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Overpowered Magic Combinations!  

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  1. 1. Which World's Magics would you pick

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Since apparently I never posted this one here (though I admit I just scanned comments quickly):


Feruchemy/AonDor have a nice synergy.


Feruchemy shores up the biggest weakness of AonDor: slow speed. Tap mental/physical speed, spit out Aons near-instantly. Should also be possible to use the Dor to charge nicrosilminds.


If I had to choose though I'm still sticking to my original Feruchemy/Elsecaller choice.

Edited by Moogle
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It requires some tricks to use elsewhere but it's not impossible, it's not to do with Elantris so much as the Aons from my understanding, since they're based on the Arelish landscape that's where they'd work.

Elantrians are awesome because they're basically multiple KR orders combined, they can teleport, transform things, cast illusions and heal

I suppose it is true that the Investiture on Sel would have to be able to function anywhere. Otherwise the Dakhor monks wouldn't have been able to use their bizarre abilities in the invasion of Arelon. Also Forgery seems to work anywhere just fine. So it isn't a limitation of the nature of Investiture on Sel that restricts area, just a restriction of AonDor. 

Actually Forging is also tied to the landscape, and it too weakens...



Aons look like Arelon; soulstamps look like MaiPon. Aons get weaker when you get further from Arelon, right? That's not just cause Elantris acts like a focus?

Brandon Sanderson

That's right, it's based on distance. That's why there are no stamped objects in Elantris.


So do soulstamps get weaker further from MaiPon? If you left Sel via Shadesmar and went to another planet, would the soulstamp stop working?

Brandon Sanderson

That's correct.


Could soulstamps be carved that used Arelon as a base form instead of MaiPon?

Brandon Sanderson

That's very interesting, isn't it?



Edited by Kadrok
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I haven't read the whole thread, but i doubt someone had my idea before.

With my power, I am probably the only thing that can kill the super lord ruler with all powers mentioned a few pages ago.

And to do so, I'd simply need the powers to soulcast and elsecall.

We have seen in the excerpt published a few weeks ago that you can soulcast things in the physical realm while staying in shadesmar.

So I simply need to move to shadesmar. Go where my enemies are. And soulcast a critical mass of plutonium.

I have the power to make a nuke wherever I want.


I wonder how that power will affect roshar once the possibility will be known. Too bad they are still waaay behind for nuclear physics.

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I haven't read the whole thread, but i doubt someone had my idea before.

With my power, I am probably the only thing that can kill the super lord ruler with all powers mentioned a few pages ago.

And to do so, I'd simply need the powers to soulcast and elsecall.

We have seen in the excerpt published a few weeks ago that you can soulcast things in the physical realm while staying in shadesmar.

So I simply need to move to shadesmar. Go where my enemies are. And soulcast a critical mass of plutonium.

I have the power to make a nuke wherever I want.


I wonder how that power will affect roshar once the possibility will be known. Too bad they are still waaay behind for nuclear physics.

You would need to be able to convince something to turn into Plutonium though.

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So I simply need to move to shadesmar. Go where my enemies are. And soulcast a critical mass of plutonium.

I have the power to make a nuke wherever I want.


Plutonium? Why do that when you can just go straight for antimatter?  :P And hey, you wouldn't even have to convince sticks to stop being sticks: they would just be antimatter sticks.

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I haven't read the whole thread, but i doubt someone had my idea before.

With my power, I am probably the only thing that can kill the super lord ruler with all powers mentioned a few pages ago.

And to do so, I'd simply need the powers to soulcast and elsecall.

We have seen in the excerpt published a few weeks ago that you can soulcast things in the physical realm while staying in shadesmar.

So I simply need to move to shadesmar. Go where my enemies are. And soulcast a critical mass of plutonium.

I have the power to make a nuke wherever I want.


I wonder how that power will affect roshar once the possibility will be known. Too bad they are still waaay behind for nuclear physics.

Good luck convincing the Allmighty Stick that it should be plutonium instead.

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I would choose the Awakening powers from Nalthis and the Mistborn powers of Scadrial, but choose to reside on Roshar (because the OP said nothing about where you may live, just what one power from two Cosmere worlds you'd like)!


My reasoning: according to WoB, allomancy works Cosmere-wide and that you could Push on a Shardblade if you burned Duralumin as well. If that fails, use strong emotional allomancy to influence the person/Voidbringer charging at you while wearing full Shardplate and swinging a Shardblade to move along.


If you then include the Awakening powers you'd be pretty unstoppable on Roshar (assuming a non-Returned can use Stormlight similar to Breath as Vasher mostly likely can). With these you could have Lifeless cremling acting like squirrels...or maybe even a Lifeless chasmfiend?! Or even better, Awaken a Shardblade to make Nightblood2.0. Hell, even Awaken the Stormlight infused gemstones a KR needs to just automatically drain their stormlight...straight into you so that you could use it as Breath. Then they'll lose their powers while you'd get stronger.  


Bam...pure awesomeness! 

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I haven't read the whole thread, but i doubt someone had my idea before.

With my power, I am probably the only thing that can kill the super lord ruler with all powers mentioned a few pages ago.

And to do so, I'd simply need the powers to soulcast and elsecall.

We have seen in the excerpt published a few weeks ago that you can soulcast things in the physical realm while staying in shadesmar.

So I simply need to move to shadesmar. Go where my enemies are. And soulcast a critical mass of plutonium.

I have the power to make a nuke wherever I want.


I wonder how that power will affect roshar once the possibility will be known. Too bad they are still waaay behind for nuclear physics.

Given that it seems rather complicated to soulcast anything that isn´t one of the ten essences and it´s rather crude workings a nuke might be out of the capabilities of Soulcasting.


Also I now wonder whether Allomantic bronze could detect somone on the cognitive realm/a soucasting attempt.

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Given that it seems rather complicated to soulcast anything that isn´t one of the ten essences and it´s rather crude workings a nuke might be out of the capabilities of Soulcasting.


Also I now wonder whether Allomantic bronze could detect somone on the cognitive realm/a soucasting attempt.

A critical mass of plutonium is simply a mass of plutonium of appropriate size and geometry, and not exceedengly large. the nagasaky bomb only had 6.4 kg of plutonium. the reason atomic bombs are so complex is that a  critical mass will sppontaneously undergo fission, so it has to be split in several pieces and those pieces must be reassembled together to detonate the bomb,  by mean of accurately controlled conventional explosions. but if you can simply soulcast the fissile material, you don't need all the other stuff. And I believe soulcasting a pure element should not be that difficult.

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  • 3 months later...

I have to go with Scadrial/Roshar.  I think I would want to be a twinborn steel compounder/edgedancer.  Brandon has said that one of the only limitations of how fast a steel compounder could move would be friction and wind resistance.  Being an edge dancer would nullify that limitation, allowing you to move CRAZY fast. On top of that...stormlight would amplify healing, strenght, etc...I would be able to heal other people (which come on...that would be cool) add being a coinshot onto being a super fast friction free superhuman...nuff said...

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Releaser/Dustbringer for my Roshar abilities. The Benefits of stormlight usage and collecting with ability to 'skate' across the landscape and blow things up/remove any barrier (maybe).


Combine that with all the passive effects of Awakening (stormlight fuelling it like a certain someone supposedly does)


The First Heightening alone is supposed to give you a decade of extra life. Can you store Stormlight when using it as your Breath for long periods of time? If so, seems incredibly strong to me. Alternate choice for Roshar is Windrunner. Falling with style is super fun.

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Elsecaller and Mistborn. Being a mistborn would be really fun, and I can soulcast my own metals.

Also I can learn to world hop, so I can go to Nalthis and get some money for breaths, I could make a fortune performing magic tricks. No one will be able to workout how I'm doing all those escapology tricks.

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I think I'd want to compound Nicrosil and have Breath. Because syou can use a Nicroburst to cheat and get unlimited breath. 


Don't know if that'd work. Compounding works by replicating the thing your metalminds do with Preservation's Investiture. Preservation's Investiture can't, as far as I know, turn into Endowment's. I'm not even sure if you can store Breath, or if it stores your own innate Investiture rather than your Preservation/Ruin-Investiture. I'm sure Compounding nicrosilminds is bound to have some very cool effects, though.

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Don't know if that'd work. Compounding works by replicating the thing your metalminds do with Preservation's Investiture. Preservation's Investiture can't, as far as I know, turn into Endowment's. I'm not even sure if you can store Breath, or if it stores your own innate Investiture rather than your Preservation/Ruin-Investiture. I'm sure Compounding nicrosilminds is bound to have some very cool effects, though.


I thought a person's Preservation/Ruin-Invesiture /was/ their innate investiture?

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I thought a person's Preservation/Ruin-Invesiture /was/ their innate investiture?


The terminology confuses me. To clarify my point:

Q: What differentiates a minor Shardworld like First of the Sun?

B: The amount of Investiture, and whether there is actually a Shard in presence.

Q: I’m assuming there is not one there?

B: There is not one there.

Q: So it’s like a Splintered one from something else?

B: No what you’ll find is that the worlds were all created with a level of-- a little bit of sort of ambient magic. What you’ll find in worlds like that is things like, Shadows for Silence and things like this, the magic, it’s not necessarily “people with magic” it’s you can interact with nature...

Q: So there is inherent investiture...

B: There is inherent investiture in every world created but you are going to see-- You aren’t going to find Mistborn on a world like that but what you might find is a way there are magic aspects to the setting. Spren could exist on a world like that but they would be like the minor spren, you wouldn’t find Syl, but you would find something like lifespren.



When you're a Drab, you still have Investiture. Nightblood can still feed on you, after all, or on someone from Threnody. I am proposing that Investiture (which I am calling 'innate Investiture' despite it conflicting with previous terminology, my bad) is what a Feruchemist might store? I don't know.


I think this is called the 'spark of life', but apparently that is also a term for Preservation's Investiture in Scadrians???


(As you can tell with my multiple question marks, I am confused.)


Maybe we could call it inherent Investiture like this WoB, but I get the feeling that that Investiture is Adonalsium's, and humans still get their own Investiture or something. I feel like there's another WoB on this I'm forgetting...

Edited by Moogle
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I haven't read the whole thread, but i doubt someone had my idea before.

With my power, I am probably the only thing that can kill the super lord ruler with all powers mentioned a few pages ago.

And to do so, I'd simply need the powers to soulcast and elsecall.

We have seen in the excerpt published a few weeks ago that you can soulcast things in the physical realm while staying in shadesmar.

So I simply need to move to shadesmar. Go where my enemies are. And soulcast a critical mass of plutonium.

I have the power to make a nuke wherever I want.


I wonder how that power will affect roshar once the possibility will be known. Too bad they are still waaay behind for nuclear physics.


I think your assumption that you will be safe in shadesmar is unfounded. Shadesmar is made up of the cognitive aspects of the physical realm. Setting off a nuclear explosion is definately going to cause drastic changes in the cognitive aspects of all of the objects in quite a large area.

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  • 1 year later...

If this is to get something maximally overpowered, I would go with Scadrial plus nalthis. I would take hemalurgy from scardriel.

Why? Well imagine an army of lifeless with hemalurgic spikes. Not much would stand a chance. You might even be able to give them sentience like kandra.

Also you could potentially use hemalurgy to steal the other two Scadrial powers... Potentially even powers from other worlds.

And nalthis awakening technically also gives the benefit of type IV entities, even if they are really hard to make. You could even fuel such an entity with investiture from scardriel, which is easier to get than breaths.

This combination just seems absurdly powerful. You would be significantly stronger than the lord ruler.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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First off, of course I would want to be a full compounder. Who wouldn't? But that seems way overpowered.


Second option: Mistborn/Nightwatcher Radiant.  Hear me out on this one. I want Lift's ability. If I have to spike her to get it, so be it. But metabolising food as Stormlight? That is the absolute best source of Investiture in the Cosmere. You'd get the healing abilities of Stormlight, with merely regular food as the source. And if that isn't awesome enough, add Mistborn metals. Really, nothing beats that.

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Elantrian... AonDor is very versatile and it works basically like functional programming.
Hm... Can I use AonDor to write another language virtual machine? COLOURS, THE POSSIBILITIES! :blink:

Anyway, an Elantrian and now something which would work well with that. Zinc Compounder would be broken, you'd always have time to think what to draw and affecting emotions is always useful. Steel Compunder to write in an instant, and Steel Compounding is broken on its own, not even mentioning the Coinshot part.
I'd choose probably Allomantic bendalloy and Zinc Feruchemy for quick drawing and always having time to think really, really fast.

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The terminology confuses me. To clarify my point:


When you're a Drab, you still have Investiture. Nightblood can still feed on you, after all, or on someone from Threnody. I am proposing that Investiture (which I am calling 'innate Investiture' despite it conflicting with previous terminology, my bad) is what a Feruchemist might store? I don't know.


I think this is called the 'spark of life', but apparently that is also a term for Preservation's Investiture in Scadrians???


(As you can tell with my multiple question marks, I am confused.)


Maybe we could call it inherent Investiture like this WoB, but I get the feeling that that Investiture is Adonalsium's, and humans still get their own Investiture or something. I feel like there's another WoB on this I'm forgetting...

Well, humans on Scadrial are a bit of a special case, aren't they? As far as we know the... source of their souls lays entirely with Preservation and Ruin. Other humans not so directly created by their local Shards would probably have a more neutral "spark of life" "soul" or whatever.


Which kind of begs the question is there's still a big blob of Investiture in the spiritual realm that is not in any way connected to any of the shards and feeds all the progresses that are not directly connected to any Shard.

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