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Everything posted by natc

  1. The difference is that with allomancy, mistborn exist. Though not naturally possible, the powers naturally group together as a single system. Surgebinding, on the other hand, has no equivalent example.
  2. You can be a female hamster, but there's no such thing as a woman hamster The things one would get from double woman-ness in humans would be irrelevant to hamster gender anyway.
  3. Speed of microevolution really only has to do with how diverse the population is and how early they pop out babies. The latter doesn't feel too different from us in the north, probably not in the south either. Not significantly anyway. The former is unknown, but Rashek superheating the planet would've made for one impressive bottleneck.
  4. Beware, the Well of Ascension is a very slow book. Nothing much happens until the plot reveal avalanche.
  5. Most of them could very definitely see the future, and atium allomancy apparently sees into the spiritual realm as well. Likely a similar mechanism. Some shards (ironically Ruin included) are just plain bad at it though.
  6. To be honest, even if it is multiplicative your own size should still have an effect. I'm Googling ants and insects right now (not reliable but hey), the most obvious first thought when it comes to strength-size discrepancy, and weight is very definitely more of a volume-related thing while muscular strength isn't. It's based more on the surface area of the muscle capable of being contracted. So one is proportional to a cubic property while the other (which pewter enhances) is proportional to a square property. So if we simulate a hypothetical person with a magical device that lets us scale their size up and down while maintaining proportions (or you can be mundane cosmere and just use a pewter-iron twinborn), as we shrink them their strength relative to their size goes up, since their weight "shrinks" faster, and they look stronger compared to how puny they are. As we make them bigger, eventually the weight outpaces the strength so much that they can't move (if we ignore the weight simply killing them). Even if your strength increases less, if the burden of weight the strength needs to move decreases more, there should be a slight difference in which packs more strength advantage. You can multiply the strength by a factor, but since it still won't be cubic the relative difference doesn't "scale" the same way. Though the initially stronger guy can still exert more raw force, but the lighter one can move heavier things relative to their own weight. Including themselves. Vin should be faster no matter what.
  7. I think we jumped a logical step here. Smokers burn almost nonstop for a job, so most becoming savant is pretty likely. But they aren't bronze mistings anyhow, so that line has no impact on proving the savant state of Clubs.
  8. That would imply one knew the beauty of Adonalsium's designs once but had lost sight of it, while the other simply never knew until that moment, no? I like it. Though they see Odium and all the other consequences and perhaps get an "It was at this moment that Hoid and Frost knew: they [stormed] up" realization. Would be amusing.
  9. I mean, if we go into the realm of "theoretically" instead of the norm, then we have to allow for the possibility of a result produced from deconstructing and manipulating the system for all its worth. You can probably create such a spren, but I'd assume spren with such properties do not normally manifest without external aid. Like there's awakened objects, and then there's Nightblood. Very specific procedures went into bending the rules as far as they can go for the sake of creating a shardblade, and then they ended up with more than they bargained for.
  10. You do have a point. Nicrosil ferring twinborn can be very powerful. Imagine the steelpushes.
  11. On one hand Shai worked her butt off to make the Ashravan stamp instead of (presumably) between jobs in her downtime with her own essence marks. On the other hand her own essence marks modify off of her own experiences and skills while the Ashravan stamp was essentially a self-contained artificial intelligence with memories and personality based off of a person she had never met, with only being able to take the person's best friend's word and knowledge for it when it came to accuracy. Curing psychological disorders would hopefully be somewhere inbetween closer to the former.
  12. Sounds like a suitably DA-like thing to do alright. Excuse me for rambling, but I do feel, however, that it's less that human attribute spikes cause greater changes to the person and more that they're the only ones (animals aside) that logically would change anything observable. From the genetics perspective. "Human strength" is a physical sort of thing, and koloss "mutations", while sometimes having no clear connection to being strong, are at least physiological in nature. We don't understand spiritwebs very well, doubt we ever will (even physical gene expression is a very complex thing), so perhaps they are connected by some higher logic. "Steel allomancy" is an Inquisitor spike, and I would say that, to me, the mutations should clearly occur with relation to magic, if not steel specifically. Same with their other powers. So Inquisitors would look less warped to people, but still are. Case in point, Inquisitor steelsight is way stronger than their actual pushing (which is still strong) should indicate from what I can tell. They can't push living flesh or anything, but can still see it with lines due to the metal.
  13. Coppermind says Ishar (the Bondsmith patron) is Pious and Guiding while Jezrien was protection and leadership. To be utterly fair the Almighty told Dalinar to "unite them", which is less leading people to do what needs to be done, and more to just make them shut up and work together in the first place.
  14. Compiunding only does exactly what feruchemy does. If normal nicrosil clearly doesn't (Wax isn't fullborn) then there's no reason that should help.
  15. Are you suggesting the act of overwriting a spiritweb using forgery to put them into a state where they have a burned a metal that itself does nothing but rewrite spiritwebs? What good would that do? The stamp is also unlikely to have enough power to actually make you a powerful mistborn anyway.
  16. Spoilers bro. Just to be safe. Preservation has nothing to do with law and order. If left to its own devices without Ruin it would try to turn Scadrial into a snow globe museum exhibit where nothing changes ever. It's no less harmful to society than Ruin was. It's Preservation, not Honor, we're talking about here. It provided enough investiture for sentience and allomancy, the rest was all on them.If anything ignoring one's own intent to Preserve all creation to straight up go and slay gods is as unlawful as they come.
  17. Also, compounding it would probably make it run out even faster since the metalmind is now gone.
  18. Plus twinborn were only really a thing in the last few centuries, and one doesn't simply know things without research.
  19. If the day and night cycles are seemingly normal enough to remain unnoticed he would have to move the planet's axis away from the magnetic poles drastically as well, then rotate the whole thing to line up the way it used to be. . . . at which point you've basically moved the Well.
  20. It would technically be 16*16*4 in this case, but yeah it's 1024 years.
  21. Letting him request so much as a glass of water on occasion would honestly make the blatant lie more convincing. And the objective, in the end, was to protect the God King('s breath), even if they went a bit overkill with it. The other Returned aren't morons.
  22. Actually the majority of them were similes. Megan noticed that first.
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