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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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19 hours ago, Emi said:

Emi was looking at the stranger who described hiself as Velles. He definately needed help, but he appeared so fast, that Emi couldn't do anything. Then the girl walked up to Velles and gave him bandages.

"I'm Emi." Words have been spoken. Now they couldn't retreat and Emi wasn't sure if she will have enough power to teleport them if Velles attacks.

"We have been here only for a moment. You know where are we?" She anwsered and also asked a question to partly to know and partly to keep injured man awake.


12 hours ago, The Awakened Salad said:

“You’re welcome,” the girl said to Velles, looking down meekly. “For the bandage.” 

She averted her eyes as he tied the bandages around his wounds. The sight of blood filled her with revulsion. She wrinkled her nose. The dead birds didn’t help, either. 

As Emi introduced herself, a thought began to grow louder in the girl’s mind. What was that, before? A memory, perhaps? Maybe... maybe Emi was right. Maybe her memories would come back if she waited long enough. If that was indeed what that vision was. She tried to reach for it, but only a vague impression remained. Blood and screaming... what could it mean?

“...know where are we?” Emi finished speaking. The girl looked to Velles, wondering if he had answers. 

Velles finished tying off the last bandage. He tried to stand up. Pain shot through his body, and he immediately fell back down. Slowly, he began to stand once more. Rising an inch at a time, he began to straighten his back. For a very brief moment, Velles stood completely upright, but his strength gave out, and he had to lean on a wall for support.  

“I’m Emi,” the other girl said. She paused, considering something, then continued. “We have been here only for a moment. You know where are we?”

Velles shook his head. “Not a clue,” he said. “It looks familiar. Giant skyscrapers like we have at home. And yet... it’s seems different. And not just the plants. This whole place seems off. And those vine-birds prove it.”

Velles cocked his head, thinking for a moment. “I think we need to find water. It just feels... right.” 


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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:
The green holed thrust out both hands in a dramatic fashion. Two bursts of green light shot forth, one at Santonio and one at Nath. The green light freezes the target(s) in place, transfixing them utterly.
"Cease your rumblings, dog," proclaimed the green. He turned to the rest of the group. "Must we repeat ourselves? You, girl," he gestured to Vapor, "come here, ere I decide to enthrall thee."
3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


"Um, how about... no." Fadran says, stepping forwards. He takes to lying to try and save the others' skins. "These are my servants. I bought them off the Outer Realms of the Cyroverse for no small price, so release my servant-deity and allow us to go about our business--" He steps to the green holed, summoning his Channelblade. "Unless you would like this sword through your kidneys."

2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

The green holed looked at him impassively and vanished the segment of the bridge Fadran was standing on, leaving nothing between his feet and the bottom of the chamber besides a few hundred feet of air.

2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Fadran looks down, frowning. "I don't recommend trying to drop somebody who can control gravity."

He steps off over the segment, then abruptly swings his sword to try and take off the holed's head.

2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

His blade was stopped by a flash of green light, freezing it in place. The holed snorted. "Oh, are we exchanging pointers now? If it be so, perhaps I can match thee." He leaned forwards. "I would advise thee not to antagonize the being which shall soon rule thine land."

Behind him, tendrils of shadow began to stream into Santonio's frozen form.

2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Fadran cocks his head. "Soon rule thine land? Excuse me, is this thirteenth century England? And also... WHAT do you think you're DOING, trying to conquer my home? I'll have you know that the people of my home world don't take lightly to invaders. We literally fought off an army of gods once."

2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I'd love to all be friends, but this fella..." Fadran gestures at the green holed, "thinks that he can just freeze Nathrangking and conquer my home planet."

2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Well," said the green, "thou art welcome to try again, when we visit. But you shouldst not consider your victory certain."

"Indeed, you should hearken to thine friend. Conflict will profit you nothing. Dost thou wish to be enthralled?"
Shadow continued to pool into Santonio.
2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Fadran seethes as he looks at the green holed, but with a few deep breaths he manages to compose himself.

"Just let my friends go," Fadran says, "and we'll be on our way."


2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"That's just how greens talk," said Jaxevist. He sounded... resigned. "Every color of holed has their quirks. Trust me, it could be a lot worse."

"I hold none of thee captive save one," rebutted the green. "Thine transfixed friend assaulted an imperial servant in the execution of his duty. He will face trial for his crimes." He flicked his gaze to Vapor. "As for the King's request... I can assure thee that thine friend's freedom shall not be compromised. You are, after all, honored guests."

2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"If you're taking her, then you're taking me, too."

2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Santonio suddenly took a deep breath, his eyes flashing open. Green light flashed as the transfixing released.

The green holed said nothing, looking to the white for guidance.

"Fine," spat Santonio in a clear and rasp-free voice. "You can come too, if you want."

Baalhan steps forward a massive broadsword appearing in his  right hand. His height increases until he stands nine feet tall. He begins to glow a deep sapphire. A savage expression appears on his face. He snarls baring razor fangs "Free Nathrangking or die. I will rain down destruction the likes of which you cannot even imagine on you unless you end this right now. I am Baalhan he who grants victory, slayer of kingdoms, master of the field of battle, prince of the immortal blade, embodiment of slaughter and the true Deity of War. Do not play games green one. If you want to survive this day your grudges will be forgotten and we will be allowed to go on our way." His voice echoes through the air.












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2 hours ago, Spren of Kindness said:

"We stick together," Kindness says.  "I'm coming too."

1 hour ago, RadiantDramaQueen said:

"Well, I'm not about to be left behind, so I guess I'm coming."

"Anyone else want to come?" asked Santonio.

Elaine held her hand up with only a little uncertainty. With a sigh, Jaxevist followed suit.

@AonEne @Enter a username @Mist


29 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

Baalhan steps forward a massive broadsword appearing in his  right hand. His height increases until he stands nine feet tall. He begins to glow a deep sapphire. A savage expression appears on his face. He snarls baring razor fangs "Free Nathrangking or die. I will rain down destruction the likes of which you cannot even imagine on you unless you end this right now. I am Baalhan he who grants victory, slayer of kingdoms, master of the field of battle, prince of the immortal blade, embodiment of slaughter and the true Deity of War. Do not play games green one. If you want to survive this day your grudges will be forgotten and we will be allowed to go on our way." His voice echoes through the air.


"Thy loyalty does thee credit," spoke the green. "Alas, thy friend must answer for his crime. It is not mine to decide whether or not he shall be freed, but the King's."


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18 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Thy loyalty does thee credit," spoke the green. "Alas, thy friend must answer for his crime. It is not mine to decide whether or not he shall be freed, but the King's."


"Your king's wishes don't concern me and my friends. I will see your king, and he will let us all free. If he doesn't, then we'll just have to free ourselves."

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21 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Anyone else want to come?" asked Santonio.

Elaine held her hand up with only a little uncertainty. With a sigh, Jaxevist followed suit.

@AonEne @Enter a username @Mist


"Thy loyalty does thee credit," spoke the green. "Alas, thy friend must answer for his crime. It is not mine to decide whether or not he shall be freed, but the King's."


"You serve your liege well. I shall meet with your king and we shall see what shall be done. I bind you to your word that until your master has ruled nothing will be done to harm Nathrangking." Baalhan banishes his sword, softens his tone, and reduces his height. He continues to glow.

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2 minutes ago, Enter a username said:

Enter a username, still recovering from his... incident involving his shattered mind, looks around and says, "What the heck just happened?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Queen muttered as they followed the others to.. wherever they were going. "Hey, where are we going, anyway?"

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52 minutes ago, Enter a username said:

Enter a username, still recovering from his... incident involving his shattered mind, looks around and says, "What the heck just happened?"

As the green holed leads them to the king, Fadran falls back to Enter a Username. "Hey, uh, Enter... if it isn't too tender a topic for you, I think I can help you with your shattered mind issue. It's another method from the Omniverse, but I can assure you that it usually works. It has to do with Spirit Bonds, and a person's psyche... kind of like an Identity in the Cosmere.

"And in addition... it has to do with your name."

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"Alright, that's good." Fadran slings his backpack off his shoulders, poking through the various pockets and searching for something. "Shardblade... no. Fake spren for the Knights Next Door rpg... no. Ewww, how long has that gum been in here? No, no, no... aha!" He whips out a pad of paper and a pen. There's nothing out of the ordinary about it; just a regular pad of paper, not even with college-ruled notebook lines. Completely blank.

Fadran hands the pad and pen to Enter a Username. "If you don't mind, sign your name here. I don't mean your birth name, as you've said you've kind of forgoten that. Just sign 'Enter a Username.'"

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22 minutes ago, Enter a username said:

"Alright." He signs the paper.

Fadran takes the paper back, tearing it out of the notebook. He taps it a couple times, trying to Forge a Spirit Bond to the name written there--to the identity written there.

Boy, I haven't done this in awhile. Fadran thought to himself. Surely I haven't lost my touch--there!

With a start, the Spirit of Enter a Username began to wash over him. Nothing specific, like memories or secrets, but things just as true and honest. Impressions, really.

"The Spirit," Fadran says, still letting Enter a Username's wash over him, "is something unique to every person. It is built by our own experience, memories, and emotions."

Strangely enough, a few memories actually did manifest themselves to Fadran. Who knew that they were so vibrant, so life-changing, that they would be a little piece of Enter a Username's soul?

"It is a common misconception that a person's identity is their own, but it isn't. Everyone is shaped by everything they have interacted with, whether that mean physically, mentally, or so indirectly that they couldn't possibly trace it back to its source. People, events, strong emotions... scars physical and mental, these are the things that shape everyone."

The clock began to tick back, back in time to Enter a Username's early life, but as soon as it started reversing, it stopped.

And then there was broken--a broken Spirit.

Fadran winces, feeling how broken Enter a Username is. "There are some memories... some experiences... that run so deep that they break our very Soul. In all my time collecting, learning, and studying other people's Spirits, I haven't encountered a single one who's Spirit was so intact that I could not detect a break. Just like everything else, a broken Spirit is part of a person. It is something that cannot be taken back--cannot be forgotten or vanished. One can change it, hide it, learn to combat it, however."

Fadran feels around the break, wincing again. It was enormous, so encompassing--it wasn't just part of Enter, it was Enter.

"In some cases, a break is too large to fix. Sometimes, it's been too long; the Spirit has accepted it, learned to move on. And yet... in some cases, a person's Spirit is not their own at all."

Fadran reached the end of the break--the massive canyon of Enter's Spirit. And at the end...


"And in your case, your Spirit both is and isn't yours. It's a piece--a fragment. It's missing something; something so vital that it caused your Spirit to break so much that it almost drove you insane."

Fadran nods to himself, and slips the paper into his pocket. "That something, Enter, is your name."


Edit: There's about a 110% chance that I just godmodded your character. If so, I'm very sorry. Spiritcalling in RPGs are hard to do and I usually just go with the "stream of consciousness" method to prevent myself from overthinking things.


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4 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Fadran takes the paper back, tearing it out of the notebook. He taps it a couple times, trying to Forge a Spirit Bond to the name written there--to the identity written there.

Boy, I haven't done this in awhile. Fadran thought to himself. Surely I haven't lost my touch--there!

With a start, the Spirit of Enter a Username began to wash over him. Nothing specific, like memories or secrets, but things just as true and honest. Impressions, really.

"The Spirit," Fadran says, still letting Enter a Username's wash over him, "is something unique to every person. It is built by our own experience, memories, and emotions."

Strangely enough, a few memories actually did manifest themselves to Fadran. Who knew that they were so vibrant, so life-changing, that they would be a little piece of Enter a Username's soul?

"It is a common misconception that a person's identity is their own, but it isn't. Everyone is shaped by everything they have interacted with, whether that mean physically, mentally, or so indirectly that they couldn't possibly trace it back to its source. People, events, strong emotions... scars physical and mental, these are the things that shape everyone."

The clock began to tick back, back in time to Enter a Username's early life, but as soon as it started reversing, it stopped.

And then there was broken--a broken Spirit.

Fadran winces, feeling how broken Enter a Username is. "There are some memories... some experiences... that run so deep that they break our very Soul. In all my time collecting, learning, and studying other people's Spirits, I haven't encountered a single one who's Spirit was so intact that I could not detect a break. Just like everything else, a broken Spirit is part of a person. It is something that cannot be taken back--cannot be forgotten or vanished. One can change it, hide it, learn to combat it, however."

Fadran feels around the break, wincing again. It was enormous, so encompassing--it wasn't just part of Enter, it was Enter.

"In some cases, a break is too large to fix. Sometimes, it's been too long; the Spirit has accepted it, learned to move on. And yet... in some cases, a person's Spirit is not their own at all."

Fadran reached the end of the break--the massive canyon of Enter's Spirit. And at the end...


"And in your case, your Spirit both is and isn't yours. It's a piece--a fragment. It's missing something; something so vital that it caused your Spirit to break so much that it almost drove you insane."

Fadran nods to himself, and slips the paper into his pocket. "That something, Enter, is your name."


Wow, we be getting deep up in here.


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6 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Edit: There's about a 110% chance that I just godmodded your character. If so, I'm very sorry. Soulcalling in RPGs are hard to do and I usually just go with the "stream of consciousness" method to prevent myself from overthinking things.


It's not what I had in mind when I made either of those features, but WOW that works so well. 





"That's... Not something I knew about myself. Thank you."

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Queen was becoming curious as to what Fadran and Enter were doing at the back of the group, so she fell back, about to speak, when she heard their lowered voices. Realizing that they probably didn't want to be interrupted or eavesdropped on, she stayed just far enough ahead of them that she could no longer hear them unless they wanted her to.

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22 minutes ago, Enter a username said:

It's not what I had in mind when I made either of those features, but WOW that works so well. 


I'm a simple man. I see character, I build character.


23 minutes ago, Enter a username said:





"That's... Not something I knew about myself. Thank you."


16 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:

Queen was becoming curious as to what Fadran and Enter were doing at the back of the group, so she fell back, about to speak, when she heard their lowered voices. Realizing that they probably didn't want to be interrupted or eavesdropped on, she stayed just far enough ahead of them that she could no longer hear them unless they wanted her to.

Fadran nods. "You're welcome. I've never considered myself a wise person, but just like every other person, I have my own Spirit. It's pretty broken too, but unfortunately, I've never had the opportunity to look at it myself." He pulls out another piece of paper, this one with a name already signed onto it. "After I started exploring the Macrosmos, hopping from Universe to Universe for knowledge and stuff, I started looking out for myself. It was exhilerating, exploring new places that I never could've dreamed of. I don't think I was happy though."

He puts the paper away. "But now I've come back and... met you guys. Made friends. I've always sort of known that my way of helping myself is by helping others, but I've never really... understood it completely. It's funny to consider that I needed to start thinking about myself and being away from my friends in order to realize that I needed friends to keep myself happy."

Fadran looks over at Queen, keeping his voice low but also letting it carry over to her. "There are always people who need help; and the most courageous people I've known are those who let others help them."

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7 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Fadran looks over at Queen, keeping his voice low but also letting it carry over to her. "There are always people who need help; and the most courageous people I've known are those who let others help them."


Well, um, that was beautiful, and I am definitely not close to tears. That was exactly what my character needed. Wow.

Queen turned in shock, realizing that he had meant to let her hear that. She didn't need help, did she? She was a part of a group again, wasn't that enough? She had moved forward with her life and was happy with the way it was...right? A single tear slipped down her cheek. Odd. She hadn't even noticed it until it dropped onto her hand, and it was the only one, her eyes were perfectly dry besides. She looked into Fadran's eyes, searching for an answer as to why he had wanted her to hear.

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