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I don’t remember getting my wisdom teeth out, the actual process that is. They started the gas then next thing I know I’m being led to my car (I obviously wasn’t driving). Hopefully it goes just as smoothly for you, @StrikerEZ!

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1 hour ago, Jondesu said:

I don’t remember getting my wisdom teeth out, the actual process that is. They started the gas then next thing I know I’m being led to my car (I obviously wasn’t driving). Hopefully it goes just as smoothly for you, @StrikerEZ!


7 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

For what it's worth when I got my wisdom teeth out it was fairly painless

The recovery was more of a bother than the actual operation

But yeah I was pretty nervous too :P

Well you see, I’m mostly worried about the recovery and less the actual surgery. I have a very low pain tolerance and I still haven’t ever figured out how to swallow pills, so.....yeah. Trying to figure out what to do about that. :P

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Okay, after talking with Young Bard, we’re going to start this game at the same time as before, just pushed back two days. So 9 am CDT, on Saturday, May 29th.

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14 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:


Well you see, I’m mostly worried about the recovery and less the actual surgery. I have a very low pain tolerance and I still haven’t ever figured out how to swallow pills, so.....yeah. Trying to figure out what to do about that. :P

Figure out how to swallow pills fast. It took me forever too. Try tipping your head forward slightly, and just swallowing a big gulp of water.

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Yeah all I remember was they put the IV in my arm and then the doctor started listing off some gibberish. My muddled experience from waking up was watching how the IV drip works and the nurse putting chapstick on my lips.

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I'd like to sign up as Veren, an assistant to the Elendel representatives who is trying to decrease the influence of the nobility in government and who *may* be meeting with the Garmet representatives in secret and sneaking some of their suggestions into the Elendel representatives' agenda.

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The second day after the announcement that everyone in Garmet was completely trapped began like any other. People got up, they got ready for their day, and then they went about doing their business for that day. All of the politicians and representatives met in the meeting hall again, today with a new agenda on the docket. What to do about the fact that they're trapped with no railroads back to Elendel, and Elendel being a 200+ trip even if someone began to walk.

Yoden found himself distracted during these meetings. Goren, who had so quickly taken charge the previous day, was doing just fine leading the politicians. Oh, there were squabbles between the Elendel reps and the Garmet reps, but that was politics. What was distracting Yoden was that he hadn't seen Isendwel, his assistant, since yesterday morning. She'd woken him up that day because he'd slept in late. Yoden was almost late today because she hadn't woken him up like he was expecting her to.

It was at that moment that Isendwel was dragged into the meeting hall by two city guards. She looked ragged, her hair a mess, her eyes wild. Yoden stood up faster than he ever stood up before. "What is the meaning of this?" He yelled. 

"Calm down, Yoden," Goren said calmly. "I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason for all of this." He turned to one of the guards. "Go ahead, speak."

The man nodded, dragging Isendwel forward with him as he moved so more people could see him. "This one was found trying to escape the city last night. We searched her rooms and found a bunch of records showing train schematics and times and instructions from someone on what to do once 'the plan was complete.'" There was a gasp in the meeting hall as everyone realized what he meant, and the man seemed to be pausing deliberately to take it all in. "Our investigators believe that she was not alone here in Garmet, based on what they could glean from her notes."

There was a frenzied rush of murmurs and conversations throughout the room, but Yoden could hardly hear any of it. Later that day, he would remember that Goren eventually took charge. They executed Isendwel for treason not soon after, and vowed to do so to anyone else they found out was working with the rebels. And so it begun.


LG77: A Political Trap has begun! GM PMs will be, or already have been, sent out as soon as possible. Remember that all PMs must include myself and @Young Bard. In addition, I'd request that players label their PMs with LG77 at the start of them, to make our lives easier. There will also be a removal during this Day. There is no vote minimum (though no one is removed if no one votes), and tied votes result in a random tied player getting removed.

Player List:

  1. @Ashbringer
  2. @Biplet - Shara, advisor to a representative of the third Octant, Iden. 
  3. @Szeth_Pancakes - Earl Euphemie, a journalist from the Elendel Daily, definitely not a highly trained assassin.
  4. @Matrim's Dice - Philico, here to steal Faleast's Kandra thunder.
  5. @Lotus - Josephine, definitely not out of her league.
  6. @Araris Valerian - Sweeper, a lowly cleaner of the political chamber building.
  7. @The Unknown Order - Walker, who...walks. Yeah.
  8. @DrakeMarshall - Juno, member of the Board of Somethingorother, and an enthusiastic protestor.
  9. @Jondesu - Myra, not witty or even particularly bright, but she’s honest.
  10. @Archer - The Great Panini, wealthy patron of the arts and amateur ventriloquist, accompanied by Bagel.
  11. @Ventyl - The Lafay Etteax, find out what he’ll do on the next episode of Sanderson Elimination!
  12. @Experience - Zara, questionably loyal, but in extreme ways.
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Magrait, an amalgamation of Adomert and Inedze through their stored memories from a coppermind.
  14. @Azmine_king
  15. @Mist - Lumen, a secretary who's trying her best and wants to bring justice to whoever needs it.
  16. @|TJ|
  17. @manukos - Bill, Bill Door. Probably shaped like a triangle.
  18. @Dannex
  19. @Flyingbooks - Veren, assistant to the Elendel representatives, playing both sides to get the nobility less influence in politics.

This turn will end on Monday, May 31st at 9 am CDT.

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Philico hated being told what to do. Not as much as some people hated it, that is, and perhaps hate was a strong word to begin with… it was more of a bad taste in his mouth. The kind of thing that you’re able to deal with but try to avoid as much as possible.

He supposed he could blame only himself for timely visiting the city during its lockdown, but all the same he detested it. Philico could probably leave if he wanted to, but in his years, he’d found it easiest to just play along. He’d never be at a real risk of dying anyway.

Philico stared across the table at Faleast, sitting assuredly as always. If the timeline was right, their kandra body should only be twenty-five years old, but it was… obvious that Faleast didn’t really care about the timeline. Philico had razed Arelon with him in his early days, overseen his takeover attempt of Alethkar on Sadeas’ behalf… all things that Faleast shouldn’t have been alive for. And it was clear that today Faleast wasn’t missing any of that experience, meaning that if Philico ever crossed paths with the kandra after today (which considering their history was quite likely) it was very possible Faleast already knew about it.

The thought gave Philico shivers. That was something. Not many things can give a Sleepless shivers.

Best to ignore Faleast’s time-hopping shenanigans, and focus on the job ahead.

From what he had heard about the last time this happened, it hadn’t been pretty.

Alright! I'm super excited for this rerun. The RP was 200+, but this section might not be... I don't really want to attempt to analyze the roles because of how many there are, and the other mechanics are pretty standard iirc. So I'll leave that to someone else, and then probably comment on what they say.

Idk if it's worth looking at the role distro/roles the elims had for the original run of this game, cause Striker either could have done something about the same or purposely done something completely different. I might look anyway :P. 

With 19 players and 1 kandra, 4 elims makes the most sense. 3 or 5 could work depending on how crazy the distro is; and maybe 5 elims is a sort of insurance policy for if the kandra body-snatches an elim. Though that's kind of an unlikely scenario to base a 27% elim ratio on so probably not. If it isn't clear my guess for the team size is 4 :P. 

RNG told me to vote for manukos, so consider this a welcome back! ;) That makes this post worth like 6 boxings.

The D1 of the first run of this game reached 20 pages... think we can beat that?

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Now that the game has actually started I should probably go read the rules :P 

Or I cold just wing it and hope for the best. Rules are for loosers :ph34r:

It's been a long time since I've played a game, but yay no more AP tests and so hopefully I'll have the time. 

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“I don’t know Bagel, I think Panini’s Circus Glu-tent is a fabulous name for it.”

The Great Panini, a portly gentleman in a tuxedo and top hat was chatting with his ventriloquist dummy, a portly wooden doll in a better-pressed tuxedo and top hat.

“Why do you have to brand everything with bread references?” Panini’s lips moved slightly when the dummy talked in its painfully squeaky voice. It was the kind of performance that kids liked… provided the wealthy patron’s assistants had paid them off beforehand to humor their boss.

“Shh, don’t stop me now. I’m on a roll.”

There was a faint clink as Bagel’s wooden hand facepalmed. “I hate your guts.”

“You’re just jealous I have guts! Ho ho. Speaking of which, where’s the buffet? Don’t these meetings always have a snack bar?”

“At least I can’t put on weight.”

“What was that?”


There was an awkward silence as Panini glared at his hand. Then his eyes twinkled mischievously. “I’m going to dunk you in the punch bowl again.”

“NO! Help! Puppet abuse! Hellllllllp-”

To casual listeners, what followed next was a series of rapid splashes, gurgling noises, and at least six separate cuss words screamed in falsetto. At the end of it all, Panini snapped his fingers to call over some help.

“Bagel needs a towel! He slipped into the juice, the poor thing.”


Woop woop, game time! Here’s what I got for basic rules analysis:

-No vote is an option, but even if everyone agreed to it, an elim Rioter could use the opportunity to make someone vote on a villager and get a free kill. I’m against trying it. 

-Boxings: Players who make a short post with a vote in it and use a PM every turn will get eleven boxings per cycle. That’s the expected minimum. Players who post 800 words per round across enough posts will get nineteen per cycle. That’s my expected average for the first few rounds, with tapering off expected later into the game. At that rate, most people should be able to purchase a Bulletproof Vest by Day Four, earlier if they are lucky with the exe lottery. Killers will have access to the pricier items around that time, with their expected income of (C1: 20+10, C2: 20+20, C3: 20+30 = 120) 120 boxings by Day Four, if the same person consistently submits a kill.

Anyone want to make a PM group EDIT: two person PM to track boxings with me? :ph34r:

-I’m guessing the distribution has everyone with at least a Feruchemical role, Allomantic role, or regular role. (This game was tagged as role madness, so...) I suspect people with weak roles are more likely to have items, and some people have both feruchemical and allomantic powers, but not two of one type. The coinshot (NK) seems like a village role, but beyond that, it’s too hard to predict which side has what. I’ll just guess the village is 75%ish: 4 elims: 1 neutral: 14 villagers. The neutral’s best bet is to kill off all of the elims, because if it comes down to two elims vs the neutral, the elims will kill them. In a two villagers vs a neutral fight, the neutral has a chance, because no one knows each others’ alignment. So I’m thinking they count more for the village side and would be willing to revise my prediction up to five elims, but as Mat said, 27% is a little high. I’m expecting it’s otherwise balanced through the item/role distribution.

-In terms of actions you can take, twice per cycle you may: Buy items, pass items, sell items (night), submit an elim kill (night), or do things related to your role(s). Am I missing anything?

Edited by Archer
suggested illegal activity >:0
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11 minutes ago, Archer said:

Players who make a short post with a vote in it and use a PM every turn will get eleven boxings per cycle. That’s the expected minimum.

My math gives the answer to this as six, not eleven. What are you talking about? :P 3 for posting, 1 for voting, 2 for PMing. That's six.

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24 hours into their predicament, Shara wanted nothing more than to leave behind the stuffy meeting halls. She had better things to do than be trapped with a bunch of incompetent politicians who only cared about themselves. She’d come here with Iden to inspire better policies, not to listen to people whine and complain.

Iden, her employer, paced back and forth in their cramped room they shared. It was bad enough to have to share this tiny space for a week, but now they were stuck indefinitely. At least they had separate beds.

Stressed, annoyed, and tired, Shara did what she did best: work.

“I’ve made a note of every person Isendwel may have had a connection with, based on previous interactions at other events, who she often ate with, and where she is from.”

Iden stopped pacing and peered at the comprehensive spreadsheet. It was pretty good, if she did say so herself. He nodded. “Impressive. You’ve noted the cleaner. Why?”

“He cleaned Isendwel’s desk second after the first meeting.”

“You noticed that? Who am I kidding, of course you did.”

A satisfied smile pulled at Shara’s lips, but she suppressed it. She knew she was good, no need to seem visibly cocky. Iden did enough of that for the both of them.


Hellooooooooo LG77. This is definitely my most complicated game yet, so very excited to be playing. Let's see if I can hit 200 words more than once a day lol.

Initial thoughts: There are an insane amount of roles and possible role combinations, so I'm wondering how many were left out. There's no possible way that every ability was used, unless Striker is an insane person. (He kind of is, but that's beside the point).

Thinking of what twinborn combinations could be out there, especially considering some allomantic and feruchemic abilities do a lot of the same thing. Now I'm worried that Striker is more insane than first thought and there's some crazy OP combinations out there. Or just... completely random combinations that cause maximum chaos.

I feel like people who played the original run of this game may have more insight into the rules than I do. Anyone have any ~interesting tidbits~ of information they're willing to share to the thread?

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

With 19 players and 1 kandra, 4 elims makes the most sense. 3 or 5 could work depending on how crazy the distro is; and maybe 5 elims is a sort of insurance policy for if the kandra body-snatches an elim.

3 would make sense if the elim team has a bloodmaker or thug, but I agree, 4 makes the most sense. Also, I missed this in the rules. The kandra can change people???? Uh oh

36 minutes ago, Archer said:

Players who make a short post with a vote in it and use a PM every turn will get eleven boxings per cycle.

Are you saying this is including day and night? Because that makes sense. 6 for the day (short post, pm, vote, 6 boxings) and then night (short post, pm, 5 boxings) makes that 11 a cycle.

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27 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

My math gives the answer to this as six, not eleven. What are you talking about? :P 3 for posting, 1 for voting, 2 for PMing. That's six.

EDIT: what bip said :P

You're  correct, but misread. 6 per Day round, 5 per Night round, because you can't vote then. Making 11 per cycle

Also, totally forgot to vote. Want to plug your QF and explain your innocence, Experience? 

Edited by Archer
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it is good to be back and thanks for the welcome gift Matrim's dice 
as i have been gone for over a year and i am quite rusty 
i'll defer to the majority if there is a plan of action 
do y'all propose a more consolidated town plan or just let whatever happen until we have info ?
that being said i'll post some rp tomorrow after i reread the prompt ,  cos it's been a week  
lastly i'd like to talk to the rebels:   even if it's my first game ijn a while it is also exam season so dont avoid killing me cos of that , it'd probably be for the best :P 


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2 minutes ago, manukos said:

it is good to be back and thanks for the welcome gift Matrim's dice 

You're welcome! :P I'll change the vote once I find a place where I actually want it to be, but so far I've seen nothing warranting a real vote.

7 minutes ago, manukos said:

do y'all propose a more consolidated town plan or just let whatever happen until we have info ?

All of the above. For now, it's D1, let whatever happens happen, and then we can consolidate something later. There's not much to consolidate atm.

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