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TUBA - The Underground Bakers' Association

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28 minutes ago, Soulbinder said:

Zephyr shrugged. “Not really. I’m not really a scholar, but I do appreciate knowledge and its preservation. Speaking of which, are you a scholar?

John shrugged. "You could say that, it depends on your definition really. I'm sorry to break away so suddenly but I believe he said something about knowing where coffee is? *Turns towards Ran*"


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9 hours ago, AonEne said:

“Yep, some of us are down there, some of us are heading there right now, and some of us are running around telling people the big news,” he said dryly, pressing a hand to his chest. “It’ll all calm down soon, I’m sure.” 

It'll all calm down soon. There is a cave growing the second most precious allomantic metal, probably because of a splinter of one of the most dangerous entity in the multiverse, in a world made with the intent to study hemalurgy, and people belived it would just calm down soon... The ability of some humans not to care about the danger of the situation would always baffle NullBlade. Although, to be fair, are they worse than the one who feared inexistent danger ? PerfectProphecy would be more happy in a world where she is ignored than one where she is feared. Would have been... Perfect... My Perfect...

Fighting against the tears and stopping burning aluminium for a second he said as low as possible "I love you, little princess"


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3 hours ago, The_Archivist said:

John shrugged. "You could say that, it depends on your definition really. I'm sorry to break away so suddenly but I believe he said something about knowing where coffee is? *Turns towards Ran*" 

“Yep, we have a bakery right next door. This is the official guild entrance,” Ran explained. “They’ll have coffee for sale.” 

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7 hours ago, The_Archivist said:

"No, no, all knowledge is important, even what motivates other people, it should be acknowledged and recorded... that doesn't creep you out does it?"

Zephyr shrugged. “Not really. I’m not really a scholar, but I do appreciate knowledge and its preservation. Speaking of which, are you a scholar?”

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4 hours ago, Soulbinder said:

Zephyr shrugged. “Not really. I’m not really a scholar, but I do appreciate knowledge and its preservation. Speaking of which, are you a scholar?”

John shrugged. "You could say that, it depends on your definition really.


5 hours ago, AonEne said:

“Yep, we have a bakery right next door. This is the official guild entrance,” Ran explained. “They’ll have coffee for sale.”

"Thanks!" He said, relieved. He nodded towards Zephyr and said "I'll be right back." He then went out the door to get some coffee.


Is there an actual thread or do I just need to pretend I went there?


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14 hours ago, The_Archivist said:

Is there an actual thread or do I just need to pretend I went there?


There isn’t a thread for it. (Unless I revived the fortune cookies thread, but we might as well just post here.) 


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1 minute ago, The_Archivist said:

John entered the bakery next door and immediately said "Coffee, now"


I can be the NPC if you want. 

The person behind the counter looked up with a raised eyebrow. “What type?” 

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6 minutes ago, The_Archivist said:

He paused, There are different types? "Just plain coffee"

They poured it out, then set it on the counter with a practiced smile. “That’ll be one chryst. You can pay with another currency if you prefer.” 

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16 minutes ago, The_Archivist said:

John had no idea what the exchange rate was, so he just flipped the man five clips. He snatched the coffee and guzzled it in three seconds. When he was done, he through the cup into the disposal bin, "foul stuff". "Is that enough?"

“Yep, that should be enough to pay. Have a nice day, sir.” 

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21 minutes ago, The_Archivist said:

"Thank you." John exited the bakery and re-entered TUBA HQ. "Sorry for all that, I get a little weird when I don't get coffee. Who are you people anyway?"

“We are The Underground Bakers’ Association, or TUBA,” Ran informed him. “One of the least murderous Great Guilds in Alleycity.” 

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3 minutes ago, The_Archivist said:

"Well, I definitely support non-murderous, though... underground bakers? Why is that necessary? Sounds a little silly to be honest."

“The name is a holdover from our beginning, when we were hiding from the Dark Alley under the name Light Alley,” Ran explained, mentally settling himself in for the story. “Our founder Storm wanted people to have another guild to join besides the DA. Very few other guilds existed then - not the Ghostbloods, not the Church of the Whiterose, not the Scholar’s Guild...he planned to take down the Dark Alley from the inside by spying on them, but TUBA was infiltrated and revealed, and our spies had to flee. Over time our purpose shifted - we had more members once we went public, and risking them all, well, with how powerful the DA is, it was decided that there were other ways we could help people. Or that’s how it’s all been told to me, anyway. I only joined about five years after the Seven Day War.” He tapped the side of his nose. “Besides that, we have tunnels under the city. So we still are underground, in a way.” 

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15 minutes ago, The_Archivist said:

"That makes sense, but why bakers?"

“That’s one of the pursuits the DA focuses on, but their baked goods are usually dangerous to consume. We strive to offer safe food for everyone.” He leaned in and whispered, “Besides, most TUBAists love baking.” 


Did you mean to quote that without saying anything, Soulbinder? 


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Just now, AonEne said:

“That’s one of the pursuits the DA focuses on, but their baked goods are usually dangerous to consume. We strive to offer safe food for everyone.” He leaned in and whispered, “Besides, most TUBAists love baking.” 


John smiled "That's nice, I like baking too, but I'm not too good at it so I generally stay away from that."

"Do you mind if I join? Opposing poisoned goods seems like a good cause."

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Just now, Soulbinder said:

(No, I just struggle with technology. I wrote something but accidentally deleted it.)


Oof, I’m sorry. 

“Sure. May I have your full name?” Three new members within twenty minutes. Wow. “Though most of the time it’s not poison, but Hemalurgic spikes. I’m sure they branch out, though.” 

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John froze. Hemalurgic spikes... he tried to banish the memories, but it was futile, all gifts are also curses to some degree, his more than others. "In that case you have my undying loyalty. I'm John Smith."  he said softly. He smiled, trying to distract himself, "Anyway, do you have rooms I can use? Only I haven't taken care of accomodations yet."

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5 minutes ago, The_Archivist said:

John froze. Hemalurgic spikes... he tried to banish the memories, but it was futile, all gifts are also curses to some degree, his more than others. "In that case you have my undying loyalty. I'm John Smith."  he said softly. He smiled, trying to distract himself, "Anyway, do you have rooms I can use? Only I haven't taken care of accomodations yet."

Ah, one of those, Ran thought. Due to the nature of that particular magic system, they often got members with more scars inside than out. There were several John Smiths in the database, but only one was a known criminal, and the appearance didn’t match. “You’re in! We do have rooms, actually, I was about to take these two to them. Do any of you have more questions for me?” 

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