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Everything posted by natc

  1. Funny you say that Harmony has a hand in everything when there's about just as many people who think he doesn't do enough as there are who think he does too much.
  2. That's not how probability works Pear. You have no idea what circumstances even lead up to the event being calculated, nor do we know the population distribution of each race.
  3. Programming reality in assembler sounds pretty dangerous.
  4. But what does it do? Add and subtract inputs?
  5. He got kicked in it quite hard by a certain man in the very room the conversation where he rubbed his chest took place in. Hasn't been too long either.
  6. For a person to be Radiant they would have to have suffered some sort of trauma that broke them, cracking their souls. Meaning that more likely than not they are already snapped. If they had no allomantic potential at all tough luck. If Cultivation's presence somehow created a new magic, jasenerd? Well yes, it is almost guaranteed to happen if all three showed up at the same place and invested. But at no point in feruchemy is any actual investiture mixed in intent, besides the feruchemist's soul having been a mixture from the get-go. A system will be there, but it's not going to take power from all three without some finagling.
  7. How does the wiping of metal reserves and occasionally foreign impurities (metal and investiture) have any effect on something encoded into your very soul?
  8. And yet Prof seemingly tanks an entire Obliteration-power-using bomb using his force fields, and since he was definitely saving people with that and we know his weakness, that still wasn't full power. I mean, he doesn't block the whole thing, but what he did block did absolutely nothing to the barriers or anything behind them. And in combat he only has to shield himself. The blasts go in all directions, he only needs to make it go around him.
  9. Seemingly using human sacrifices (and what investiture their souls are worth) just to disrupt AonDor or teleport is end-positive?
  10. Cultivation would mix terribly with Preservation actually. Change and stagnation, just like with Ruin and Preservation. C & P completely oppose each other.
  11. If Identity doesn't help against that, then the Bands would probably still help resist soulcasting by virtue of being way too invested. BoM minor spoilers Never mind that soulcasters are metal.
  12. In-world hype. She's not actually that amazing of a person. She just made the right impression at the wrong time and people ran with it to get things done. Divergent. That was plain weird.
  13. It certainly takes creativity and ingenuity to get into places with said art in them. Trespassing takes skill.
  14. . . . yeah, they have no way to really stop someone with the Bands do they? Besides exhausting them of metals.
  15. All this magic is damaging our ability to just pass the wearing of gemstones off as being for purposes of jewelry, I reckon.
  16. Ruby Rose forum avatar. Approved. They're far from the best thing ever, but it was somewhat entertaining watching Katniss be the subject of excessive hype then everyone dying anyway.
  17. Another story? Clearly the funds must go towards compounding to aid writing speed. Or spikes for it.
  18. Actually Preservation can't so much as hurt a fly while trying to save the world. So technically Shards themselves can't act against their intents at all. But this case is getting other people to do it for them, which is indeed valid. Unless you have a freshly Ascended vessel . . .
  19. And that is why electrum shadows almost certainly split the moment you begin burning.
  20. Two of those matter for nearly everything magicky. And the third is meaningless to honorblades as far as we know.
  21. Also, KR need to be broken to allow investiture to flow in, same principle with allomancers. So do honorblades drive people mad or something to force breakage?
  22. I feel like forcing someone from a culture where warriors are the lowest class to kill by giving him an honorblade, a command to obey all orders from the owner of the oathstone, and letting those owners put two and two together is probably the entire point of this punishment in the first place.
  23. Yeah, Warbreaker was written first to give background. Nightblood was, by deduction, a Stormlight Archive "character" first and foremost.
  24. 53% Willshaper 44% Windrunner 35% Truthwatcher 29% Edgedancer 24% Lightweaver 24% Bondsmith 18% Elsecaller 11% Dustbringer 0% Skybreaker 0% Stoneward Didn't expect that.
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