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13 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

I found out it’s next week XD. Haven’t finished it yet. Huge relief, actually.

Funny how that happens.  A number of times in my life, I've had exactly what I needed fall into my lap for no good reason other than that it was exactly what I needed in that specific moment.

You just got an extra week that you didn't know you had.  All I can say is, tell Heavenly Father how grateful you are for it, and don't waste it.  Remember what John Taylor said, that it's contrary to the economy of heaven for God to do anything for us that we could have done for ourselves.  Do your part now, get that talk prepared and make sure it's worthy of the time you were given to prepare it.

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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4 hours ago, Witless of Shinovar said:

On a similar note, does anyone here have like panic attacks thinking about eternal life? 

YES. This used to happen to me when I was younger. The thought of just going on and on and on and on without end...it was terrifying.

But as I've grown older, and a little more scientifically minded, I've kind of overcome it. Our minds will be so different, and so much stronger. Time, the very thing we're kind of scared about here, will seem less of a movement from one point to the next and more like a spatial dimension. At least I think. Please don't quote me on that. But yeah, time itself will seem different to us no matter what.

Regardless, it's not like we're trapped. There will be an infinite amount of stuff to do. We'll have work, and there will always be something new. We'll have our own eternal families, be making worlds...I don't think it'll be bad at all. There won't be a moment where I think: "Welp, I've done everything, now I just sit here for the rest of eternity." Which is what I think I was kind of scared of in the first place. The point where there's nothing left. And that's impossible.

So I haven't panicked about it in a long time, because my fears were sourced in a very mortal understanding of something none of us can hope to comprehend. And now I understand it a little better, just enough to know I don't need to worry.

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4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Regardless, it's not like we're trapped. There will be an infinite amount of stuff to do. We'll have work, and there will always be something new. We'll have our own eternal families, be making worlds...I don't think it'll be bad at all. There won't be a moment where I think: "Welp, I've done everything, now I just sit here for the rest of eternity." Which is what I think I was kind of scared of in the first place. The point where there's nothing left. And that's impossible.

Contrast the pop-culture view of mainstream Christian heaven: "I just spend all eternity sitting around on a cloud playing a harp?  How boring would that be?  No thanks!"  This is, admittedly, a massive oversimplification, but there is a valid point there!  I've long believed that the doctrine of exaltation is the only thing that makes any of Christian doctrine actually make sense.

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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15 hours ago, Gregorio said:

Lol yeah. Trying to make sense of godliness and all that is kinda impossible with our current brains. 

That's one of my problems. I want to know how things work, but I sometimes have to accept that I can't understand it right now. Everything will make sense later.

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1 hour ago, AonDoor said:

That's one of my problems. I want to know how things work, but I sometimes have to accept that I can't understand it right now. Everything will make sense later.

My mom has a box for all her questions-that-don't-need-answers-in-this-life. It can fit an infinite number of questions and it's called the Dinosaur Box (because one of the questions is dinosaurs.)

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In seminary today, we talked about this article:


Its all about how teens who are members cope with life better than teens of other faiths and it said a bunch of positive things. But then, in the middle of the article, there’s a little box that says this:



hehehe I’m a cultist >:)

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On 1/24/2023 at 9:56 PM, Slowswift said:

One way I like to think of it is that eternity isn't endless time, but the absence of time. Still breaks my brain, but in a less terrifying way.

This is kind of how physics says time really is. More like a spacial dimension, such as length, width, or height. The entire thing will be laid out as one "eternal now."

26 minutes ago, 2EmLee2 said:

In seminary today, we talked about this article:


Its all about how teens who are members cope with life better than teens of other faiths and it said a bunch of positive things. But then, in the middle of the article, there’s a little box that says this:

  Reveal hidden contents


hehehe I’m a cultist >:)

We talked about this same article in my seminary class.

I guess the curriculum tells all the seminary teachers to mention the article.

But there was nothing mentioned about the cult part...

My dad is actually my seminary teacher, which is nice.

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37 minutes ago, 2EmLee2 said:

In seminary today, we talked about this article:


Its all about how teens who are members cope with life better than teens of other faiths and it said a bunch of positive things. But then, in the middle of the article, there’s a little box that says this:

  Reveal hidden contents


hehehe I’m a cultist >:)

That's kinda awesome. I mean actually it's sad but I enjoy being a member of this very nice cult. Seems like it's going pretty well so far :lol:

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9 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

...I know people who call ALL religions cults...

They would be wrong :P 

While a technical definition is "a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object", the connotation it is always used in is "a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister".

So, yeah, definitely doesn't fit any major religions. And most small ones.

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