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Everything posted by natc

  1. They thought the same about blades at one point. Except it turned out the gem only served to bond and never even needed to be powered. Or attached at all. Kaladin can power that shardplate helm with his own stormlight too. The gems appear to also be relatively meaningless to its inner workings because of this, which defies what we know of fabrial science even more than ancient fabrials did.
  2. Your surplus of Determination makes you the butt of Undertale jokes forever. I wish I was a zinc compounder.
  3. Except keeping it in blood actually works. But won't it risk ruining the purity and expell the charge anyway?
  4. @cloudjumper 4. Why not both? 5. Read BoM.
  5. What's to say Sanderson could have even done this with the system he wanted to make? Perhaps he designed it do that one splinter (presumably honorblades are splinter-like in composition, since they behave like other shardblades physically) and the bond it produces would not even be capable of manifesting more than two surges. We also do not know the full capabilities of heralds. Evidence points to them being already superhuman without stormlight. As far as I can tell that "theme" of power vs diversity has only happened . . . once.
  6. Actually as far as I remember Koloss warlord attacks are still a problem in the basin. They can be controlled though, and you can sort of trust the Koloss-bloods.
  7. The systems appear due to the shards'interactions with the world they're at. It's a realmatics thing. What turns out is technically beyond their control.
  8. Your mental capacity to understand the images increases from atium as well. You can afford to store even more if you solely use shadows for vision.
  9. You can burn it as well, and soulcasting can create it (though whether it can be casted into other things is unknown). Clearly it's not completely immune to magic. It just behaves strangely, in a magic-disrupting way. That it is a metallic element on a world realmatically linked to metal probably helps a lot.
  10. Never mind the fact that, as far as we know, medallions are only able to replicate things actually capable of being stored in nicrosil. Namely invested abilities. While powerful, this is far smaller in scope by several orders of magnitude. I'm not sure what is hard to understand here. Gaining powers is only one of countless ways to use hemalurgy. It can essentially create anything with the right bits and pieces of spiritweb and a large supply of victims to murder for them. We've seen some impressive (if crude) feats from Rashek's constructs already, and so far all those spikes came from one species of human. We can potentially merge lions, dragons, chasmfiends, skyeels . . . hemalurgy is terrifyingly versatile. You can probably even have strangely eloquent and gentlemanly herds of skyeel-style-levitating pewter compounder chulls singing odes to one's magnificence with a British accent that only need to eat dirt to survive. If anyone could figure out how to make it work. Major magic systems are not the only thing of interest in the Cosmere you know. Sometimes you just need a biologically impossible creature of some sort. Or you just want to steal a shardblade off of a guy.
  11. On the other hand air was visibly sucked into the stone this one time they were casting a . . . windbreak I think?
  12. Well, I was speaking for misspellings in general. Scadrial isn't the only one . . .
  13. Do note that someone with sufficiently strong emotional allomancy (emotional allomancy+nicrosil twinborn, obtained duralumin allomancy from medallions/spikes, maybe nicrobursted allomancers) might be able to control you too, not just Harmony. But really, permanent theft of anything associated with a person's spiritweb and hemalurgic constructs are enough to be relevant. Medallions are very limited in application in the grand scheme of things. It's a hack for convenience, not versatility.
  14. Hemalurgy requires actually knowing what you're doing with the pointy metal bits, and intent. Otherwise it should work whenever. The art itself had absolutely nothing to do with other magics.
  15. There is literally a leecher using their powers in the BoM broadsheets. I think basically everybody knows about chromium. Seems the sort of thing Spook would want to know.
  16. Unfortunately some of us (not me) are in the audiobook crowd and might not actually have seen the names written before coming here.
  17. I'm not sure how an artifabrian would help at all in enhancing plate. As evidenced by Kaladin and the helmet piece, as long as it's getting stormlight from somewhere the gems are irrelevant and unnecessary. Even soulcasters need gems, just mot necessarily spren within them. In conclusion, shardplate is not a fabrial in the first place. Half-shards don't even begin to work on the same principles.
  18. By virtue of being an artificial shardblade as well, he/she/it/[pronoun failure] is essentially a splinter-like entity similar to spren, seons, and skaze. Even Brandon calls Nightblood a "robot spren" at one point, IIRC.
  19. Selish magic is essentially one large system that differs in behavior depending on the region with regards to symbols and how they are applied. They all share the same investiture source.
  20. Mutating creatures is not really a downside. Koloss armies are rusting wonderful. Spook says so himself. If anyone ever figures out how this works exactly you can create literally any lifeform you can think of with hemalurgy. It goes far beyond metallic arts. One might even say Inquisitors are the least ambitious of the three named species. Powerful, yes, but simplistic compared to koloss. Then you have Bleeder's creations.
  21. Those examples aren't part of the magic, that's the user being an idiot. Rarely happens. On the other hand as far as the monks know dying is necessary to make it work. They've got ages to figure this out, if it's a screwup it should have been obvious long ago.
  22. He also has the moon scepter from the Rose Empire. Poor Shai.
  23. Birth sounds familiar too. Though the womb is involved in that . . . Let's just assume birthing complications in labor almost killed her.
  24. IIRC Vin actually snapped in the womb. I'm not sure anything gets permanently filled back up to be honest. How would investiture enter you then? Besides, allomancy is something you're born with; the power of Preservation goes in and gets spent almost immediately. Lerasium likely acts on whatever bit of the soul normally contains allomantic potential, unless used for something else as implied possible. Similarly if you have a spren jammed in nothing flows through. I'm inclined to believe the bond attaches somewhere else. It's, after all, technically possible to steal it. It's counterintuitive to have a spike that steals holes in things. Would the crack even form in the same place every time in the first place?
  25. There's really nothing stopping a system of such varied manifestations to have both end-positive and end-negative ways of application though. The power flows in externally in all of them, but method of access differs greatly between regions. If one involves loss of human life surpassing the amount of power gained as the method of investing then the maths cleanly adds up to below zero.
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