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TUBA - The Underground Bakers' Association

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1 hour ago, Soulbinder said:

“Um... what do we do in the guild? Like, for work?” Zephyr asked.

“You can do a lot of things. What are your specialties?” 

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Just now, Soulbinder said:

“Baking, mainly. Some stunt work. Not much else.”

“Then you could work as a baker. There may be a time when someone with skill at acrobatics or stunts is needed, and you could be asked to help out; you might also be asked on missions where they don’t need any specific skills, just people. Don’t worry about it, though, you can always decline.” Ran smiled at her. “I’d like to say it’s unlikely that we’ll have another war, but the Alleyverse seems to attract danger sometimes, and in that case the whole guild is usually called on to help out somehow. There are other jobs besides fighting, though. And it’s pretty rare that we get into a situation like that.” 

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13 hours ago, AonEne said:

“Then you could work as a baker. There may be a time when someone with skill at acrobatics or stunts is needed, and you could be asked to help out; you might also be asked on missions where they don’t need any specific skills, just people. Don’t worry about it, though, you can always decline.” Ran smiled at her. “I’d like to say it’s unlikely that we’ll have another war, but the Alleyverse seems to attract danger sometimes, and in that case the whole guild is usually called on to help out somehow. There are other jobs besides fighting, though. And it’s pretty rare that we get into a situation like that.” 

“All right, then,” Zephyr grinned. “Point me to the nearest available kitchen!”

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39 minutes ago, The_Archivist said:

"Do you have something for a copper compounder to do?"

“Sure, there’s always something for someone to do.” 


At the moment, the only big plot is wrapping up, so there’s not really anywhere to send you, sorry. 


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10 minutes ago, Soulbinder said:

“Wonder if I could start a restaurant...” Zephyr muttered thoughtfully. 

“We do have a restaurant, if you want to work there,” Ran suggested. 

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11 minutes ago, Soulbinder said:

“Sounds great! I’d love to!”

“It’s called DIDGERIDOO.” He gave her directions to get there, then added directions to where she could live, if she wanted. 




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NullBlade watched silently as the others talked about what job they could do and while to was obvious what job he could do he figured he should give the specifics.

"As for me, you can probably see I'm a warrior, my power is an immunity to an important number of powers, essentially it's like I was made of aluminium, so if you ever have problem with someone with someone with mind control or future sight powers, don't hesitate to ask me"

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3 hours ago, mathiau said:

NullBlade watched silently as the others talked about what job they could do and while to was obvious what job he could do he figured he should give the specifics.

"As for me, you can probably see I'm a warrior, my power is an immunity to an important number of powers, essentially it's like I was made of aluminium, so if you ever have problem with someone with someone with mind control or future sight powers, don't hesitate to ask me"

“Thank you,” Ran said, smiling appreciatively at NullBlade. “Do you still want to see where you can stay?” 

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7 hours ago, AonEne said:

“Thank you,” Ran said, smiling appreciatively at NullBlade. “Do you still want to see where you can stay?” 

NullBlade frowned, what was he thanking him for?

"Your welcome, I guess. And yes, I would like to see where I can stay"

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Ran nodded and began to lead the way. 


We can RP more if you want, but otherwise you can just assume he knows where it is now. 


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I swear to never lie to this guild (unless they ask if I am upset).

I swear to never reveal information of this guild's that is deemed secret.

I swear to never spike any baked goods or bads with a substance that should not be there. 

I swear allegiance to TUBA, and TUBA alone.

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19 minutes ago, CahiraCelosial said:

I swear to never lie to this guild (unless they ask if I am upset).

I swear to never reveal information of this guild's that is deemed secret.

I swear to never spike any baked goods or bads with a substance that should not be there. 

I swear allegiance to TUBA, and TUBA alone.

I’ll PM you with a few questions! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

John walked towards TUBA as he usually did when in thought, eyes closed, relying on memory to find his way. Which was why he didn't notice when he turned left and smashed into the wall.

He cursed a couple of times, absolutely baffled. How did that happen? This was supposed to be an opening to an alley two streets away from HQ. When he looked around, he realised that he didn't know the area, this place was completely unfamiliar.

His eyes now open, he tentatively turned around a corner and walked for a while. How did this happen? Did his memory fail him? He flinched away from the thought. Not only was that impossible, but his whole life was centered around the reliability of his memory, if it failed... well, he didn't know what he would do, but it wouldn't be good. Did he somehow fall asleep while walking? Yes, he must be even more tired than he thought.

At some point, he realised he was back on familiar streets, and continued on to his original destination, with his eyes open this time.

Despite his intentions, his eyes were closed by the time he neared TUBA. Which was how he smacked his head again.

What in the name if Harmony's arms? The door was one meter to the right of where he was. He decided he must have started walking diagonally at some point, causing him to miss the door. Perhaps the blow to the head gave him a concussion. Now that he thought about it, he was feeling somewhat dizzy.

He walked through the door, correctly this time, and noticed a noticed a notice board. He wanted to hang a petition there, didn't he? He tore a page off one of his notebooks, writing on it and pinning it to the cork board. The petition read like so:


Petition For Reform In TUBA

Are you tired of not making a true difference? Do you feel like the world would benefit from action more than filling out forms? Do you think something needs to change? Than sign below to try and change TUBA, so we can change the city for the better.

Enter your name here:

It wasn't as elegant as he wanted it to be, but he was too tired for anything more. He quickly added his name to the bottom and went upstairs to his rooms. He fell on his bed, fully clothed, asleep before he even hit the bed.

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  • 1 month later...

I wish to join TUBA, and

   - Swear to never reveal information about our organization which is deemed secret.

   - Swear to never spike any baked item with any substance that should not be there

   - Swear allegiance to this Guild, and give all due loyalty to its goals and precepts

I'm not an active roleplayer (yet) but if that changes, one of my characters will be a TUBAist!!!!

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Considering that you're linking to a DA thread in your signature, I'm unsure if I should be trusting this. :P I'll send you the questions.

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19 hours ago, AonEne said:

Considering that you're linking to a DA thread in your signature, I'm unsure if I should be trusting this. :P I'll send you the questions.

If you're talking about the cookies, it was either promote the cookies or hemalurgy. 

Edit: Also, I have an RP character that is the one wanting to join, where can I tell you about him?

Edited by RadiantDramaQueen
RP character
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