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Everything posted by ScarletSabre

  1. Random thought, since Bleeder's spike is a metal from a Shard we know, I wonder if it's from Devotion or Dominion... Perhaps by Era 2, someone has reformed one of the Shards and renamed themselves Trell....
  2. Done. Your socks and sneakers strengthen your feet with but a word, making them feel rested and fine, and powerful! You can embed your feet in the floor with a slight stomp, and often do... since you didn't put in a command to turn the shoes off. You'd better tread carefully lest you accidentally crack paving flags and tiled floors, or push yourself too hard and accidentally leap into the air! I want to awaken a coat with the command. "Repel rain and keep me dry."
  3. I actually posted a theory a long while ago about how I thought Shardplate was crystalised/hardened Stormlight, given that Stormlight can make it regrow, and that Radiants in Dalinar's visions didn't glow, instead using the excess Stormlight to create Plate and "retracting" it by reabsorbing the Light. I should find that old thread, it may have some useful details or theories for this....
  4. Don't forget the Dawnshards, which may or may not be the cause of humans having to move to Roshar... I'm curious about Odium's endgame beyond Roshar, and if he Splinters all other Shards... Then what? What kind of god would he be? Would he incite bloodshed and war wherever he went, just to amuse him? Ruin's endgame was entropy and the heat death of the Cosmere, but Odium is a bit trickier to figure out...
  5. For me, no matter how many times it's described to me, Syl glows with a seafoam green, bluish-tinged light, and is coloured it... And stormlight is white, with golden colourings around the edges, like the colouring of a lightsabre. I also always imagine Dalinar as having sideburns and fairly short graying hair, making his head look a bit square... There's a character in Vinland Saga who rather looks how I imagine him, I'll get a reference later. Inquisitor eye-spikes are like railroad spikes, with large, round, nail-like heads in my mind. I always imagine Taravangean looking almost like the king in Windwaker, at least in general body shape and the beard-style. Sadeas' soldiers and grunts also seem to wear red in my brain, instead of green... Partly to match his Shardplate, and partly because green is my favourite colour and that son of an axehound's people shouldn't besmirch it xD The Lord Ruler I always visualise as having a beard, or at least a goatee, and Spook, when he wore his blindfold, didn't have the bumps for his glasses, I just always picture him as having a blindfold for some reason... Oh, and Breeze is Stephen Fry. Nothing can, or ever will, change that mental image of him.
  6. @StrikerEZ Haha, what did you think of the book in and of itself? It's a favourite for quite a few people for the worldbuilding, and for good reason ^^ And from what I remember of the audiobooks (it's been a while since I read them...) it's pronounced "Rew-id-ee-an" or "Rew-id-ee-ahn/ohn"
  7. Who would Nightblood get along best with? Hoid, The Lopen, Wayne, or Syl? Is there anyone Nightblood doesn't like or is actively annoyed by, and wouldn't want to be held by?
  8. First set 1 - It depends on the equipment I have fighting a Chasmfiend, but in general I'm gonna have to go with the Highstorm ^^ I might get to see the Stormfather, the Riders of the Storm, and I'd rather take my chances dodging flying boulders that aren't trying to ACTIVELY kill me. 2 - Shardplate, since it's infinitely more useful, especially for someone like me who's an expert with both hand to hand combat and swordfighting, haha! 3 - A right Lighteyes, since I'd get to have money, and be able to see if I can outwit people 4 - The Lopen, since while I love Rock, I'm an Airsick Lowlander and The Lopen is hilarious, plus will probably steal Rock's cooking for me if I'm his bestie. 5 - Absolutely Wit at a party, since he's hilarious, and I could see what he'd insult me with and try and insult him back, see how well I do Second Set 1 - Full Shardbearer, since while glowing is fun, I won't get the Surges without the Second Ideal, if I remember correctly.... 2 - Herald, since then I'd have an Honourblade, and possibly be able to join my own Order or another's Order and dual-weild Blades and Surges ~ 3 - Shin sized eyes, since I already have them as far as they're concerned Offworlders just look like Shin to Alethi and other countries... 4 - Soldier in Shinovar, since they seem to have some fun martial arts I'd love to test myself against and learn 5 - Honourspren, since I'd rather be able to fly than disguise myself I'll come up with some! Would you rather; 1 A - Be a soldier in Sadeas' army B - Be a scribe in Dalinar's army 2 A - Be a member of the Ghostbloods B - Be a member of the Sons of Honour 3 A - Have access to an Honourblade B - Bond a spren for an Order you don't think you're suited for 4 A - Join the Ardentia B - Join the Stormwardens 5 A - Live on a Reishi Island B - Live in Urithiru
  9. You should probably put this in the Oathbringer Spoiler board, and put [OB] in the title!
  10. If I recall correctly, didn't Hoid say that Ati was "the best of us" and something to the effect of Rayse being amongst the worst?
  11. I'd honestly recommend Snapshot, since it's in the Reckoners canon, if I remember rightly, but doesn't require any knowledge of the Reckoners, is a self contained and very interesting (at least to me), story, and I personally found it more engaging and easy to get into than the main Reckoners series!
  12. Ironically, my birthday is at the end of the month... I'll have to be careful with these powers, since you've had a Foretelling... > 3 > Granted. Power flows into you, and your consciousness begins to expand as your body convers from matter to pure, radiant energy. You feel your mind blossoming with knowledge, with power, with understanding. With this comes an awareness of your planet. Then your solar system. Then the neighbouring stars.... Wait, what? This isn't right. Your consciousness continues to grow outwards. You become aware of asteroids and comets drifting through the void of space, of other suns, moons, and black holes that try to suck in your very essence as you pass them by. Soon, you can sense everything in the Milky Way, every star and nebula, but it's already becoming a jumble, impossible to distinguish planets from solar systems, let alone anything smaller. And still your consciousness expands. Beyond the spirals of the Milky Way, you soon feel the edges of neighbouring galaxies, your understanding spanning light years upon light years, sensing supernovas explode as faint pops in the wave of knowledge that continues to crash against your mind. Soon, galaxies become as clustered as solar systems, then an indistinct jumble of sensation and understanding as the entire universe becomes open to you. Everything is so tightly packed though, that you can barely even attempt to pick apart, like trying to see an atom with a magnifying glass. And then, suddenly, it stops. You feel a wall of... something, that your consciousness pushes against. It feels incredibly solid, yet fluid at the same time, swirling around your mind.... And then you seem to slip through, and pop into existence... somewhere else. You've ended up in the Macroverse, our own universe a Microverse that now to you seems to exist in the space between neurons. And you without a microscope... You can still sense it, but only faintly, and perhaps with a few billion millenia you'll be able to sort out any kind of proper, distinct galaxy or star system. But who knows? You now exist in the largest scale it's possible to be, and you have a whole new universe to explore. Enjoy figuring out the rules of reality for the Macroverse, Shard of Understanding. I wish to be able to walk up walls and on ceilings as I pleased ^^
  13. Oooh, it's an interesting thought, and some authors have definitely tackled similar ones ^^ I recently read Villain's Rule - The Shadowmaster Book One, where there are interactions with gods being held accountable, tropes being subverted, twisted actively and used for the protagonist's benefit, and even (minor spoilers) So it'd definitely be a fun, interesting idea to read about, it dfepends on how you do it though ^^ I'd personally have the god arguing that since he exists, so do devils and other gods, and that his hands are tied by them etc. Glad you enjoyed it! I'm glad the foreshadowing worked for you, I was a little unsure about it... Though I do think the reveal It's always a fun, and interesting POV for me too, if I ever manage to do a proper book outside of my NPCQuest project, I hope to have conflict on both sides with a villain who isn't a moustache twirling charicature or just embodiment of evil, and people on both sides being characters you like and root for... If I can manage it here with this it's a good start, haha!
  14. Part of the inspiration for Robert Jordan writing it was to tell the story of the chosen one, but with the reality of destiny, (and in this case Aes Sedai) knocking on your door and telling you "Congratulations, you're the saviour of the world! You get to die for everyone else to live, have you and everyone you care about be hunted and in danger, and all the stress of ruling a kingdom, multiplied by every country on the planet. And no, we don't care if you want to or not, you don't get to just be a farmer or shephard." It was also about the spreading and twisting of information with distance, since an event can happen, and be told slightly differently from someone's perspective a mile down the road, and then differently again another mile, until you get to a completely different city and there's only the barest hint of truth to what's being told. Which is something you'll see in characters misperceptions and misunderstandings and misinformation throughout the series (even when it gets irritating as hell), but moments of honesty and discussion are always immideately rewarded, just reinforcing how much the characters should trust each other.
  15. Granted. Incredible, surging power suffuses your entire being, making you glow from within with incredible radiance as your body begins to fade, spinning and spiralling into the growing column of light and power that is your ascension. As your consciousness expands, you grow to encompass the planet, seeing it spinning below you in the ebony vastness of space. Only then, as you see it, your knowledge and power reaching out to touch it and what you can affect, do you realise what your intent is. You have become the Shard Irritation, the god of minor annoyances. Your purview and power extends to lost keys, slow and dropped internet connections, and stubbed toes. You now have complete dominion over all of this, and can even cause it to other Shards, but only in minor ways. Attempting to cause major frustration or anger will cause your own power to rip you apart from within, but you can use your powers in aggregate, making one person irritable and snappy, who then causes others to be like that as well... it all adds up in the end, and people should underestimate your power at their peril. I wish to be able to phase through everything as I wish, making sure that I can control it enough to not phase through the floor/ground without meaning to and ending up trapped in the centre of the earth.
  16. Oooh, please do tell what you thought the prompts were, I'm curious what you thought, haha! Glad you enjoyed it though!
  17. Let's see... some awesome sounding sword names... Lightbringer Stormbreaker Storm Ruler Starvation Frost Killbastard Grimglaive Sever Bloodchill Widowmaker The Oathforged And not a sword name but a cool sounding one - The Forge of Ages or The Forge of Heavens
  18. The pen leaps at your command, ready to write. However, no matter what you dictate to it, it just repeats the line "That which I wish." over and over and over again. But hey, if you have the patience, you can make it write it as big or small as you want, and in different directions so the sentences shape out other letters and words... I want to awaken a scarf with the command "Whenever possible, find and grab cookies."
  19. I found Steris boring when we first met her, if amusing in her interactions with Wax and her father and Marasi, but by SoS and BoM, I adored and related to her somewhat, haha! Same with Sazed during his depressive periods and going through his religions. When I first read it I had barely any sympathy for his struggle, not that I didn't care, but I was like "the end of the world is coming, religion can come after we have more than a few days to pray!" and "Seriously, in ALL of the years of the Final Empire, the ATROCITIES of the Lord Ruler, you never questioned your faiths before, or how you could believe all and none of them? This has NEVER come up?" but then on subsequent rereads (and possibly after some growth on my part), I found his struggles far more compelling and tragic.
  20. I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, it could definitely be a lot more polished, I feel, but since it's essentially a first draft written off the top of my head, I think it came out pretty well, all things considered ^^ Glad to hear I got the foreshadowing and Derrick's charm well too!
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