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Glamdring804 last won the day on October 16 2016

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  1. You all are as bad as Brandon when it comes to "accidentally" producing extra content.
  2. Ooh, it's even set on Innistrad, my favorite Magic world. This might be worth picking up. Hats off to all those who correctly guessed it was a MtG project.
  3. Wasn't it mentioned in the early chapters that the structures contain human writing, etc? Plus, the starfighters, which they probably designed based on schematics in Igneous, have the same control layout as M-bot, an old starfighter that had been crashed for centuries.
  4. Which, since Brandon's habits of accidentally producing extra content seem to be rubbing off on you, means we can expect about 5 and a half episodes on stuff from the tour.
  5. I noticed on my last reread of WoK that the Devotary of Scincerity has the motto "there is always something more to discover." To me, that struck me as awfully similar to "there is always another secret," with some wording shifts due to translation. Similar enough that I don't think it's a coincidence. I got the chance to ask Brandon about it, and I predictably got a RAFO.
  6. The way I would do it is say that the magitech manipulates the properties of space-time in the region the object occupies, and fiddles with the fundamental constants, causing the force of gravity to go away. You're mostly correct in your interpretation of forces and potential energy. The best way I've had it described to me, is that energy is an object's capacity to do damage. There are a lot of different ways something can do damage. An object can have the capacity to deal damage based on its position, like a boulder at the top of a cliff, or two magnets with their north poles held close together. We call this "potential energy" because the object doesn't directly manifest its energy, but it has the potential to do so, given the proper nudge. Things can also directly have energy, most commonly because of their movement. i.e. a bullet has the capacity to do damage via moving really fast, and a hot poker has the capacity to do damage because its individual atoms are moving really fast. The light-into-kinetic energy thing is actually really easy. We already see a similar effect in the real world. Photons have momentum, which means they can push on objects and impart their energy into them, a process that usually involves the absorption and/or re-emission of the photon. Solar sails are a proposed interplanetary propulsion method. This could also very much be used to levitate objects. Your proposed method doesn't immediately break anything in the way your other idea did. In fact, by sourcing the magic from a place that's outside our universe, you have leave to do pretty much anything you want with it. If it's outside our universe, then it's not constrained by our conventional laws of physics. So yeah, that totally works. Glad I could help.
  7. Okay, so let me take a crack at this. First off, I need to explain a fairly common physics misconception that you seem to have fallen into. Energy is not "stuff." There is no tangible quantity called energy that can be taken and isolated on its own. Rather, energy is a quality of matter. It's an intrinsic property that all objects have in some form or another, like color or mass. Things can have energy, but without that matter, the energy just isn't there. You can store energy by arranging matter into specific configurations, like chemicals in a battery, or raising the counterweight of a trebuchet. In order to keep something levitated, you couldn't just suck the kinetic energy out of an object and convert it into light. Energy doesn't work that way. To hold the object up, you need to somehow push against it. However, if your magic system works by pushing energy around and such, there is another way you could cause something to levitate via energy alone. The concept is similar to how the surge of Gravitation works in Stormlight Archive: You would use energy to manipulate the curvature of spacetime. Objects, in general, tend to go from places of high potential energy to low potential energy. Something in far Earth orbit has way more potential energy via it's position, than something on Earth's surface. So, the Earth's gravity tends to pull it towards the planet. With advanced enough technology, you might be able to manipulate the fundamental constants of the universe, so that you create a barrier of extremely high potential between the object and the Earth, essentially making it so gravity no longer points down on the object. Doing so, however, would require you to somehow manipulate the constants that dictate the gravitational force for whatever is powering the levitation. And a civilization that's advanced enough to do that would basically be God. Does this make any sense to you? This is some pretty difficult concepts here, including some stuff that's way above my current level. Energy is one of the most misunderstood physics concepts. It's difficult to learn eve with an entire semester of physics classes.
  8. Hey, me too! I love those games, and I always wish they had done more with the franchise. @Silverblade5 is also a fan. I don't suppose you're someone I knew on the old Infinity Blade forums?
  9. Well, the basic concept is that one face always receives sunlight, and the other never does. Regarding specific numbers, I actually don't know exactly how large the habitable band would be. It would depend on a lot of things, like how much water the planet has, how thick the atmosphere is, where the mountains are, etc. For an earth-sized planet, it would probably contain at least a continent's worth of land, since the band goes all the way around the circumference of the planet.
  10. I'm saying it would be far easier for an infrared seeing civilization to evolve around a red dwarf without external intervention. The other direction would be difficult without some sort of head start. Well for starters, any plant life would likely be very dark in coloration. It also might be red in hue, as it would have adapted to the redder sunlight. Also, the habitable zone around red dwarfs is small enough that any planet in the habitable zone would likely be tidal locked (kinda like Taldain). So it wouldn't have days and nights. Instead, one side would be a scorching desert, the other would be a frozen wasteland, and in the twilight region in between would be a strip of habitable land. Such a planet also wouldn't have a moon, unless there was external intervention, as is the case with Taldain. Other than that, I'm not really sure how life would evolve. Other traits would depend on other factors, like how large the planet is, etc.
  11. Ah, hello, fellow physicist! Glad you could make it!
  12. So if a species evolved in the starlight of a particular star, then their visible spectrum will naturally be centered on the most intense wavelengths produced by that star. Those wavelengths would be the most useful on their planet, since they would be the brightest, and contain the most visual information. Our sun emits light mostly in the visible spectrum, obviously. The brightest colors are yellow and green. The color of a star's light is a function of its temperature, which is in turn a function of its size. Smaller, dimmer stars have a strong reddish hue, and bigger, brighter stars have a strong blue hue. So if you want aliens to see in infrared light, then they probably come from a planet orbiting a red dwarf. If you want aliens that see in ultraviolet, they probably come from a planet orbiting a blue or blue-white supergiant. There is, however, an issue with the second scenario. A star's lifetime is inversely proportional to its size. Meaning, the larger the star is, the higher the internal pressure, and the exponentially faster it burns through its fuel source. Extremely large stars have lifespans of only a few million years (as opposed to our sun's lifespan of roughly 10 billion years). This isn't nearly enough time for life to evolve from scratch on the star's planets. Any life that arises there would have to have been seeded from somewhere else shortly after the planet was formed, in order to evolve eyesight before the star's death.
  13. I very much suspect it was RAFOed because we will see someone take a spanreed into Shadesmar in a future book. I remember a similar thing occurring with what a Highstorm looks like in Shadesmar. The personalization questions were actually my sorta throwaway questions. I expected the Nahel Bond one to get RAFOed. I have some better questions which should be up on Arcanum soon.
  14. Alright, WoBs from my signed book. For the first one (Elantris), the question was "Could you Soul Forge a Nahel Bond?" The last word is "circumstances." The second question was "What does the Ire's Investiture drink taste like? @hoiditthroughthegrapevine: I managed to ask the first question on your list. It got me a RAFO card.
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