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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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when you watch X-men and you wonder why magneto doesn't go flying back stopping a truck.

then you think that he would be much cooler if he threw himself around pushing off of metal instead of just hovering like he does in the last stand.

When you wonder if Magneto's helmet is aluminum.

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When you wonder what Shard is on Earth, and spend hours on Google Maps looking for our Shardpool.


When you research Chinese mythology and come across a medieval novel called Investiture of the Gods. When you immediately devote all your resources towards procuring a copy of said book.

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...When you and your mate get tattoos of the symbols for the God-Metals for Ruin and Preservation to represent the Harmony you become by being together.




This is the most heart warming thing I've ever seen. Beautifully done. 


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When you see the word 'Inquisitor', and get disappointed and surprised when it's not Mistborn related.

When you walk into a bookshop just to see if they're selling Brandon's books. You're illogically angry when they don't, and when they do, yay, but the  UK covers are weird anyway.

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This. Totally this. I should be inching into the top 50 list very soon. (With this post I am one away. Anyone want to help feed my obsession? ;) )


Welcome to the Top 50. But beware. The T50 is a place of intricate schemes and unfathomable politics. Many do not survive their first month. ;)

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I´m ashamed. I was so busy with reading the books, discussing them and forging theorys that I didn´t even knew we have a top 50, that is as corrupt as the Alethi court and the Rose empire together.

It is what we call the Spikeocracy. No one makes it far on 17S without being spiked into the organization.

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It is what we call the Spikeocracy. No one makes it far on 17S without being spiked into the organization.


And with every person we surpass, we get another Spike. The people in the top ten are so heavily Spiked that they must send holograms to interact with the public in their place for fear of detection.

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