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TUBA - The Underground Bakers' Association

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8 minutes ago, AonEne said:

“No need for thanks, we’re happy to help guild members,” he promised. “You might be surprised how many people take up our offers.” 

"I will have to take up that offer too. If possible I would like to have a quick summary of the important event of the last few years, last time I came in this town Voidus had been tied to the Worldspike for about fifteen years and it seems things have changed a lot since that time."

Notably a threat had appeared that had required the DA to fight alongside TUBA, the fact that such a threat could have existed was woring, to say the least.

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4 hours ago, mathiau said:

"I will have to take up that offer too. If possible I would like to have a quick summary of the important event of the last few years, last time I came in this town Voidus had been tied to the Worldspike for about fifteen years and it seems things have changed a lot since that time." 

“Of course, I’ll find some records for you,” Ran agreed. “If either of you have any other questions, I can answer them? Otherwise, I can lead you to your rooms.” 

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1 minute ago, AonEne said:

“Of course, I’ll find some records for you,” Ran agreed. “If either of you have any other questions, I can answer them? Otherwise, I can lead you to your rooms.” 

Zephyr smiled. “That’s very kind of you. So... I heard you guys were the best bakers around. Some claim the DA is, but anyone who’s had one doesn’t have a soul, so I’m inclined to doubt their opinion. Mind if I have a sample of TUBA’s handiwork? Chocolate chip, maybe?”

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13 minutes ago, Soulbinder said:

Zephyr smiled. “That’s very kind of you. So... I heard you guys were the best bakers around. Some claim the DA is, but anyone who’s had one doesn’t have a soul, so I’m inclined to doubt their opinion. Mind if I have a sample of TUBA’s handiwork? Chocolate chip, maybe?”

“You may indeed, with that flattery! We’ll stop by the kitchens on our way, get you both something fresh-baked. Even in the middle of all this, someone will be baking. I suspect that’s one of the few qualities we do share with the DA - dedication to baking.” He chuckled slightly. 

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1 hour ago, Soulbinder said:

Zephyr smiled. “That’s very kind of you. So... I heard you guys were the best bakers around. Some claim the DA is, but anyone who’s had one doesn’t have a soul, so I’m inclined to doubt their opinion. Mind if I have a sample of TUBA’s handiwork? Chocolate chip, maybe?”

52 minutes ago, AonEne said:

“You may indeed, with that flattery! We’ll stop by the kitchens on our way, get you both something fresh-baked. Even in the middle of all this, someone will be baking. I suspect that’s one of the few qualities we do share with the DA - dedication to baking.” He chuckled slightly. 

"In the middle of all this? is something happening?"

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so uhh... now that my character sheet got approved, i guess i better go through the motions of joining TUBA in world.

John bust in through the door, excitement comfortably burning in his stomach alongside his metal, afer all this time, he finally found the hub of the cosmere, the amount of knowledge he could gain from this place is unimaginable! but first...

"I have no idea who you guys are, and right now I don't really care, but tell me this, do you have coffee?"

@anyone in the hall

Edited by The_Archivist
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14 hours ago, The_Archivist said:

John bust in through the door, excitement comfortably burning in his stomach alongside his metal, afer all this time, he finally found the hub of the cosmere, the amount of knowledge he could gain from this place is unimaginable! but first...

"I have no idea who you guys are, and right now I don't really care, but tell me this, do you have coffee?"

@anyone in the hall

"Um..." Zephyr looked at Ran. "I... probably? Who are you again?"

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The idea of having characters be affected is for the "alternate reality" to remain coherent at first, but as things start to slip and cracks begin appearing characters will begin remembering more and more. If someone was completely unaffected, then it might ruin the central theme of the era. If anyone is really against it, I'm happy to talk about it and how we might make things work. Just shoot me a dm.


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“There’s an organization exploring some caverns recently found under the Alleycity, and they discovered atium,” Ran explained. “It’s a bit of a big deal even for here, so the guild is busier than normal.” The door burst open, and he jumped slightly; after the newcomer had had his say, Ran said coolly, “Yes, we do. If you’d like to buy some, I can direct you to our closest bakery.” 

@mathiau @The_Archivist @Soulbinder 

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39 minutes ago, Fatebreaker said:

The idea of having characters be affected is for the "alternate reality" to remain coherent at first, but as things start to slip and cracks begin appearing characters will begin remembering more and more. If someone was completely unaffected, then it might ruin the central theme of the era. If anyone is really against it, I'm happy to talk about it and how we might make things work. Just shoot me a dm.


Ok, then I'll just consider the Worldspike is too strong for him :)


17 minutes ago, AonEne said:

“There’s an organization exploring some caverns recently found under the Alleycity, and they discovered atium,” Ran explained. “It’s a bit of a big deal even for here, so the guild is busier than normal.” The door burst open, and he jumped slightly; after the newcomer had had his say, Ran said coolly, “Yes, we do. If you’d like to buy some, I can direct you to our closest bakery.” 

@mathiau @The_Archivist @Soulbinder 

NullBlade frowned at these worlds, atium? In caves?

"Do you have any idea how this atium got there? A band of suicidal smuggler? The lost treasure of an obscure DA scientist?"

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50 minutes ago, mathiau said:

"Do you have any idea how this atium got there? A band of suicidal smuggler? The lost treasure of an obscure DA scientist?" 

“I believe it was growing there. Likely some latent Splinter of Ruin or something - I don’t know, Investiture isn’t my specialty.” 

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52 minutes ago, AonEne said:

“I believe it was growing there. Likely some latent Splinter of Ruin or something - I don’t know, Investiture isn’t my specialty.” 

“Atium? How exciting!” Zephyr gushed. “So are some guild members studying it? Is that why most people are busy?”

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13 hours ago, Soulbinder said:

“Atium? How exciting!” Zephyr gushed. “So are some guild members studying it? Is that why most people are busy?”

“Yep, some of us are down there, some of us are heading there right now, and some of us are running around telling people the big news,” he said dryly, pressing a hand to his chest. “It’ll all calm down soon, I’m sure.” 

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17 hours ago, AonEne said:

 “Yes, we do. If you’d like to buy some, I can direct you to our closest bakery.” 

@mathiau @The_Archivist @Soulbinder 

John sighed in relief. If there wasn't any coffee, he didn't know what he would have done. "Thank you, that would be lovely"

19 hours ago, Soulbinder said:

"Um..." Zephyr looked at Ran. "I... probably? Who are you again?"

He blinked, riiiight, manners, he forgot about those sometimes. "I'm John". There, much better.

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3 hours ago, AonEne said:

“Yep, some of us are down there, some of us are heading there right now, and some of us are running around telling people the big news,” he said dryly, pressing a hand to his chest. “It’ll all calm down soon, I’m sure.” 

“You don’t sound terribly excited,” Zephyr noted. “Not your thing?”

1 hour ago, The_Archivist said:

John sighed in relief. If there wasn't any coffee, he didn't know what he would have done. "Thank you, that would be lovely"

He blinked, riiiight, manners, he forgot about those sometimes. "I'm John". There, much better.

Turning to John, she smiled. “I’m Zephyr. Are you new to Alleycity?”

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7 minutes ago, The_Archivist said:

"Yep, got here right now actually." He grinned. "I'm so excited to actually be here!"

“I’ve never been here either,” Zephyr admitted. “I’ve travelled to the source of culturally distinct food, but I’ve stayed away from the Alleycity because the food often takes aspects from so many different cultures it’s almost unrecognizable.” She blushed. “Of course, you probably don’t care about that.”

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3 hours ago, The_Archivist said:

"No, no, all knowledge is important, even what motivates other people, it should be acknowledged and recorded... that doesn't creep you out does it?"

Zephyr shrugged. “Not really. I’m not really a scholar, but I do appreciate knowledge and its preservation. Speaking of which, are you a scholar?”

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