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Random Stuff III

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I'm making a mistcloak for Halloween! It's so easy. Just get a sewing pattern for a normal cloak, but then only do the yolk and the hood. Instead of the real body, sew on a bunch a bunch of gray and black ribbons! Ta-da!!


I loved that talk!! I also loved the one that said "sometimes little boys just dig holes" and the one that said "'you want me to keep my seatbelt on because you love me!'" And then, of course, I was biased towards Elder Bednar's because he came to our stake this June for stake conference. He said a lot of the same things he said before, actually.


I loved those talks too. What fabric are you using? I considered just following the pattern and cutting it up into strips, and then add a second layer underneath if needed.

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Sorry for the double post, but it's been awhile and I'm on a different topic.

There is a street in SoS called Tindwyl Promenade. SPOOK NAMED A STREET AFTER HER. 0.0

I just love Brandon's world building touches like this. ^_^

Please spoiler tag. I'd much rather discover this stuff for myself as I read.
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So, I bought a new phone and I'm in need of new sounds/alerts/signals for incoming calls and messages :) Any ideas? I was thinking about the Tardis sound for incoming call, but I don't know if it's not too geeky :P

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So, I bought a new phone and I'm in need of new sounds/alerts/signals for incoming calls and messages :) Any ideas? I was thinking about the Tardis sound for incoming call, but I don't know if it's not too geeky :P


Yes. Just yes.  :)

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On the subject of pancakes, gather 'round kids and let ol' uncle Warden tell y'all a story. When I was but knee-high to a grasshopper, my younger brother adored pancakes. I mean, if he could've legally married pancakes he would have. And so, like the kind hearted family we are, we obligingly ate pancakes quite a bit. Every Sunday evening after church, in fact. Every. Sunday. <_<  And now I can't stand them! Hooray! Although I do still enjoy waffles.  :ph34r:


I'm also gonna be completely honest. I've never once read Pride and Prejudice, nor have I seen the movie. I haven't even read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. 


But you know what I have read?!?! The first 100 pages of Shadows of Self!!  :lol:  :D It's really good you should all go buy it and read it! Kay bai! 

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Dear diary,

It's been less than a day since Shadows of Self appeared at my doorstep, and already I'm feeling the strain. I placed it gently, reverently even, into its space on the bookshelf, but it seems to be not enough for the sacred tome. I hear it whispering to me...calling me. I can only hope that I remain strong in the days to come.



In other news:  I'm going to crack 100k words tonight, I can feel it.  After that, it won't be long.  So close to done.

Edited by Kaymyth
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I haven't seen any pride and prejudice movies, but the A&E miniseries with Colin Firth is among the best shows I've ever seen. One of these days, I probably actually need to get down to reading the book, but that's highly unlikely given my available time.

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On the subject of pancakes, gather 'round kids and let ol' uncle Warden tell y'all a story. When I was but knee-high to a grasshopper, my younger brother adored pancakes. I mean, if he could've legally married pancakes he would have. And so, like the kind hearted family we are, we obligingly ate pancakes quite a bit. Every Sunday evening after church, in fact. Every. Sunday. <_<  And now I can't stand them! Hooray! Although I do still enjoy waffles.  :ph34r:


Eating it every sunday is still no excuse. I, too, have eaten pancakes every Sunday since before I can remember. And you know what? They're still delicious.  :P


Try them with peanut butter and maple syrup to spice things up!

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Like crepes?

A bit thicker, at least in germany. Then again just this monday we had some with a mostly chili con carne based sauce.


Bah, I get accused of being a ninja at work, why not here, too?  :D


I like my plan.  It's reasonable, and gives me time to adjust things as needed while still getting it out in a decent timeframe.  Fortunately, my story starts about a decade before Alloy of Law, so I don't have to worry about events getting mucked up, but I do want to try and get as many mechanics and world details right as I can.  Canon-but-not-canon.  ish.

I know that canon-but-not-canon-ish feeling. Kind of a matter of pride I suposse. :ph34r:


Dear diary,

It's been less than a day since Shadows of Self appeared at my doorstep, and already I'm feeling the strain. I placed it gently, reverently even, into its space on the bookshelf, but it seems to be not enough for the sacred tome. I hear it whispering to me...calling me. I can only hope that I remain strong in the days to come.



In other news:  I'm going to crack 100k words tonight, I can feel it.  After that, it won't be long.  So close to done.

Fun fact but the first couple of pages are actually just different ways to say "Read us Kaymyth"... that wasn't what I expected from the book but I'll take it. :P

Edited by Edgedancer
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I like Pride and Prejudice. It's good. I was in a play of it two years ago. . . . One of the servants. But I was essentially the narrator! :)

But you had better like the five hour long one better than the new one. So much better.

I'm assuming you mean the one with Colin Firth? It's cool that you got to be in that play; the only plays I've done have been Disney. Well, and Wizard of Oz. Was it fun to be acting in it?

My uncle, according to my cousin, treats the scene where Elizabeth rejects Mr. Darcy like a boxing match.

"Well, if perhaps you had been more of a gentleman-"


Edit: My newfound linguistics obsession won't leave me alone. I'm thinking about language and dialects as much as I eat pretzels. And I eat a lot of pretzels.

Edited by Mistrunner
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I'm assuming you mean the one with Colin Firth? It's cool that you got to be in that play; the only plays I've done have been Disney. Well, and Wizard of Oz. Was it fun to be acting in it?

I really don't know the names of any actors or directors, but I bet that's the one. It was fun acting in it. What was even better was watching all the guys take turns to do Mrs Bennet during practice. :P Edited by The Honor Spren
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Meh, I'm not a huge fan of waffles anymore. Ido still like pancakes, but it's just...maybe it's my mom's recipe. She insists on using whole wheat flour for everything that doesn't have chocolate (and even then, if it's just chocolate chips, she'll do it) and I'm just DONE with whole wheat.

We use whole wheat even if it does have chocolate.

I like it. :mellow:

Does anyone else eat cottage cheese? Just plain cottage cheese? Because I think it's delicious.

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Whenever I'm baking, I always put oats in. Pretzels and bread most importantly.


Also, they never play Try to Believe at dances....I request it every time....It'd be better than the Electric Slide.....

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My mother still has a video of me when I'm 3 and cottage cheese

She's trying to feed it to me and I'm crying while screaming "I don't like cottage cheese!"

I forgot she had that until I read cottage cheese I thought I forgot about that piece of blackmail she had

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