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Everything posted by ScarletSabre

  1. I always assumed it was Kaladin, being a Radiant, since the humans brought Odium with them when they first came to Roshar, which implies Honour and Cultivation were the Fused's gods
  2. Granted, however your friends have no change in their schedules and lives, meaning that you're sat around bored all the time, waiting for them to be free to be able to play with you. I wish to be able to teleport to any destination I can see, without risk of ending up inside a wall etc.
  3. Personally, if we were to get Elend and Vin again somehow, I'd want it to be in spirit form, perhaps someone connecting with the Spiritual Realm and getting words of encouragement from them, for example. A great example of the kind of thing I mean from the Marvel Avengers Vs X-Men event. I may be a sucker for sap like this, but it brings a tear to my eye.
  4. Vashnah, mainly because I want to see the two scholars interact, and I think they'd get along well, plus Jasnah the athiest meeting Vasher the demigod will make for some interesting dynamics. Shalladoladin - I think that Shallan, Adolin, and Kaladin would work fantastically as a polyamourous relationship, I think that all three have great chemistry and could support and help one another grow and be very happy together. I know this is pretty damnation unlikely to happen, but I want it to, and I don't care how!
  5. Granted, the Nightwatcher kills you. Now you no longer need to make any wishes... or eat. Or breathe. I wish for a hoverboard
  6. Hmmm... I wonder if a silver sword, or more specifically Hoid's silver sword, could hurt Spren/Unmade?
  7. I'm fairly sure that Brandon has confirmed it was a result of Overmastery, yeah
  8. I keep wondering how Zahel is supposed to be pronounced... I listen to the audiobooks a lot, and they've had "Zyle", "Zah-El", and "Zah-l"... but my brain looks at it and wants to pronounce it "Zah-heel" for some reason...
  9. I always imagined them as being almost disk-shaped, about half the size of someone's palm, with a metal band around the edge of the glass... I also imagined having a flattened face on each curve, so they don't roll away.... It's one of those weird mental images that doesn't go away for me no matter how often the descriptions tell me otherwise xD Like my brain always imagines Syll as being a greenish-blue, seafom green instead of blue, and that stormlight is white with golden edges, coloured almost the way a lightsaber is.
  10. Granted, a gemheart the size of a car appears in the air above you... and lands on top of you, squishing you. I wish for the ability to use Lashings.
  11. Granted, every bone in your body aside from your skull and spine is transformed into a wishbone or several smaller wishbones in the shape of the original, leaving you a twisted mass of snapping bones and ill-fitting flesh. I wish for the ability to never get icecream headaches.
  12. Haha, that's perfect! That exotic setup is exactly what I had in mind with my first question about a moon shared between planets, haha, though I didn't plan to have them orbit the barycentrer
  13. That's awesome to know ^-^ What would be the dynamics of the two planets orbiting each other around a shared moon/moons that you mentioned before? It's an interesting idea that I definitely want to use either separately from this ring of planets idea, or perhaps in a separate, further orbit observing the ring from a distance.
  14. Granted. However you have to see them all at once, and can't focus on everything at the same time. I wish I could walk through the rain without any umbrella or coat without myself, my clothes, or my posessions getting wet.
  15. Haha, I think I've actually read something similar, I'll have to look into that since it's a very interesting idea, and the ramifications for other planets on the same orbit is something to speculate on... Would that still apply if I was going to have a dwarf planet or two in the mix? I'll probably want to vary the planet sizes as much as the compositions and densities, so it'd be very good to know what kind of limit I'd be working with within the proposed space for a 1AU orbit... Haha, both of those scenarios have potential for stories and a cool atmosphere, I think!
  16. Yeah, that's what I expected at minimum; the asteroid strikes were going to be a common occurence due to debris rings regardless, I was thinking more about how a planet/moon would be assimilated to create the ring in the first place. Ahhh, I see, so a tidally locked moon in between two planets wouldn't work like that... Though dwarf planets themselves and what effect they would have in a system like this one is something I hadn't considered, now I'm wondering what kinds of scaling I could have for the planets to vary their sizes before their gravity starts to interfere with each other... They would most likely have to be near enough the same size, I assume? And loose moons like that are fascinating, they might be a better alternative to the tidally locked moons idea for a shared moon, one that passes between planets... Would they drift in and out of the system itself, or drift between planets as they're affected by the orbit? (I realise I'm essentially asking how they would work xD I do appreciate all this help, it's a brilliant discussion!)
  17. Granted, however this spoon, whenever you think about it, bends from innate telekinetic power, making it difficult to the point of absurdity to actually use it as a spoon. I wish for a slice of pizza that will regrow any bites taken out of it. An infinite pizza slice, if you will. And for it to be in my favourite flavour!
  18. Now THAT is very useful knowledge for this idea and several others I have in the back of my head... Thank you! Hmmm.... With regards to moons/other satellites, would it be possible to have a moon shared between two planets, essentially tidally locking it in geostationary orbit between the two? As for the debris belts, that would be perfect for a few of the ideas I have in mind, though the creation of debris fields and the effects it would have on a populated planet would be something I'll have to look into, especially if they were going to be caused by one planet essentially assimilating another as you said earlier!
  19. I think for myself it was Harry Potter, though another notable one that I remember was from a book day at my school, where we could buy a book, and there was book Two of Darren Shan's Demonata series. (I forget the name, it's been a while since I've read them... And I maaaay have picked it simply because the covers were a deep green (my favourite colour) with a cool picture of a demon snarling open mouthed at the reader). From there there were a few books here and there, nothing I particularly got into or remember aside from The Black Tattoo, which was really damnation good... Until Brandon reignited my love of the fantastical Thanks to him I've finally read (and LOVED) Terry Pratchett's Discworld and quite a few of his other books, GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire, and have now been trying plenty of other authors, ranging from a fantasy world where people can create things of hardened, coloured light, to a post-apocalypse where cities are on gigantic tank treads roaming the barren world devouring one another for resources. So thank you Brandon! ^__^
  20. Well the dynamo effect requiring a liquid core and solid core pretty much rules out the antipode tunnel idea for a planet with a proper magnetic field, haha! Though it would make much more sense for a more subterranean culture on a hollower planet.... Hmmm... There are definite possibilities here, if I can figure out what the bloody hell I want to do with these planets outside of the thought experiment of figuring out how they could exist xD Out of curiousity, why does the South Atlantic Anomaly matter to spacecraft orbiting? And as for satellites and rings around these planets, a Master's Thesis or even just more theorising coming from you on it might not fix the curiousity, but it would definitely be fascinating to read! Haha, this entire discussion has reminded me of how cool astrophysics and our universe is (and made me ashamed that until I read your previous post that I actually forgot the word "astrophysics" xD )
  21. Holy hell that's fantastic! I'm curious how satellites such as moons or rings would be affected by the gravity of other planets now, and what the effects would be on other tides... Yeah, the magnetic field was the next question I had, what would affect it, if there would be spots where it would be weaker/thinner with different densities and compositions/atmospheres etc. Seriously though, I can't thank you enough for all of your help with this!
  22. Oathbringer Spoilers: And could you trap two of the same spren, such as two flamespren in the same gemstone?
  23. This is brilliant and fascinating, and reminds me of why I always loved physics and learning about space, haha! That's also a great example about Europa, I'd forgotten about that and it does pose for some interesting ideas... Would the planet density itself be changable without affecting the gravity issues? I'm suddenly struck by the idea of antipodes on the moon and the lower gravity being able to use tunnels to fall from one side of a satellite to another...
  24. Granted, but Frank, not needing food or water, gets bored very easily and wanders off, eventually clinging to and stowing away on a rocket just as it launches, leaving him drifting in the void of space, unable to breathe or die until you do. He spends the rest of his existence orbiting the earth, staring down at it with unknowable thoughts running through his harmless brain... I wish for a book that can change it's contents to show any book in existence on it's pages, in a language I can read.
  25. This is exactly the kind of response I was looking for, thank you so much! The rings of Saturn comparison was perhaps a little badly explained, the size of the sun itself and the planets could be fudged to avoid the heat issue with proximity, as could their distance between the sun and each other, I essentially want an outside observer, perhaps from another planet on a much further orbit, to be able to observe the planets and get the same kind of view that we do of Saturn, with a definitive ring-shape surrounding it. With the proximity issues of the planets itself that's probably not possible, considering the life-sustaining orbit they'd need to be in, so them simply being on the same orbit around the sun is probably the best solution. The gravity, assimilation and ripping each other apart actually ties in neatly with an idea that I had for at least one of the planets to have a ring of it's own, a previous satellite or another planet that was ripped apart and assimilated would work well for that, and actually gives me ideas for stories, such as the planets eventually be on courses where their gravity will affect one another.... This is fascinating to read though, thank you! Would the orbits of the planets being life-sustaining preclude varied terrain or worlds aside from our own? And how varied would the planet sizes be able to be before they'd just end up at the ripping apart point from the proximity? I want to stick to physics fairly closely and limit the hand-wavey "This planet has an atmosphere mainly of nitrogen or a green sky or a continent made of diamond because I said so" authorial rule-breaking to a degree, haha!
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