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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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Which Hemalurgic bindpoints don't result in the Hemalurgist experiencing constant pain? Is it the "non-lethal" ones, or is there another trick to it?


(From memory the Inquisitors feel constant pain from their spikes, were as Vin seems to have no such experience with hers)


Additionally, will there ever be a Hemalurgy diagram, explaining what you can stick where? If not, can you give us some more Hemalurgic bind points, and what you stick there? Maybe some for Feruchemy?


Lastly, what sorts of powers can you bind to the earlobes. We know about Allomantic bronze, and suspect Allomantic pewter... are there others?

Edited by Kadrok
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Or the "Phone Company" that I think Shardlet was referring to from Defending Elysium. (I almost wrote Defending Adonalsium :) )


Oooooh haven't read that yet.


It's been established that Shardblades are bonded directly to your spiritweb, yes? Is there any consequence of using something that's an extension of your own soul to brutally destroy the soul of another?

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It's been suggested that Adonalsium broke like a puzzle, like there are sixteen pieces that fit back together in a certain way. Is this true?


As an example, Ruin and Preservation seem to have been joined fairly well (Sazed even mentions as he takes them up that they feel like they belong together). Is it always that easy? Can any two Shard be joined that way, or like puzzle pieces do you have to find Shards that belong together? If one person tried to pick up both Endowment and Devotion and they happened to be two Shards that weren't originally adjacent, could you no more merge them than you could two mismatched jigsaw pieces?


Or was Adonalsium like a jug of water, and the Shards like sixteen puddles? Can you take a cup and put literally any two puddles into it, regardless of whether those two "measures" of water had once been adjacent?

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Is the spiritual damage done by a hemalurgic spike (to the donor) similar to the damage done by a shardblade?




Is the spiritual damage done by a hemalurgic spike a 'clean' cut?


(eg: does it make a mess of the soul left behind, or leave a 'clean' edge)




Is a hole left in the persons spirit web or does it close up as the spike is removed?

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Spikes are Invested:


Yes, Wax's earring is Invested. (Or, in other terms, it's a Hemalurgic spike.)

Scadrial has low levels of Investiture: (doesn't really answer the question, though)


3.) The amount of investiture is relatively low on Scadrial, whereas worlds like Sel and Roshar are pushing around "high power" according to Brandon. I interpreted this to mean that hemalurgic spikes and metalminds have low amounts of investiture compared to Shardplate and Shardblades.

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The various times that Vin drew on the Mists, could she have burned bendalloy? Could she have burned atium? Basically, was it required that she know a metal exist before she was able to burn it? And can the mists replicate the power of the body of Ruin?


What would have happened if she drew in the Mists and then burned aluminum? ^^;;;

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Could she have burned atium?


What would have happened if she drew in the Mists and then burned aluminum? ^^;;;

Atium? No, it has been confirmed (annotations) that she couldn't provide Elend with Atium (or at least would not make the sacrifices necessary to do so) when he was fighting Marsh, so I assume this would be the case for Vin drawing upon the Mists while fighting tLR as well.


And although the Aluminum question proposes some hilariousness, I don't think it would have done anything, as she wasn't technically burning any metals.

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Atium? No, it has been confirmed (annotations) that she couldn't provide Elend with Atium (or at least would not make the sacrifices necessary to do so) when he was fighting Marsh,


So... I just finished my re-read of that book, including annotations, and I don't remember that part. So I just now went back to his annotations, and I read all the ones for the chapter before, the chapter of the fight, all the way through the epilogue and series wrap-up, and I don't see anything expressly saying "Preservation's power cannot fuel atium".


That said, I still believe it to be the case; logically it makes sense. I just wanted to throw out there that we don't technically know for sure (though the point is moot by now, since clearly the only person who could "fuel" allomancy now is Harmony, who logically should be able to fuel atium, so the point is as academic as can be.)


And yes, I added the aluminum thing for the lulz. The mental image just amuses me. Burn aluminum. All mists everywhere... GONE. Preservation loses, Ruin wins, end of story. Well done, Vin.

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