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Everything posted by ScarletSabre

  1. Granted, but the mustaches grow from every pore of your body, interlocking like scales and making you as hairy as Chewbacca. I wish for more time to read and relax in the day
  2. Heya everyone, I'm ScarletSabre (Formerly Rawrbert), you may remember me from such ideas as NPCQuest, the idea for the classic hero's journey... told from the point of view of a beleagured/put upon blacksmith/merchant dealing with everything. And now that my Troy Mclure impression is out of the way.... Don't actually go look up the chapter I posted somewhere a looooong while ago for NPCQuest, it's very very bad and rushed and was typed frantically on my phone during a moment of random enthusiasm at work. I've made a lot of notes on that idea and will hopefully be rewriting that chapter completely and plenty more soon. (Antidepressants are a wonderful thing, I must say xD) Anyhoo, the reason I'm making this is to get a bit of feedback on a random idea I've had for a world/setting for a book. I'm not sure what I want to do with the idea, if I want to have it be sci-fi, fantasy or anything else, but the idea is for a ring of planets, probably ten, around a sun similar to Saturn's rings with their closeness, at least when looked upon from a distance. I'm curious what people think of this idea and the potential science side of things, since the gravity of each planet would probably play havock with one another, unless they were balanced out somehow? I was thinking that they'd be locked, probably not orbiting the sun, but spinning on their own axis...es... axes? (I'm not sure how to spell the plural of axis...) and have satellites of their own in the forms of moons, debris rigns around the planet, and possibly space stations etc. Please let me know what you think, I rather like this idea, and I hope you all do too!
  3. I would create weapons with the ability to give Lashings upon contact, a sword and shuriken if nothing else... I'd want it to be at my mental command, like Szeth fighting and touching people to Lash them. I'm grinning at the thought of my sword making contact with the enemy's, and his blade suddenly leaping out of his hands and into the sky. Or throwing a shuriken that strikes a shield/piece of armour which suddenly gets pulled towards the floor with three times it's usual weight....
  4. Haha, thank you! Glad you like it ^^ Harry Potter The Philosopher's Stone The Chamber of Secrets The Prisoner of Azkaban The Goblet of Fire The Order of the Phoenix The Half-Blood Prince The Deathly Hallows
  5. That's what I was thinking, but also that with the size Cadmium bubbles can be, (The size of a small room, if I recall correctly), it would take longer to fall to the boundary if you made the bubble as large as you could. Only a couple of seconds, but with a time dialation bubble like this that's very relative, since more time could be given for your rescue... Of course you would also reach terminal velocity sooner, since you'd be falling for longer within your time bubbles.... This is a puzzler. o3o At least to me
  6. Szeth also hid the sphere after he killed Gavilar, let's not forget... Perhaps he's the one who hid it in Kholinar, or else what the Fused are searching for there are one of the others that Gavilar had access to. "Had access to" also implies that perhaps the Sons of Honour have the others, or someone else that knew of Gavilar's secret/plans.
  7. Ooooh, a Slider... That's about right, I figured I'd be a Pewterarm or a Slider, so that fits
  8. I'm now imagining Cadmium Medallions being used almost as lifejackets on a boat... Another question is what happens if you use a Cadmium bubble in the air, while falling from a height? Would your fall slow down, but since the bubble itself is static, would you then fall to the edge of the bubble and pass through, collapsing it in the process?
  9. Force equals mass times acceleration, but if I recall correctly, Wax isn't increasing his mass, simply the denisty of said mass to grow heavier, so while punches may have more weight behind them, he's also slower to balance out.... I think. I need to reread Era 2 to remind myself, I think... especially Khriss' comments on Skimming.
  10. Taln? Nobody said it had to be anyone we have as a current main character....
  11. It could also be that Jasnah, having detatched herself, was standing at an angle. I imagine that Jasnah simply stepped away from the group and was standing side on to Ash, letting her see the pictures from the angle she held, which I imagine she was holding in front of her like a clipboard...
  12. Just reading through your theories and this one jumped out at me ^^ Brandon has confirmed that this is possible through WOB, though if I remember correctly, with the amount of Investiture used, it would be "wildly impractical", since the amount of Investiture needed to basically create a Death Star-esque blast would be near Shardic levels....
  13. If someone held all ten Honourblades and tried to use all ten surges at once, what would the Resonance be? Spoilers for Bands of Mourning and slight spoilers for Stormlight Archive
  14. I'm currently listening to the Oathbringer Audibook.... And just got to Rysyn's interlude after part 4, where she mentions that in the vault within a vault of the Gemstone Reserve, there's kept "more mundane items, such as letters, and an old knife." I wonder if they have any significance, I can think of letters and a particular knife someone may want to keep safe...
  15. "But I really need you to check on the health of the baby, you were a surgeon right? Just don't tell my husband I had an affair with Amaram, he thinks it's his!"
  16. Going through Fist of the Blue Sky with my friend in Sweden at the moment, we just finished watching Hellsing and Drifter together!
  17. That's a very good point I hadn't considered... Perhaps the stigma of being part of Sadeas' area of the tower? It could also be the sheer size of it meant she didn't have time to find him.... Either way I suspect it was an intentional cameo, but we'll have to wait and see
  18. I think it is her, this is a very specific type of clothing and reference, and with Brandon, it's very unlikely to be a coincidence, at least to me... Let's not forget that not all Lighteyes or Darkeyes can just march up to Dalinar's bodyguard and ask to see a Radiant as they're an old flame... I suspect she's either there looking for a contact in order to get closer to seeing Kaladin again.... Or she'll return to Kaladin's life seeking protection because she's in deep with the Rosharan equivalent of the mob, who she was meeting in the bar. o3o
  19. I assume there'd be SOME physical manifestation... I wonder if it could have been an alternative for a certain someone who's string to the Physical realm has been cut...
  20. Shadows for Silence - Sixth of the Dusk - Elantris -
  21. As the others said, welcome! And once again, you're entitled to your own opinion and I find it interesting to see from your viewpoint, though I do disagree on some things.... which is why my opinion is different to yours, of course! The Realms - As the posters above have said, while the Realms haven't been mentioned nearly as much, if at all, in Brandon's other Cosmere works, they exist throughout all of them, and are just more important/relevant to the current plot in the Stormlight Archive. Though I will say that to address your mention of the Cognitive Realm being uninteresting with the glass beads and inverted land/water, that it's meant to be a reflection of human perception, and that in other areas of the Cognitive Realm things look very different. Secret History shows us what it looks like in Scadrial/Mistborn, for example, so you might find the description there a bit more interesting. Spren - I can see where you're coming from with them seeming to be a waste of focus, though I will say I disagree with the idea of them being uninteresting, from a worldbuilding perspective alone, I find the idea that personifications of emotions/feelings given form/images by the underlying magic of the universe an interesting one, since it makes me wonder how being able to see someone's emotions like that would affect cultures and interactions between people. And from a visual standpoint, it breathes life to my mental image of Roshar and makes it more vibrant... For myself I find that it helps being the world to life more, adds flavour for it, though I can see where you're coming from with them being distracting or boring, I have sometimes found myself thinking "I don't care about these spren, I get what you're trying to do in helping us understand the mechanics of the world etc but please get back to the interesting things." Kaladin - I'm hardly impartial here, but I have to say I disagree with quite a bit of what you say about him... I agree that he can sometimes (quite often in fact) be a complete bloody tool, though I feel like a decent amount of those times are inadvertant, and he's just naturally gruff/terse without realising it. He certainly does have chips on his shoulders that I think he could make more progress towards getting past, but people don't change quickly, and it HAS only been a year or two so far in the books. As someone who suffers with depression himself, I also don't feel like his broodiness is tiring, but of course it resonates with me and is very relatable with how he describes the darkness/numbness etc. I do agree that it can get a bit repetetive, but to be fair that's realistic, at least with my own experiences with my depression. I would also point towards Brandon's annotations towards Sazed in the Mistborn novels, particularly the later ones, where he suffers from depression himself and Brandon comments on how hard it was to find a balance, and how Sazed was just plain boring to read about most of the time, because he's inactive and so passive, especially in earlier drafts. I feel like in comparison, Kaladin is a lot more interesting with how active he is, and his struggles with his depression can (not always) make for an interesting conflict with his tasks and building momentum towards getting out of a depressive spiral. Dalinar - I do agree that it can be hard to empathise with him after finding out his backstory, but I feel that's what makes it so powerful, since we see Dalinar struggle to become the man he is from the moment we see him. We're first told of him as a drunken lout who was too sloshed to be able to help his brother against an assassin, and then the next time we see him we slowly learn that he's pretty much now the only honourable man in the Highprinces, or at least the only one with focus and perspective, and his struggles to rise and be better than what he, and everyone was. The overarching theme of the Cosmere is death and rebirth, with the emphasis on rebirth, and so the arc of someone changing to be better than they were makes sense to me for a central character, and when you find out Dalinar's backstory it can be a punch to the gut since we knew he was bloodthirsty and a conqueror, but not to the extent we did, since we hear second hand accounts of how amazing he was which can temper our expectations. I wouldn't say, however, that Dalinar is (or rather, was) addicted to killing, more that he was addicted to battle, the Thrill and challenge, like an adrenaline addict... Albeit one who came from a war-focused society and who was born as a general with a brother who had ambitions of conquest and unity. He wasn't particularly sadistic, at least to me, outside of the Rift, but very callous. However I have to disagree with the assertation that he's beyond redemption or being able to care about, since people can change, and we see that Dalinar has. Compare him to Sadeas, who I have no sympathy for, who was, I would argue, more like the image you seem to have of Dalinar, which is why it was so satisfying to see what happened to him at the end of WoR for me. Shallan - She's certainly not my favourite of the characters, and hell when I was reading WoK for the first time I was eager to get past her segments and back to Kaladin and Dalinar, who I found much more interesting/relatable, though when we find out more about her it completely recontextualised her earlier scenes for me and made them more interesting... With regards to her story seeming a little boring/stagnant compared to the earlier series, and when we delve into her mental issues/state it can seem rather repetitive, but I think that's due to the fact that something like this, especially when the characters are dealing with it more or less by themselves (Not many psychologists in Roshar, or at least not many available to them at present...) can take a very long time. Couple that with the frequent viewpoints from Shallan and it can seem like they're overriding what's happening in the moment around them, but that's more of an issue with Brandon's writing style, I feel, since his characters tend to lean towards introspection, and thinking about things a lot, considering a situation etc. As for her fawning over Kaladin, I actually wasn't sick of it, more that I felt it wasn't explored enough by the end of Oathbringer, it deserved to be explored and confronted more properly. (But that, and my hopes that somehow Shallan, Kaladin and Adolin will end up in a polyamourous relationship with each other, is a whoooooole 'nother topic, haha!) I can see where you're coming from with the "author's favourite" comment, though I don't necessarily agree. I do agree that there have been a marked lack of consequences for her and Adolin compared to Dalinar or Kaladin, but it could simply be that that will be explored in the next book, since not everything can be fit into one... Her treatment of Jasnah... I'm torn there myself, honestly, since I can see where she's coming from, and Jasnah certainly, for the most part, fails to see that her ward has grown, and had to because she wasn't there to bascially be her safety net and deal with things... But at the same time Shallan should have had a discussion with her from the start and not simply assumed her subservience to her once again, and been more bold and spoke her mind. Of course I can understand where she's coming from with that, it's something she struggles with. And yes, I agree that she should accept the fact of her skeletons and that she had no choice, for example that her father, no matter how kind he may have been, absolutely deserved what he got by the end of it, at least to me. But of course she had repressed those memories for the longest time and is slowly coming to terms with them, which is understandable. Let's not forget, "get over it" is easy to say, but very hard to do. I do agree that she could use a bit more perspective and focus, but of course that could simply be because focusing too much on the scope of it would overwhelm her or make her make mistakes... though perhaps I'm being generous. In summary, welcome, you bring up interesting points, though I disagree with quite a few of them, and I'm interested to see what you think of other parts/characters ^^
  22. Eeyup, I have a similar subscription, and each month it gives me a credit to get one book for free.... And with how long Brandon's audiobooks can be, one book usually lasts me the month, just in time for my new credit, haha!
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