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On 2/24/2020 at 3:13 PM, Voidus said:

But at the same time, pineapples are an abomination that must be purged.

..........................................................................................................................................*deep breath* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *cough cough* I mean, How Dare YOU!!  Pineapples are SACRED... sacred. Who agrees with me!!! All who do Say EYE!!!



ps. i am not actually mad. :P but they ARE delicious.


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25 minutes ago, The Hero of Masks said:

..........................................................................................................................................*deep breath* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *cough cough* I mean, How Dare YOU!!  Pineapples are SACRED... sacred. Who agrees with me!!! All who do Say EYE!!!


All who agree with this statement please identify yourselves.

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5 minutes ago, kenod said:

I do really like destroying pineapples. I even use my mouth for it, just to make it a bit more horrifying for them.

nooooooooo! *sob* no! *sob* i cast a CURSE UPON YOU!!!!!  *cough* and voidus *cough*

Image result for dead pineapple

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*sidles over to other TUBA members* I don’t want to deal with the possible property damage of someone being erased from the fabric of reality in one of our buildings. Does anyone have a guess on how risky it would be to approach them long enough to ask them to scream suicidal things elsewhere? 


(You don’t have to leave, by the way :P


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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

*sidles over to other TUBA members* I don’t want to deal with the possible property damage of someone being erased from the fabric of reality in one of our buildings. Does anyone have a guess on how risky it would be to approach them long enough to ask them to scream suicidal things elsewhere? 


So, does that mean you DO like pineapples? Because i didn't curse you. Just pointing that out. heh heh......:ph34r:

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3 hours ago, The Hero of Masks said:

So, does that mean you DO like pineapples? Because i didn't curse you. Just pointing that out. heh heh......:ph34r:

I like living, and in this world that means not talking about a certain yellow fruit unless I’m referring to the time when one was thrown at a magical barrier as a historical point in time. Even that’s risky. ;) 

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39 minutes ago, mathiau said:

On a less dangerous topic, can I become a member? I'm currently creating a character and I'd like to make him TUBA.

Absolutely! Give me a minute to send you a PM. 

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5 hours ago, The Hero of Masks said:

Can someone tell me about the Seven Day War?

There was fighting and Voidus got stuck behind a wall and the Alleystorm was summoned and a giant fiery bird was also summoned and people died and then we nuked the city. 

(https://alleyverse.fandom.com/wiki/Seven_Day_War :P

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Voidus said:

Well now my decision has been made, no amount of loving Elantris can make up for this statement.

Hey, Voidus! There's a pineapple a block a way that's shouting your name!


*hopes they can convince @The Hero of Masks to keep his dangerous opinions hidden before Voidus realizes there is no pineapple and returns*

Property damage is no fun. Besides, I kind of like the interior design of this place. It would be annoying to have to redo it.


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We’re continuing this a full month later? Okay :lol: 

TUBA’s interior designers are thanking you, Silva! (I’m taking that class this semester, actually.) 

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I think they're apples spiked with sewing pins (not the fun type with a colorful ball on the end. The boring, easier-to-lose type). 

Image of the spikes is in the spoiler box because the sight of Hemalurgic tools might be discomforting for some people and this is a TUBAist thread:


See! They're like little mini spikes!



That kind of thing would be right up Voidus' alley. (No pun intended.)


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6 hours ago, Silva said:

I think they're apples spiked with sewing pins (not the fun type with a colorful ball on the end. The boring, easier-to-lose type). 

Image of the spikes is in the spoiler box because the sight of Hemalurgic tools might be discomforting for some people and this is a TUBAist thread:

  Reveal hidden contents

See! They're like little mini spikes!



That kind of thing would be right up Voidus' alley. (No pun intended.)


They actually go really nice in an Apple Crumble.

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