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TUBA - The Underground Bakers' Association

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9 hours ago, Inklingspren said:

@Stormblessed Dolphin and @Voidus, why did you add me as a member? 

Crap, I made a mistake. Sorry about that. Thanks for fixing it, Voidus.

6 hours ago, Invocation said:

Just for the record, I didn't leave to join the DA. That was a separate character and the two choices had no influence on each other. I left for other reasons.

My apologies. Voidus, is it possible for me to enlist your help in changing that to just 'Left'? (Also, there's a redundant Discord link at the bottom - could you delete that?)

Sorry to everyone for my errors.

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3 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

...you seem to have not placed my name under the leader slot, I have no idea why that is, but if you could fix that at the soonest convenience it would be amazing. 

Oh yeah wow I'm not sure how I missed that one. Must've been this distraction, distracting me. *throws a distraction at you*

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It's that time of month? Quarter of the year? Some not particularly rigid span of time?

Last time everyone was glad it wasn't a math question that Ax chose for this, so to be spiteful, y'all get one this time. (But you also got a y'all, which ought to more than make up for it :P)

Which is better: tau (6.28...) or pi (3.14...)?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the double post, but it’s been long enough to warrant it I think and roleplaying must be done. 


Dear Zokora, 

You’re welcome, and thank you for your letter and your good wishes! It’s sad that we even have to worry about things like that anyway, but we do, and I’d like to extend my empathy to you. It’s not as bad as being one of those losses, but assessing them and giving the news to their loved ones...well. It’s not easy either. 

On a much happier note, I would love to meet with you sometime. I hear there’s a boarding house built by Mr. Thorstenson of the Dark Alley, which serves food. That should be neutral territory, if you’re willing? 

I sincerely regret that I took so long in sending this to you. It has been busy. I hope you’re doing all right as well. 

Deteca Nutvry 

@Ookla the Dreamer *** 

Deteca was walking down the hall on her way back from the main TUBA base’s mail room, having just dropped off the letter. The concept of a meeting that wasn’t official or important or weighty was luxurious, and she had to admit she was already looking forward to it, already hoping Zokora would be able to make it. She needed to thank the woman in person for her help after the fight down in the tunnels. 

She still had nightmares of that day. The young girl, dead and bleeding on the ground; the blackness at the corner of her vision; the emptiness of all care snuffed out. She had had to delegate telling Zaphiris’s parents what had happened to their daughter to someone else, because if she stood there in front of them... 

“Mom...Dad...this is my fault, isn’t it? She died because I...” 

They did not refute her. 

Deteca blinked out of her memory, realizing she’d stopped moving, and went to keep going. Her phone buzzed with a text in her back pocket; she reached for it with a minute sigh, acknowledging that work never ended. Her hand stalled when, before she could pick it up, it buzzed with a different frequency - a call rather than a text - then several more of each all at once, plus emails, and her spanreed notifiers were going off, and what was going on? Frowning slightly, she tapped on the first text she got...and, eyes widening, read more and more. 

Then she slipped her phone back into her pocket and went on the search for someone who could tell her why half the spies assigned to ACE’s expedition were screaming about atium. 


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