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Hhm... I am fairly sure that Granny Hoid would not mind if I joined.


(Bowing before Mistrunner)

May I Phoenix become a Knight Awkward? 

Books before friends.

17th Shard before the real world.

Release dates before birthdays.

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I have a question, do any of you fellow Knights Awkward wear aluminum foil hats and when your friends ask you if you are a government conspirator you say, "No, I am protecting myself from emotional allomancy"?

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The door opens, and a green-eyed youth strolls in.

"Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Release dates before birthdays.

I will make fun of the unmakefunable. May I enlist in the orders of Awkwardness to better pursue the refining waters of annoyance?"

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To further show my allegiance to the Knights Awkward I shall say the words of my order (I have an electronic, soft cover, and hardcover of almost all of Brandon's books)

I will convert those who are not

I will convince those without to buy two copies

I will loan my extras to anyone without

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The door to the hall opened with a nearly silent squeak, and Kipper slipped in. On stealthy feet, he edged his way along the wall. He gasped in amazement, as he saw...

To be continued on Sunday...

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Or, you know, if you want... or I could just go...

Congratulations. That's how you join.


Welcome to our guild!


Edit: Well, you have to say the first oath.

Edited by mistrunner
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Voidus entered the new guildhall, carefully he examined his options.

Feeling too stifled by any one order, he cloned himself twice then spiked the orders of Oregonbreakers and Theoryweavers out of his clones.

"As may have been obvious, I am an Alleywatcher, and now something more. I shall be more awkward by far than has ever been imagined! I shall stay up til 6am and sleep during hours I should be studying so that I may consume more of the glorious cosmere, I shall forgo all friendship excepting those forged on the forums I shall be very very awkward!!!!"

Voidus paused briefly, his new spikes leaking blood over his clothes.

"So um.... can I join?"

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The door slammed open, to many whispered cries of "Shshshshsh!" In shuffled a... book? It was a huge tome, covered in dust, but bearing an image of a spear wielding Radiant on the front. As the book shuffled towards Mistrunner's throne (comfortable reading chair), it became more obvious that there were stubby little fingers holding onto the book.


When it stopped in front of Mistrunner, the book lowered itself to the floor, and a pair of thick, heavy, spectacles appeared from behind it, attached to a small head sprouting mad white hair in many directions. The head disappeared behind the book, and an arm came our from behind the left side, disappearing again as the head reappeared. Did whatever that was just bow? It was impossible to tell when he was behind the book.


A wavering voice spoke from behind the book. "I am Bortholemew the Blind, and I am here to join the Knights Awkward, if you will have me.  I am a Forumlurker, and I have spoken the first two oaths. Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Release dates before birthdays. I will read that which has not been read." 

Edited by Bort
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Forget that, I don't have time for RP right now. :)

Well, I would join the Knights Awkward, because I do like to join Guilds, but unfortunately for your guild membership, I'm the most charismatic and friendly person I know. Can't be helped. Perhaps I can join as the Knights Awkward/Dark Alley liason?

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A young man in tattered yellow robes, looking as though he hasn't washed them in months, and wearing a look of aged idiocy walks into the newly furnished grand hall of the Knights Awkward. He bobs his head in a sort of greeting, and opens his mouth.


"I did done do these now. Cans I joinings? Bokks are goot.


I haz kitty.


Whats are we talkings?


I iz awkwords."


He takes your dazed silence as agreement, and leaves to look for the attic, so he can Leap Of Faith  off into a wagon of hay. The knights awkward have risen again. And they should really screen their members more carefully.

Edited by Bridge Boy
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