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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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On 10/10/2016 at 1:14 AM, Sunbird said:

When you see one of your friends on GoodReads post this quote and you think, "Huh. That doesn't sound like something Kazan Smedry would say..." because your mind jumped to Alcatraz the minute you saw the name Kaz.

Kaz Quote Crooked Kingdom NOT Alcatraz.png

I read the quote before I read your comment and thought the exact same thing! :D Dare I say "great minds think alike"?

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@Sunbird the meme on his jacket still had the beer in it, but he had multiple Mexican* Fantas and Cokes and Sprites with him. And yes, he drank them. Sad to say, not very many people got his joke. 

*(Mexican because they come in glass bottles, but they also have cane sugar instead of corn syrup so try them if you ever get a chance. They're great, but I don't know if they're actually Mexican. That's just what the stores say.)

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When in the middle of calculus class you get talking to your friends about the current US political situation and how it's similar to the Hallandren system of the most corrupt Returned lasting the longest... and your friends haven't even read Warbreaker. But then your calculus teacher comes over and guess what he's read!

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1 hour ago, Elenion said:

When in the middle of calculus class you get talking to your friends about the current US political situation and how it's similar to the Hallandren system of the most corrupt Returned lasting the longest... and your friends haven't even read Warbreaker. But then your calculus teacher comes over and guess what he's read!

Wait wait, you wouldn't happen to have the same calc teacher as @Glamdring804, would you?

When this happens more than once in the same semester:

On 9/12/2016 at 9:07 PM, Sunbird said:

When you quote the ideal "Journey before destination" in a class at BYU and are disappointed that apparently nobody gets the reference.


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12 hours ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

I drew the Ghostblood symbol on my arm today. I think my teacher thought it was a gang sign or something. 

It is something like a gang sign, btw.

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5 hours ago, Secrets said:

A gang sign for a mysterious group that has connections to multiple worlds of course:P

I've read that sentence and for some reason immediately started imagining Mraize in full "Thug Life" paraphenalia. So this is your fault ;)


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