 5

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  • Member Title
    Inventor of Instant Noddles
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  1. Thanks! I found the email and subscribed to the newsletter, but I don't see any way to get the prose, do I just need to wait or is there something else I need to do?
  2. I also have never received the newsletter, and I believe I've signed up correctly.
  3. Bean Delphiki

    Venli bust

    Oh my gosh... its amazing!
  4. Will it even be possible to fit Oathbringer into a mass market paperback style book, or is it just to big?
  5. Orson Scott Card teaching a class and discussing Stormlight Archive?!?! lucky
  6. Based on what we've seen and learned from other books, I'd say it's almost definitely aluminum.
  7. Remember, Hoid said that if Odium even had a hint that Hoid was in Kholinar he would completely wipe out the city for even a small chance of killing him. So it makes complete sense for him to stay mostly in the background.
  8. Dang it! I noticed this will reading and was so sure I'd discovered a new shard. Oh well
  9. My favorite scenes would be from The Way of Kings and The Emperors Soul.
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