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  1. Apologies if this is already noted. I just had the shower thought, "Why aren't Gemstones on Scadrial noted to glow if the are exposed to the mists?" Realmatically it seems that they should. Pragmatically, that simply wasn't an interaction Brandon anticipated when he was writing mistborn. However, making everything congruent doesn't take make effort or require much of any reasons. There is a a simple answer, and perhaps one that is already known. The mists are NOT gaseous investiture. The mists are liquid investiture. (A colloidal mixture of the liquid investiture and the atmosphere.) Precisely in the same way that clouds are not gaseous water, but a suspension fine droplets of liquid water in the air.
  2. Wow, quite a few surprising cosmere connections. Interesting but about Elantrians needing to be invited and adopted. I wonder what guides the natural process on Sel during the time of the Elantris novel.
  3. The evidence that Kelsier might have had a dawnshard is actually quite compelling. I'm not sure that it makes particular sense that Preservation had the dawnshard.
  4. Given that the mural shows something be broken into 4 pieces with each piece being further divided into 4. I wonder if that is how the shattering occurred. Adonalsium was first broken into 4 pieces (mesoshards), and then those 4 pieces were further broken into 4 more pieces (shards). This would have the implication that each of the 16 shards can be associated with 2 dawnshards, the dawnshard that broke off the piece of adonalsium to form a mesoshard, and the dawnshard that broke off the piece of the mesoshard to form the shard.. This might be a useful avenue to explore the identity of the shards and the identity of the dawnshards. So what about Unity. There has been some theorizing about who Unity is. What if Unity was one of the 4 mesoshards that was then broken into the existing shards. It could be that the shattering took place in stages. That Unity was taken up, and then killed. There are even some rather obvious shards that might derived from the Unity mesoshard: Dominion, Devotion, and Honor. I'm not sure what the fourth shard would be. I do find it interesting that Odium has shattered these particular shards. For whatever reason Odium would take particular action against the Unity shards, it must be quite a shock to see Dalinar seemingly pulling it back together.
  5. Isshar's experiments are pretty disturbing, and it isn't quite clear what he trying to accomplish by making bodies for spren. However, perhaps making bodies for spren isn't his goal. Maybe he wants to crack the general problem of making bodies for cognitive beings. He is clearly motivated to do so -- he himself being a cognitive being. A short post, but that is my theory for why he is doing this. He wants to be learn how to create bodies for cognitive beings, the ultimate goal being to make a body for himself and no longer be bound to Roshar.
  6. Internal and external may simply refer to the target of the effect. An internal effect is targeted at the allomancer, an external effect affects the world around them. It might be interesting to ask Brandon if allomantic pewter has some subtle effects besides just increased strength. If the metal is enhancing the effect of the allomancer on the world, does this enhancement go beyond strength. For example, can they speak more loudly? Is their body order increased? Can they fart more powerfully?
  7. So the effect of tin in fabrial construction strengthens the Scadrian understanding of Allomancy. Pushing and Pulling aren't just metaphors or handy labels, at some level it really is a good model of how the magic works. For example in tin allomancy, increasing the senses could be seen not so much an enhancement of the sensory organs themselves, but that the tin allomancy is literally pulling additional information from the environment and presenting it to the allomancer. This harmonizes quite well with the fabrial function of tin. Further it would explain one crucial difference between allomantic tin and feruchemical tin. Allomantic tin is able to pierce the mists while feruchemical tin cannot.
  8. Thanks for the unique WOBs. It is not terribly surprising, but nice to know that god metals are viable metals for fabrial construction.
  9. Likely, we will get an explanation for tin's effect in next week's epigraph, but I'll do a little speculation before then. I think that my guess based on the allomantic effects is still pretty valid. You can interpret pewter's effect as an augmenter as emphasizing a particular quality of the spren. In the case of a flamespren, the pewter is enhancing the quality of heat. If this is the case then maybe we will see tin enhance a different quality of the spren, for example tin might enhance the light giving qualities of a flame spren.
  10. As everyone's noticed, the latest epigraph seems to strengthen the idea that the metallic arts metals are the same ones that produce viable fabrials. What is interesting is that the effect of zinc and brass seems related to their allomantic effect. With that idea, I'm going to propose the effect of other metals based on their allomantic effects. metal, allomantic effect, proposed fabrial effect steel, pushes on nearby metals, allows spren effects to be combined (maybe the disjoint of the two spren effects?) allows more than one spren in a fabrial iron, pulls on nearby metals, allow spren effects to be combined (maybe the union of the two spren effects?) allows more than one spren in a fabrial pewter, increases physical abilities, allows selection of spren effect within a narrow window of possibilities tin, increases sense, allows selection of spren effect within a narrow window of possibilities Zinc, enflames emotions, cause the spren inside to more strongly manifest Brass, dampens emotions, cause the spren to withdraw and its power to dim Copper, Hide allomantic pulses, insulated the spren from investiture pulses Bronze, detect allomantic pulses, make the spren sensitive to investiture pulses Duralumin, enhances current metal burned, meta effect on other metals used Aluminum, wipes internal allomantic reserves, meta effect allows fabrial function to be suspended and redirected. Nicrosil, enhances allomantic burn of target, meta effect (maybe allows one fabrial to affect another?) Chromium, wipes allomantic resevers of target, meta effect (maybe allow one fabrial to affect another?) Gold, reveals your past self, Changes the spren effect Electrum, reveals your future self, change the spren effect Cadmium, slow down time, decrease rate of spren effect Bendalloy, speed up time, increase the rate of spren effect
  11. I don't just mean overlap between the two sets of metals. I wonder if the set of metals that can be used to create fabrials are exactly the functional metals of the metallic arts.
  12. In the RoW Chapter 6 epigraph it is stated that the fabrial function is determined in part by the metal used. I think it would be worthy to ask Brandon if the metals used in the metallic arts are the same that can produce functional fabrials.
  13. I have always thought that using hemalurgy in combat might be helpful in certain circumstances. As has already been pointed out, it might be useful against somebody who has a healing ability. I think that it might also be helpful against the Fused. You could take something away from them that would make them less effective even if they were to return.
  14. If a aluminum misting ingested other allomantic metals then burned aluminum, would the aluminum eliminate all of the metals or just the aluminum. (My guess is just the aluminum. The metals are not invested themselves, and are only potent within an allomancy of the appropriate type.)
  15. The nightwatcher seems unable or unwilling to give boons to off-worlders, is this correct? If a duralumin hemalurgic spike charged with connection to Roshar was implanted in an off-worlder, would the nightwatcher be able to give them a boon?
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