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Everything posted by ScarletSabre

  1. Still nope! ^^ Alright, this character is a worldhopper.
  2. Granted. "NO MATING." becomes the new Sandermeme. I wish for Pattern and Syl to have a loud, public argument over the virtues and taboos of mating, with suggestions from each on positions etc.
  3. Also, the 'cracks in the soul' method of altering one's SpiritWeb has only been confirmed as the in-world explanation, if I recall correctly.
  4. Excellent! Alrighty.... This character has met multiple kinds of nobility.
  5. Hmmm... It's gotta be either Zane or Gemmel... I'll go with Zane!
  6. Let's see... Scadrial in Era 2 is very tempting since it has creature comforts, and if we know what we're doing it'd probably be fairly easy to get in touch with Harmony and discuss things such as the granting of Allomancy or Feruchemy... Nalthis is also very tempting since you can get access to Investiture and it's the easiest method of becoming immortal, which is a biiiiig bonus. Roshar would also be fun since I enjoy crazy weather (though a Highstorm might be pushing it), and you can try and bond a Spren, or just get a Shardblade/Plate if you're a good enough warrior. Plus Ryshadium! (I originally mistyped "plush" for a second there... Roshar versions of Tsoony pups? ) Sel... I doubt I'd become an Elantrian, and while I'd love to test my own martial arts against theirs, the Dakhor Monks are rather offputting... though I could learn to carve SoulStamps and Forge.... Yolen would be very interesting, depending on the state of Fain, and there be dragons. The rules of Threnody seem bendable and exploitable, but there's a hell of a risk there... Nightside Taldain might be a good choice, but HELL NAW to Dayside, since I'm pale as hell and a redhead, I would burn within bloody minutes, and melt in the heat. First of the Sun has guns and a certain level of tech, and as long as I stay away from the Trapper's Islands I should be okay, though that then raises the question of how I get there and how I get off the island I worldhop to... Looks like for me personally, it's a tossup between Era 2 Scadrial, Nalthis, Roshar and Yolen.
  7. Granted. However you speak ancient Sumerian, a language nobody living understands. I wish to be able to forget all the inadvertant spoilers I've heard for the anime I'm currently watching with my friend in Sweden.
  8. If I remember rightly, we may also have a WOB on Preservation/Leras' knife just being a plain ol' knife, but I'm not sure. Either way, an interesting theory, and I hadn't remembered that bit about Silence and the symbol of the religion! Bloody nice catch, I don't think I've seen anyone else mention it, either!
  9. I'm actually now rather interested in seeing Vasher and Nightblood's reunion, with Nightblood calling out to Vasher in Szeth's head. "How do you know Sword-nimi, ardent?" "Oh, I uh... made him." Everyone else in the room - "You WHAT?!"
  10. Will the term for space-farers/worldhoppers who travel through space rather than the Cognitive Realm be Cosmerenauts?
  11. Yeesh, that could be anyone who's ever been to Era 1 Scadrial... good starting clue! Hmmm.... Sazed.
  12. Discworld, and any Terry Pratchett novels, are a good recommendation, I'm ashamed to say I never read any of them until the last few years, but have adored them. For a recent find of mine, I'd recommend Villain's Rule - The Shadowmaster - Book One. It's a very adult, swear-filled, hilarious story about a charismatic scumbag villain who gets trapped in a fantasy world and does what we'd all like to do.... exploit every rule and trope that he knows of for profit, pleasure, and the completion of his goals, all while insulting and threatening the reader and the various gods of the multiverse for funsies.
  13. Yeah, on reflection that wasn't so much as explaining it badly as just explaining it. And yeah, it's pretty damnation adult, be warned. Though the audible version is rather hilarious when it gets meta and
  14. Unless it was originally founded as an information gathering organisation... Let's not forget, as of SH Kelsier realised they had very little knowledge of the Cosmere and decided to fix that, and came to the realisation that his actions caused more Ruin than Preservation. He could have tried to change his ways and start the 17th Shard as an information gathering spy network, who only moved when necessary or after gathering relevant information. Or who are just trying to keep Scadrial safe by limiting contact or interferance from outside, like the IRE were planning. And let's face it, Hoid is a meddler on a galactic scale sometimes, even if it's only in subtle ways and usually to aid our protagonists in some way...
  15. Plus I recall Dalinar, or possibly Kaladin, looking to the horizon on the Shattered Plains, and contemplating the Origin, and thinking of it as being on the "other side of the world", which implies (to me at least) that they're aware the planet is round.
  16. Granted, but due to physics, that wily mistress, your own mass being condensed to such a size will crush you and anything you walk on with ease. So you might be able to shrink to a certain point without feeling the effects, but not to the size of an ant. I wish for the ability to web swing like Spider-Man
  17. Huh o3o 50% Dustbringer 44% Skybreaker 41% Edgedancer 35% Elsecaller 33% Stoneward 24% Bondsmith 21% Windrunner 6% Lightweaver 6% Willshaper 5% Truthwatcher Yeesh, despite my similarities with Renarin apparently I'd be in QUITE a different order to him.
  18. Granted, however the chicken loses all of it's feathers from the blender, and though it's body reforms after being blended into a mush, it's rage remains, and it attempts to peck your eyes and tongue out with avian fury as soon as the blender stops. I wish for an infinite supply of Popcorn Chicken
  19. Let's see... Time to list some attributes! Kaladin, for my depression... (Yup, we're starting off with the fun stuff!) Renarin for my overthinking and non-sequitors or random thoughts, and dislike of being touched by certain people/in certain ways (which is strange that it doesn't come into effect when I'm teaching/training at the dojo... xD) Dalinar for my preference for straightforward politics and annoyance with double-talk and word-twisting. Elend for my love of books and indifference for what the masses think of me. Kelsier for my ruthlessness and anger if I see an injustice or someone dear/close to me is hurt. Vin for my self-esteem issues and cold pragmatism in fights, and willingness and analytical nature to think about how best to beat someone even in the back of my mind. Wax for my dry, sarcastic banter, and getting things done, but in my own way and to my own satisfaction, sometimes. Wayne for my insane sense of humour and goofy attitude, and open perversions. Adolin for my ability to make friends with almost anyone, regardless of age or station (Apparently I can be quite charming. I know, I'm just as surprised as you!) The Lopen for my terrible and plentiful jokes and puns, and delight in corrupting others to my ways and jokes and making daft pronouncements for my and other's amusements. Jasnah for my habit of over-lecturing the people I teach (I must have corrected and re-corrected every little thing I spot wrong with people at the dojo a dozen times...) Gemmel for my habit of talking to myself (I sometimes have full on arguments between my brain and my mouth as I try and reason something out... at least I hope it's my brain, and not Ruin... Someone get me a tinfoil hat, or at least an Aluminium one!) And finally, Kriss, for my desire to know more and more about the Cosmere
  20. I have no idea how I missed/forgot these WOBs! Hmmm... I still think Kelsier is involved with the 17th shard, but perhaps he was their founder and then was forced out of the organisation when they decided on nonintervention.... And became Trell.
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