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Long Game 19: Twinborn City


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Come on, Lopen, don't deny it. You're the very model of a heartless killing machine, especially when the victim is an eliminator!


I can't say I don't enjoy killing eliminators.  B)


I mean, you're not completely heartless. You're downright shocked that you would do such a thing!


True. I guess my silence at the end there could be seen as me being shocked at my own actions.

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According to the tags, there are hidden roles. Perhaps hidden roles that are extending this game.

Anyone here have an idea of what they can be? Can't be kandra, because their win condition is to survive.


We better not have QF14-style secret roles. <.< I would be very annoyed if that was the case.


Hidden roles...those are usually a pain. I'm not really sure why they told us there were hidden roles. Maybe that means that we killed all the Spiked and there's some kind of neutral hidden role out there. I really have no idea.


I can neither confirm nor deny that it is impossible for a confirmation or denial of such hidden roles to be confirmed or denied.

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Translation: Y/N ?

Input language: Troll GM

Output language: English

Input text:

I can neither confirm nor deny that it is impossible for a confirmation or denial of such hidden roles to be confirmed or denied.




Output: There are hidden roles.

Edited by Arraenae
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I can neither confirm nor deny that what I was going to neither confirm nor deny has been [REDACTED] by neither the confirmation nor the denial of its interest by neither the confirmed nor the denied GMs who are neither confirming nor denying that they might have something that was neither confirmed nor denied and would be neither confirmed nor denied in thread were it not for its neither confirmed nor denied interest.

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Laurelin watched as the mist came out. Little streaks of silver, shimmering through the air like ribbons... They connected in places, growing and growing, weaving together like a tapestry of magic. Eventually, she could no longer see the other side of the street.

The change had happened slowly, this time. Her hair silvered in streaks, just like the mist, and her eyes changed slightly. Telperion awoke, with the memories of Laurelin, but without the same worries. Sure, she’d seen a man die before her eyes (and so had someone else), but that was okay. She’d survive. She was in it for the adventure!

The mists shivered with life, and Telperion grinned. Momentous events were occurring, and she was in the middle of them! And tonight was going to be important. She just knew it.

She tiptoed out the window, and stood for a moment in the mist. Silver strands wrapped around her. She paused a moment more, absorbing the quiet of the night. Then she laughed, high and light, and scampered off into the shadows.

The Night is over! Late actions will not be accepted. Day will begin in 24 hours.


Edited by Elbereth
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In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet

For just a moment

A yellow sky...

Telperion prowled through the misty night, watching other shadows flit past, but never quite close enough to catch them. Things were happening around her, she could sense it. She darted after a particularly close shadow, but it disappeared again without a sound.

She growled in frustration. Something was happening. She knew it. But there were no screams, no fires, nothing to see but writhing shadows all around.

And there was another shadow, just ahead of her! She ran after it, and seemed to be catching up. Hooded and cloaked, she thought it was.

Then it vanished too. She stopped, panting, then shook her head. Too many secrets, too many dark corners to penetrate, and dawn was already coming. The sky was almost pale behind the mist.

With a sigh, she turned back toward the hotel. Nothing but more running in circles would come from following shadows.

Behind her, the shadows continued to weave and interweave without notice of her departure.

No one died!

You have 48 hours to decide who to lynch.

4 Items were found.

Player List

1. Haelbarde- Edrab Leah, a twitchy man who is constantly looking up... Spiked Nicrosil/Nicrosil

2. Master Elodin- Alexandra Rotec, a mysterious person about whom nothing is known...

3. TheSilverDragon- Star Thief, a small shiny robber who excels at muggings...

4. Wonko the Sane- Kwon, a very suspicious metallurgist...Loyal Nicrosil/Tin

5. Mailliw73- Millie the sheriff, who has been strangely off lately...Loyal Steel/Nicrosil

6. Clanky- Cylkan the lamplighter, who seems to have too many luxuries for his salary...

7. Mark IV- Myte the "aluminum gnat" who was last seen dodging a bullet- literally...

8. Arraenae- Kae and Verre, neither of whom is a Steel Inquisitor- or so they claim...

9. Kynedath- Sumath Caelum, an unknown reaching for the sky… Loyal Tin/Electrum

10. DeathClutch19- Eren Jaeger, a drunkard who claims to be sober...Spiked Gold/Gold

11. Amanuensis- Siaron the Scorned, the only person here who calls themself a bastard...

12. Burnt Spaghetti- Jala Ghetti, a secretive woman who only wears purple...

13. IrulelikeSTINK- a "skaa" with no name, who thinks he's opposing the Final Empire (little does he know that he really is)

14. TheMightyLopen- Silas, the only person here who isn't suspicious at all, which makes him even more so...

15. Araris Valerian- ArSel, who claims that he got his name from his parents yet can't remember theirs...

16. yafeshan- a cookie monster who claims to be inexperienced…Spiked Duralumin/Tin

17. Danosaur- a purple… non-dinosaur


Edited by Elbereth
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Nobody died. Can we take this to mean that the eliminators are all dead or inactive?

I hope you don't legit expect an answer to that question...not trying to be rude or anything, but there's absolutely no way the GMs are telling you.

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Possum illud nec confirmare nec negare.


Iam solum Latinā linguā dicam.

Well you can't talk if you're dead.

I say lets kill Danosaur, since he hasn't been on in a while. Also, I don't quite get the harmonium thing. Is it an item, or a secret role, or what? (or a joke?)

No. Check the tags and the Hidden Roles doc.
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