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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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13 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

My mom works as a nurse. Today, she told me someone's trying to file a false suit against her over an injection that happened over two years ago.  I am very glad I don't know their addresses or phone numbers right now. If I did, I'd totally ask for help in trolling them for fun and profit!.

Worked at a hospital for about a year and have great respect for them. I know they are run ragged their entire shift caring for others. They deserve every penny they make. I'm sure that the place where your mom works will be able to beat the lawsuit. These fraudulent claims happen more than one would think.

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Had a little meltdown today.

Having escaped physical, psychological and emotional abuse from my ex, I have realised he is still trying to manipulate me. I've been running myself ragged so my 3 year old son can see his dad before/after work, rearranging my schedule at work so I can supervise the visits between them and now that tomorrow he is off and I'm working, he will have to wait until after I finish work to see his son, I've been inundated with abusive messages about keeping him from seeing his son and running away from the "family" he tried to create. I've been trying to avoid going down the legal route, but now it just seems unavoidable. Hence the meltdown...

Honestly, the SE forum and audio books are the only thing keeping me centred. Rant over xx

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10 hours ago, Lemonelon said:

Had a little meltdown today.

Having escaped physical, psychological and emotional abuse from my ex, I have realised he is still trying to manipulate me. I've been running myself ragged so my 3 year old son can see his dad before/after work, rearranging my schedule at work so I can supervise the visits between them and now that tomorrow he is off and I'm working, he will have to wait until after I finish work to see his son, I've been inundated with abusive messages about keeping him from seeing his son and running away from the "family" he tried to create. I've been trying to avoid going down the legal route, but now it just seems unavoidable. Hence the meltdown...

Honestly, the SE forum and audio books are the only thing keeping me centred. Rant over xx

Aw jeez Lemon that sucks D: 

*hugs, your ex is storming horrible. I think the legal route may be the best one. If you do go down, it'll be another long and hard slog, speaking from experience with legal problems within my own family. We'll be here to help however you can :) 

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15 hours ago, Lemonelon said:

Had a little meltdown today.

Having escaped physical, psychological and emotional abuse from my ex, I have realised he is still trying to manipulate me. I've been running myself ragged so my 3 year old son can see his dad before/after work, rearranging my schedule at work so I can supervise the visits between them and now that tomorrow he is off and I'm working, he will have to wait until after I finish work to see his son, I've been inundated with abusive messages about keeping him from seeing his son and running away from the "family" he tried to create. I've been trying to avoid going down the legal route, but now it just seems unavoidable. Hence the meltdown...

Honestly, the SE forum and audio books are the only thing keeping me centred. Rant over xx

If you die, I'll make you die a great death :wub:

Hilarity aside, i hope every thing works out. 

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45 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:


It's hard to hold in the pain when your ex posts her senior pictures and she's so beautiful and it still hurts.

 It hurts because you care. While the sarcastic part of me wants to tell you to stop caring, don't. Keep caring. So few high school seniors care these days. Caring hurts, but it's better than apathy. With time, the pain will decrease. 

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1 hour ago, Shqueeves said:

 It hurts because you care. While the sarcastic part of me wants to tell you to stop caring, don't. Keep caring. So few high school seniors care these days. Caring hurts, but it's better than apathy. With time, the pain will decrease. 

Yeah. Things I care about, i care about. I don't do things half way, relationships in particular. *sigh*  

26 minutes ago, thegatorgirl00 said:

Sometimes it's better not to hold in the pain. Sometimes you really need to let yourself feel things before you can let them go. 

the problem is, i don't know how to let it go. I've already cried. I've already tried to forgive. But when I see something that reminds me, a stab of pain comes any way. 

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4 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Yeah. Things I care about, i care about. I don't do things half way, relationships in particular. *sigh*  

the problem is, i don't know how to let it go. I've already cried. I've already tried to forgive. But when I see something that reminds me, a stab of pain comes any way. 

It takes time, Steeldancer.  It takes time.  There is no get over it quick fix if you really cared.  It'll get better but it will take time.  brohugs.

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7 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Yeah. Things I care about, i care about. I don't do things half way, relationships in particular. *sigh*  

the problem is, i don't know how to let it go. I've already cried. I've already tried to forgive. But when I see something that reminds me, a stab of pain comes any way. 

*Hugs*. @Mulk is correct time will soothe the wounds eventually. If she had meant nothing then the pain would never be present to begin with. The more you love them the harder it is to let them go. Although I have not experienced the  exact same thing I can understand it somewhat. 

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my internship drama is everywhere right now might as well vent here too... it's been weeks of this and I am so tired. There's a perfect internship for me. I went to visit and the team is lovely. I'd learn a lot but it would be difficult. Exactly the stuff I want to get into doing, have on my CV, cool projects, all that stuff. If they still want me that is. 

Problem is: it's located 5 hrs from my home, my live in partner, and my everything. Partner doesn't want to move with me for just an internship (understandably). We don't want to sell the home we have because partner lives there + might need it later + we're not the only owners. I'm trying to figure out if I can manage to rent a room in internship-city while still maintaining the place in home-city ... it's unpaid internship and the company can't pay relocation for students. R.I.P my heart. I don't want to have to say no to this place but it would be so hard to make it work! My beloved partner thinks I should do it, and "follow my dreams", but it feels crazy! So I worry about all the catastrope scenarios. I worry I might not be good enough and they would hate me if I went down anyway somehow and I'd just have 7 months of lonely hell. Thinking about all this still stresses me out so much I cant eat properly. I just want to solve this problem already so I can get back to reading and working and eating properly again. It's tuening the good days to bad ones just by being on my mind all the time >_<

Edited by Penumbra
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@Penumbra can you afford to live there without any source of income? Half a year is not that long, your relationship wouldn't be at risk IMO. The main problem here is the financial side of this all. If you have financial support of your partner and/or parents, then I say go for it. If you'd have to take a loan just to go on an internship, then it's too much. You're gonna practically give this company couple thousand dollars by working for them for free, don't add debts to it.

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25 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

@Penumbra can you afford to live there without any source of income? Half a year is not that long, your relationship wouldn't be at risk IMO. The main problem here is the financial side of this all. If you have financial support of your partner and/or parents, then I say go for it. If you'd have to take a loan just to go on an internship, then it's too much. You're gonna practically give this company couple thousand dollars by working for them for free, don't add debts to it.

If we can find my partner someone to room with I could do it financially, but it would be a close call. I'm already running on a student loan, and if I can get relief from the rent up here I could pay for a room or something in the other place. My best friend (who really thinks I should do it) offered to move in in the room I leave behind but were not entirely sure it'd work out. I'm a little mad that the company wouldn't show me outright what projects I'd be on even though I went all the way down ... So much secrecy in this business.

I think the living part will sort itself out somehow if I go. I'm mostly worried about being without my friends or contacts for 7 months ... I'm not super social, exactly. The travel down and back costs $100 roughly, so going back over weekends might be difficult.

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11 hours ago, Caesura said:

My neighbours have been partying almost every night for the past 2 weeks. I'm impressed at how well their livers are holding up, but thoroughly sick of their loud, bassy music. I'm trying to study, and I was planning on an early night for once <_<

Usually you can call the cops on them after a certain time. And or knock on the door and ask politely? Leave passive aggressive notes taped to the door? Hire an alien army to kidnap them? 

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@Caesura @Delightful I would recommend talking to the neighbors first and only calling the cops if they continue the obnoxious behavior. Depending on the neighbors, calling the cops as a first resort rather than a last resort can create resentment, but the neighbors, if they're decent people, might be more receptive to your complaints and requests if you come to them first.

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Drunk students, in the middle of the student flatting area - it's unsurprising, just a bit annoying. They usually don't go toooooo late, but it was a Saturday night...

4 hours ago, Delightful said:

Hire an alien army to kidnap them? 

This is tempting, I'll keep it in mind :P

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