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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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1 hour ago, Tristan said:

Is it a wet or dry cough? Is he running a fever? Certain types of  pneumonia can make you vomit, and if his oxygen is low his lips will turn blue. If they've given him medicine he could also be having a reaction to it. Is his mucus thick and white or rust/brown?

(Going into nurse Tristan mode) 


It's a dry cough. And I don't know what color his mucus is, because nothing hardly ever comes up, but the cough sounds so painful. They gave him an antibiotic and sent him home finally, but there really doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him that they could find. 

Also, no, I don't know what antibiotic they gave him.

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2 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

@StrikerEZthat sounds horrible :( the cough sounds scarier than the vomiting IMO, but both are serious. Did the IVs made him feel better? I hope he manages to get some sleep and rest. 

Yeah, the antibiotic helped a lot, especially because he isn't white anymore (like, pale white). I figured he was starting to feel better because before I left, he had to stay just a little longer but my dad took me home, he was complaining about how weird having an IV feels. When they first put the medicine in him a few hours ago, he commented about how it felt so cold, and how it was spreading throughout his entire body. Before they gave him the medicine, he just sat there, squirming in pain. Usually when he's sick, he still bounces all over the place even though we tell him to rest, so that was scary that he didn't even want to get up.

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1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

It's a dry cough. And I don't know what color his mucus is, because nothing hardly ever comes up, but the cough sounds so painful. They gave him an antibiotic and sent him home finally, but there really doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him that they could find. 

Also, no, I don't know what antibiotic they gave him.

Ahhh maybe bronchitis or something. That can make you cough so hard you puke. Whatever it is, I hope he feels better. ~~~~~~~*positive vibes*~~~~~~~~

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Ah man.




Anyway, now for my suddenly developed bad day.

Family went out to watch Beauty and the Beast and left me behind. Sure, I have assignments to do. But I at least expect to be aware of the fact y'all are going out somewhere, and even nicer if you ask if I want to tag along :(

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Sometimes I kind of feel like people don't want me. Like I'm annoying, or the tag-along kid. I haven't really got any kind of social circle offline, and I'm starting to get really self-conscious and maybe a little lonely/bothered by it.

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3 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Sometimes I kind of feel like people don't want me. Like I'm annoying, or the tag-along kid. I haven't really got any kind of social circle offline, and I'm starting to get really self-conscious and maybe a little lonely/bothered by it.

This probably does't help, but it's probably in your head. You're awesome. Own that awesomeness. Appreciate it. Find others that appreciate it too. Fake some confidence till you actually get some. 

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8 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Sometimes I kind of feel like people don't want me. Like I'm annoying, or the tag-along kid. I haven't really got any kind of social circle offline, and I'm starting to get really self-conscious and maybe a little lonely/bothered by it.

I sometimes feel the same, despite the fact I do have a group I'm rather immersed in. 
I don't know what else to say but...remember you do have friends.

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5 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Sometimes I kind of feel like people don't want me. Like I'm annoying, or the tag-along kid. I haven't really got any kind of social circle offline, and I'm starting to get really self-conscious and maybe a little lonely/bothered by it.

Well, like delightful says, thinking this can really alter how one acts. You'll tend to be in the background, just hovering around, yeah I know this feeling very well heh. LIIIST MY FRIEND! start focusing on what makes you amazing and awesome :D 

4 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Fake some confidence till you actually get some. 

 Not sure 'bout this. I've been faking alot of crap my whole life, and well, it hasn't gotten me anywhere, it's just a cycle that slowly gets tighter around you, strangling you. 'course, could be different for others. What you need to do Quiver is start with yourself. LIST! Do some soul-searching, find somewhere to just stop. Stop thinking, stop worrying, just let it all go.

As @A Budgie has stated, remember, YOU HAVE FRIENDS, tell me, how comfortable are you here? Clearly a fair bit comfortable here, you seem to be happier with yourself while you're here. Try and make that happen irl, engage more with others, smile, laugh, joke, mess around with others. Stop listening to insults, absorb them, and use them as added momentum. Push yourself, try and better your flaws. I honestly cannot stand you beating yourself up this much.

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3 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Well, like delightful says, thinking this can really alter how one acts. You'll tend to be in the background, just hovering around, yeah I know this feeling very well heh. LIIIST MY FRIEND! start focusing on what makes you amazing and awesome :D 

 Not sure 'bout this. I've been faking alot of crap my whole life, and well, it hasn't gotten me anywhere, it's just a cycle that slowly gets tighter around you, strangling you. 'course, could be different for others. What you need to do Quiver is start with yourself. LIST! Do some soul-searching, find somewhere to just stop. Stop thinking, stop worrying, just let it all go.

As @A Budgie has stated, remember, YOU HAVE FRIENDS, tell me, how comfortable are you here? Clearly a fair bit comfortable here, you seem to be happier with yourself while you're here. Try and make that happen irl, engage more with others, smile, laugh, joke, mess around with others. Stop listening to insults, absorb them, and use them as added momentum. Push yourself, try and better your flaws. I honestly cannot stand you beating yourself up this much.

Well to clarify: I you act more confident and people don't actively push you away, that's proof that they don't dislike you. Keep being confident, keep being YOU, watch people not react badly, watch them react well, and that cold hard evidence that you are not a mess-up and that people don't hate you will create confidence because you won't be guess, you'll have interacted with them and you'll know that you're bearable at the very least.

Then, take note when people laugh at your jokes. When they make an effort to include you. When they ask for your opinion. When they make you smile and when you smile at them. Write it down if that helps. Compile your evidence that you are liked, and that will be your confidence.

Also, what Darkness said, "Love others like you love yourself" starts with loving yourself. What do you like about yourself? What are your favourite qualities? What do you love doing? What don't you like about yourself, and how can you change that? You need to be painfully honest, writing it all down will most likely help, but really you have to be comfortable with your own company before others can be very comfortable with you. Between you and yourself, you need to take down all the masks and be honest, then be selective in which masks you put back up in which situations.

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So what is one supposed to do when threatened to be kicked out of their home?

EDIT: Blah, pressed enter and it sent for some reason. I wanted to provide some context.

So last night dad rushes into my room and starts yelling at me (among other....things) at how I ruined my parent's lives, how I'm a failure of a son etc etc and how, because of a few events in my life, I don't deserve to live under their roof. And this is the sort of thing that I've put up with my entire life. So, It like, hurts, but It doesn't, I usually just feel myself drawing back into my depression in the morning. But this morning is different, I feel alot more broken than I have before, I've tried pretty darn hard lately and I thought, I thought I was slowly getting closer to my parents, I found myself forgiving them and forgetting about all the rust they've done. But like, today is different, I wouldn't say I'm suicidal or that any of my thoughts are leaning towards self-harm; because to be quite frank, I've been so scarred and beaten down by those around me, I don't see the point in adding to my own misery. But I'm just so tired and weary, I kind of hope my parents kick me out....just so I can sort of drift off and forget everything, perhaps just die.

And yes I know I said I wasn't suicidal, but I've transgressed all that depression crap I believe. Emotionless Robot State Achieved.

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14 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

So what is one supposed to do when threatened to be kicked out of their home?

EDIT: Blah, pressed enter and it sent for some reason. I wanted to provide some context.

So last night dad rushes into my room and starts yelling at me (among other....things) at how I ruined my parent's lives, how I'm a failure of a son etc etc and how, because of a few events in my life, I don't deserve to live under their roof. And this is the sort of thing that I've put up with my entire life. So, It like, hurts, but It doesn't, I usually just feel myself drawing back into my depression in the morning. But this morning is different, I feel alot more broken than I have before, I've tried pretty darn hard lately and I thought, I thought I was slowly getting closer to my parents, I found myself forgiving them and forgetting about all the rust they've done. But like, today is different, I wouldn't say I'm suicidal or that any of my thoughts are leaning towards self-harm; because to be quite frank, I've been so scarred and beaten down by those around me, I don't see the point in adding to my own misery. But I'm just so tired and weary, I kind of hope my parents kick me out....just so I can sort of drift off and forget everything, perhaps just die.

And yes I know I said I wasn't suicidal, but I've transgressed all that depression crap I believe. Emotionless Robot State Achieved.

That sounds awful. :( *hugs DA.

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30 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Blerhg. I've been staring at your message for the past 9 minutes, failing to type up an adequate response.

Apathy is storming great :D 

Apathy is severely unhealthy. Does your school have a counsellor you can talk to? A teacher you would trust? They're obligated by law to report abuse. Do you have other family you could stay with? Would foster care be an option? I'm PMing you more Aussie-specific instructions.

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3 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Apathy is severely unhealthy. Does your school have a counsellor you can talk to? A teacher you would trust? They're obligated by law to report abuse. Do you have other family you could stay with? Would foster care be an option? I'm PMing you more Aussie-specific instructions.

I honestly don't want to complicate matters. I just want to hunker down and weather the storm.

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5 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

I honestly don't want to complicate matters. I just want to hunker down and weather the storm.

But it sounds like the storm might strip you away. You need to build shelter in order to weather it properly. So don't tell teachers, but read my PM.  

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10 minutes ago, Delightful said:

But it sounds like the storm might strip you away. You need to build shelter in order to weather it properly. So don't tell teachers, but read my PM.  

I'm hibernating :P 

I sincerely appreciate what you're trying to do. It's a helluvalot more than what anyone else has done for me, and I love you for it. But I honestly just post my woes and sorrows here just to vent a little. I don't intend on taking any action, I absolutely hate confrontation.

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7 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

I'm hibernating :P 

I sincerely appreciate what you're trying to do. It's a helluvalot more than what anyone else has done for me, and I love you for it. But I honestly just post my woes and sorrows here just to vent a little. I don't intend on taking any action, I absolutely hate confrontation.

Ok. I'm just worried that inaction and blankness will lead to self harm / suicide and I desperately want you to stay far away from that road. 

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2 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Ok. I'm just worried that inaction and blankness will lead to self harm / suicide and I desperately want you to stay far away from that road. 

As I said, maybe once upon a time (last tuesday) I was a risk, but eh, I've realised there's no point to it. Why fight for this long only to give up eh?

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6 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Ay. Just keep swimming swimming swimming.

Life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints
And it takes and it takes and it takes and it takes
But we keep living anyway
And we laugh and we cry
And we break 
and we make our mistakes.

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35 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints
And it takes and it takes and it takes and it takes
But we keep living anyway
And we laugh and we cry
And we break 
and we make our mistakes.

That's....literally perfect for you right now. 

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Do you ever just feel like life is going far too fast for you to process? Or rather, like it has been all your life but you're just now realizing what life is?

Like, you are... not exactly nostalgic for being a kid, but it's almost like you want to hang on for dear life to what you used to know, even though it's impossible because everything is just moving so fast.

Everyone else seems to have a grip on who they are and what they want to be and what's going on in their life, and even though I know that they don't it only makes me more... concerned? I don't know. 


Life's just a lot right now for me, if you couldn't tell.

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I assume a lot of people on here are fairly young(ish)? @bleeder I can tell you from my own experience that when I feel like my life is racing by and I can't keep up because as soon as I adjust, it changes again... well, it's because I need to learn to accept that change and growth are always happening. It's heartbreaking at first, because sometimes I have to let go of things that are familiar and comfortable, but adapting to change and strengthening resilience actually makes me feel in control of my life, ironically. I didn't realize that until about 22/23 years old, but for the past few years it's helped so much. 

And it's absolutely true that nobody has a grip on their lives, but if you're always ready for change then you can sail the winds rather than be blown over by them. Eh, I hope that helps a teensy bit...? And *hugs* if it doesn't.

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