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    Skybreaker and Professional Assumption Maker
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    Reading, nintendo, writing, acting, singing, generally being a nerd.

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  1. Also, you need to remember that TLR had just been the holder of Preservation, it likely made much more sense to him in that state of mind to store something away rather than destroy it all.
  2. I like that idea, but it raises some questions. Does it mean that the metals burn slower but with the same effect, or will the metals effect be lessened with slower burning?
  3. I have personally thought that atium would give a metal external and temporal effects, as that seems to be the effect of atium itself and its one known alloy (though this is questionable since malatium was alloyed with a temporal metal to begin with). I've got an idea of what might become of the atium alloys as well Atium Alloys Gold- Allows you to see the person someone could have been had they made different choices as a shadow next to them. Electrum- Allows you to project a large number of future shadows visible to others, showing the huge amount of possibilities that you might do with your next action to others, confusing them. Bendalloy- Allows you to encase an area or person other than yourself in a time bubble in which time inside moves faster than time outside. Cadmium- Allows you to encase an area or person other than yourself in a time bubble in which time inside moves slower than time outside. Pewter- Allows you to increase your physical abilities as if you were burning pewter normally at a delay, roughly an hour after burning the metal. This cannot be wiped, as you are not burning any current metal for the power. Tin- Allows you to have your senses pick up another time period of roughly two weeks into the future or past. This future is able to be changed through actions, whereas the past is concrete. Since you are not physically present, you cannot be affected or affect these other times. Steel- Allows you to temporally push on metal objects, ageing them at a fast rate. Iron- Allows you to temporally pull on metal objects, regressing them to earlier states. Bronze- Allows you to focus on one individual, and be able to tell if they will develop Allomancy (so long as they have not snapped) or if they have Allomancy, what metal they will use next. Copper- Allows you to touch someone and "charge" them up with a coppercloud, giving them and only them immunity to seeking and emotional Allomancy for one hour. Brass- Allows you to Soothe the emotions related to specific memories the target it thinking of, retroactively colouring the memory with a new emotion. Zinc- Allows you to Riot the emotions related to specific memories the target it thinking of, retroactively colouring the memory with a new emotion. Chromium- Allows you to make a person you touch unable to use Allomancy for one hour after contact. Nicrosil- Allows you to make a person you touch have supercharged Allomancy for one hour after contact. Duralumin- Allows you to make an area around you in which all Allomancers burning metal get a duralumin boost. This does not effect you. Aluminium- Allows you to make an area around you in which all Allomancers have their metals wiped. This does not effect you.
  4. Hmmm... From the context, I'd place it as almost a swear word, like Rust and Ruin. He could be saying something along the lines of "the hell? Where am I?" But then again, from what we've heard of Ati form the letter, I don't know if he'd speak that way. Maybe we will be forced to wait until Brandon deigns to give us answers. Also, I agree completely about wanting more prominent queer characters, and I have high hopes for this. I liked the inclusion of Ranette as lesbian, and I personally was very sure that Steris was asexual until the last few books, and I still think that she may not feel sexual attraction, but feel a romantic attraction (as she does seem to love Wax). But as a gay guy myself, I'm still holding out hope for a gay male lead in one of the Cosmere books, especially since to my recollection we haven't had a queer guy in the Cosmere so far (apart from one of the bridge men, I can't find the quote though)
  5. When I read that, I sounded really similar to those times when Wax would say "Oh, Harmony", as if it was a god or higher power. And I looked at the Ao3 fic, it was reasonable. But one of the reasons I'm actually hoping that they were in love is that I think it would be a brilliant way for Brandon to get some more LGBT into the Cosmere. The characters are dead, so it would only be necessary to either put in a WoB about it or write it into a shard or Hoid flashback, and it would make an incredibly sad and complex story!
  6. Ok, so I just finished rereading Secret History after it was brought up in another thread, and I'm not sure why, but I keep getting kind of vibes that Leras and Ati might have been a thing back on Yolen. I really want this to be true, because then it would be heartbreaking. So, in the letter it talks about Ati being really nice before he was corrupted by Ruin's intent, and I think it would be a really powerful story. We have these two people who loved each other, maybe Ati was given Ruin because they thought he was nice enough to counteract it, he and Leras go off together, but Ati is corrupted further and further by the shard, to the point where Leras had to keep him improsoned. Then, his Cognitive Shadow in secret history is vague enough that all it remembers is that it has to stop ruin. I don't think Brandon would have intentionally written it in, but did anyone else get that vibe? Maybe I'm just insane...
  7. Your character actually reminds me of mine, who uses forcefields to get similar effects to how you describe the wind manipulation, also going to join Corvallis soon (once I finish studying for my Psychology assessments, ugh). If you did want him to join Corvallis, maybe there could be a job that these kind of powers are used for there, as one of its big features is how epics are used in specialised roles based on their powers. Any idea what that job could be?
  8. Thank you for suggesting it, but I've been considering, and I feel that since I remember information to share with others, I would fit into the Theorydancers better! I speak the oaths: Facts before Guessing, Checking before Assuming, Reason before Conclusion! My Theoryspren Locke and I will be proud to represent these ideals!
  9. Hello! I would like to join, but I know not which order I best fit. I usually support the theory's of others, and participate in the extrapolation of facts and uses of magic systems being applied to other situations. As I have not made an offical theory, (apart from a tiny on about how the Infinity Blade games might be connected to the Cosmere) I'm not sure if I qualify. Any ideas as to how I may fit or if I qualify would be greatly appreciated!
  10. Yeah, Voidus is right, I was talking about a metal you already have. A non ferring spiked gains the ability and acess to the victems metalminds, though. I have always had the Headcannon that when they captured a Feruchemist, they melted down their metalminds and used them to steal their powers. That way, the Inquisitor has some immediate stores right off the bat. That, and the cruel irony.
  11. Actually, accordng to the Treatise Metallurgic from the Mistborn Adventure Game, hemalurgically spiking a Feruchemist with the metal they already have only allow them to use the spike donor's metalminds, not allow them to store/tap with any more power
  12. I just wanted to weigh in on the feruchemical brass debate, and I'll be drawing my info from the Treatise Metallurgic and the Alloy of Law supplement for the Mistborn adventure game, as they provide really good, in depth looks at how the powers might be applied. In the Treatise Metallurgic, it specifically states that the heat let off by brass cannot burn things, and storing it does not make you immune to fire. However, it does mean you suffer no damage from the heat itself, meaning that while your skin would be damaged my the flames internal damage or wooziness caused by heat can be ignored. Similarly with storing, you can not get frostbite or hypothermia while tapping. The limit on not burning things is ignored by compounding, where if you compound Brass you can release waves of heat that are hot enough to melt soft metals, ignite wood and cloth and cause burns on others. As for what Twinborn powers I'd like, I do want brass/brass, but since we are ruling out compounding I'll go with A-electrum/F-chromium. That way, while storing luck I can see slightly into my future if I will trip over something or suffer some type of mishap and either avoid it or prepare in some way.
  13. I personally believe that Lerasium alloyed with any metal would make you a misting of the metal, as stated above (I'm sure there is a WoB eating that the true purpose of Lerasium is tuning your spiritweb to the shard's power, but I cannot find it) and my friend and I recently theorised about the 16 base metals alloyed with atium. The principle we used was this: allomancy has most often a temporal effect, and in the one ally we've seen, malatium, it changed an internal metal to an external one. The 16 theoretic combinations we came up with were as follows, not in any particular order: Gold- Allows you to see the person someone could have been had they made different choices as a shadow next to them. Electrum- Allows you to project a large number of future shadows, showing the huge amount of possibilities that you might do with your next action to others, confusing them. Bendalloy- Allows you to encase an area or person other than yourself in a time bubble in which time inside moves faster than time outside. Cadmium- Allows you to encase an area or person other than yourself in a time bubble in which time inside moves slower than time outside. Pewter- Allows you to increase your physical abilities as if you were burning pewter normally at a delay, roughly an hour after burning the metal. This cannot be wiped, as you are not burning any current metal for the power. Tin- Allows you to have your senses pick up another time period of roughly two weeks into the future or past. This future is able to be changed through actions in the current time period after seeing it, whereas the past is concrete. Since you are not physically present, you cannot be affected or affect these other times. Steel- Allows you to temporally push on metal objects, ageing them at a fast rate. Iron- Allows you to temporally pull on metal objects, regressing them to earlier states. Bronze- Allows you to focus on one individual, and be able to tell if they will develop Allomancy (so long as they have not snapped) or if they have Allomancy, what metal they will use next. Copper- Allows you to touch someone and "charge" them up with a coppercloud, giving them and only them immunity to seeking and emotional Allomancy for one hour. Brass- Allows you to Soothe the emotions related to specific memories the target it thinking of, retroactively colouring the memory with a new emotion. Zinc- Allows you to Riot the emotions related to specific memories the target it thinking of, retroactively colouring the memory with a new emotion. Chromium- Allows you to make a person you touch unable to use Allomancy for one hour after contact. Nicrosil- Allows you to make a person you touch have supercharged Allomancy for one hour after contact. Duralumin- Allows you to make an area around you in which all Allomancers burning metal get a duralumin boost. This does not effect you. Aluminium- Allows you to make an area around you in which all Allomancers have their metals wiped. This does not effect you. On a seperate note, I always thought that an Atium/Lerasium alloy would make you a Feruchemist, as they were described as having equal amounts ruin/preservation in their magic system
  14. As dearly as I love allomancy, I have to go Feruchemy. The powers that always stuck out to me when reading were brass, steel and iron, and while I would love to soothe, I am deathly afraid of heights and would not be able to use pushes and pulls the way I want to... That, and I love the idea of being able to use duralumin and chromium Feruchemy, as they seem super interesting. And I'd love to be able to give my friends some powers through the nicrosil/aluminum combo! I know several stressed friends with schoolwork who could benefit from zinc or bronze.
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