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Everything posted by Fezzik

  1. What about greatshells as perpendicularities? Same issues as highstorms for why she came out in the middle of nowhere, but that is the other theory I've seen.
  2. Maybe that is what the clouds are in shadesmar. Investiture heading back to the "Sun", which is the Origin.
  3. LOL. Wary means cautious, weary means tired. Whichever you meant, they both work.
  4. Have you read Mistborn: Secret History yet? This might answer some of your questions.
  5. More than this, I want Wayne to become the father of the half-Kandra race, so all his kids not only can imitate accents, but faces.
  6. @TheBlueShifting, did you mean a stormwarden, who is not necessarily bonded to a spren, or stoneward?
  7. What? Where did you even come up with this? The returned feed on breath. It has no bearing whatsoever on whether the returned in question is inspiring. Vasher is not inspiring anyone to give up anything right now, and endowment hasn't terminated him, he is surviving on Stormlight.
  8. Terken creatures are impervious to sand mastery. Dilaf of fjordell is immune to Aons. Is Dilaf immune to sand mastery, and/or terken creatures immune to AonDor?
  9. Does a metalmind being "full" have to do with volume or mass? We know bigger metalminds hold more charge, is that consistent across metals? (Physical density is mass/volume, is investiture density investiture/volume and is there a mathematical relationship between the two? A denser metal holds more investiture or less?)
  10. IMHO, because trell is Ambition, someone spiked shades with trellium to give them physical form, and that is why the eyes are red.
  11. Also @Figberts, ---Khriss's **sh spoiler** is from Sel--- should be ---Khriss **sh spoiler** is from Sel---
  12. Fezzik

    Soonie Pups

    My mother is a seamstress, she used low pile faux fur, and she had a dog pattern that sort of resembled TenSoon and she winged it.
  13. Sort of like in Lord of the rings, to get to heaven (valinor) you sail into the west on a line tangent to the earth.
  14. Fezzik

    Soonie Pups

    Homemade soonie pup!
  15. Tie: white sand and elantris. White sand I disliked more, but I'm not cementing that opinion until all the GNs are out.
  16. @Walin, the rosharans understand the world is round. In one of the interludes from Oathbringer he read from while on tour, the ardents discuss the regular timing of the everstorm as it circles around the planet. And I can't find the transcript, so maybe I'm imagining a monastery up in the mountains with a woman walking out to the woods to read her romance novel in peace...
  17. "One is almost certainly a traitor to the others".--paragraph 27, book of the second desk drawer. All other quotes from the 2dd are about the unmade. Jasnah says in an epigraph of WoK that the unmade are considered "personifications of kinds of destruction". What if the traitorous unmade is the personification of betrayal?
  18. @Just another guyn, red shift is caused by things moving towards you. Blue shift is caused by things moving away from you Energy release could do it though
  19. IIRC, in a recent signing, Brandon said that shard's desire to hide was a Wise one. Wisdom seems a pretty good guess.
  20. @The One Who Connects, 5) correction: inquisitors did have at the very least feruchemical gold before ruin.
  21. This hoid/bead debate reminds me of the Asmodean debates. BS will deliberately avoid stating explicitly that hoid is an allomancer via lerasium until stormlight 9, where hoid will mention it off-handedly.
  22. @Zennix, the recent discussion was limited to TFE era Scadrial and pre-WoK Roshar, so no KR, just the basic 10 metals, no compounding, and no medallions. Given the pace of technology on Scadrial, I feel the longer this war is put off, the advantage swings to Scadrial.
  23. @Aaronator17, there was a thread discussing this a while back that said you might be able to encase harmonium in another allomantic metal, then burn them in rapid sequence while flaring pewter.
  24. @jofwu, probably not. Elements are determined by the number of protons. If they have different numbers of neutrons, then it becomes an isotope. If they have different numbers of electrons, then it becomes an ion. I would guess the question involved what would happen if you burned something elementally pure, but not "standard" copper.
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